Let's make this a "compliment sandwich" and note a couple of nice things and then somethings that aren't so pleasant . . .
Jay Hodges is really easy to talk to, he's an all around nice guy and it makes sense that as an amateur beer brewer . . . He seems like somebody you'd like to get a beer with . . .
I have no idea why one of his campaign photos features him smiling next to what looks like a glory hole.
Mr. Hodges has a upbeat "can-do" attitude about the election cycle ahead and his latest newsletter does quite a bit of creative accounting . . .
30 points in an election that nobody cares about is going to be tough . . . Kansas City political denizens might want to read this campaign letter and see if they think it'll be possible for him to make up the difference . . . Essentially it's a brag about losing badly because you didn't try . . . I've made this argument before but it only works with fat women before they decide to lose weight on move on to better options.
You decide . . .
Primary Victory (Not making that up, that's the title)
Friend --
We did exactly what we said we would do!
Last night we won over 30% of the vote while spending no money to raise my name ID. Our strategy since day 1 has been to conserve our money until it truly mattered (when people are actually paying attention).
This race is about one thing, voter contact. The vast majority of the people that supported me did so without knowing me. What that tells me is that people are tired of “politics as usual.” They see the same old name circulating back around again to the City Council and do not want that. They want fresh ideas from new people. They want a City Council that finds solutions to problems instead of kicking cans down the road for someone else to solve in the future. As we start to make moves to raise my name ID, that 30% is going to quickly grow because I think people like the direction KC is headed.
What this really means is that this race is wide open and still in play!
I know that seems odd to some of you but let’s look at the facts:
1. Our opponent spent 10 times more money than we did and could not garner any more support.
2. In Platte County and Clay County we won over 40% of the vote without campaigning!
This race is very winnable because it will all boil down to one thing, voter contact. We have not yet started our canvassing program, but we will very soon. We have not yet started our phone banking program, but we will very soon. We have not yet started our mail program, but we will very soon. What we did in the primary was create a foundation from which to work from now, it is time to build on that foundation.
I am going to continue to need your support and encouragement. If there are places I should be, please let me know. If you would like to walk and introduce me to your neighbors, please let me know. If you are inclined to donate to our campaign to help us start our mail program earlier, please let me know.
I remain energized and excited because now our campaign can really take off.
I look forward to seeing with you soon.
Thank you again for everything.
P.S. look for some really fun ways for the entire family to get involved coming very soon!!!
Jay Hodges for City Council
Sounds a lot like the Slie Streetcar "we won even though we lost" argument.
ReplyDeleteI thought we were moving beyond this shit and getting back to the issues starting today.
ReplyDeleteGo read a sports blog dickhead.
TKC is political more than anything else. It says political opinion right on the top of the blog you dumbass.
My opinion is that 8:20 sucks balls.
Jay may believe his own clippings but I can tell you from personal experience and from years and years of digging through election results at all levels of government that they spot you 30% for showing up in a two horse race. Jay would better serve his constituency by play nice with Ms. Loar and asking for her support in his seeking a committee assignment or two.
ReplyDeleteYou sure have an eye for picking losers, Tony.
ReplyDeleteStill waiting for Tony to explain why, after all his pimping and free publicity, Clay Chastain couldn't even outpoll General Lee.
ReplyDeleteIt's a credibility detector. I'm not surprised you didn't know what it was.
ReplyDeleteWrong district....2nd not 1st
ReplyDeleteLooks like Tony change it.