It's a common misconception and stereotype to call Catholics "statue worshipers" and this morning we celebrate an amazing and beautiful clip that probably feed into that misconception.
Check it:
The story of Our Lady of Fátima centers around doomsday just like all organized religion. And while some await the stunning conclusion of the afterlife. Here's a bit of insight into this world via the local news . . .
Local Gunshot Victim Surviving Faithfully: Driver hit by I-70 gunfire credits prayer for keeping her safe
More Sacrilege In Kansas City: KCMO church, community buildings vandalized
Possibly The End Of An Abomination In Kansas: ‘Groundbreaking’: Kansas may become first state to ban dismemberment abortions
Stay tuned this morning as we attempt to keep the faith and continue blogging . . .
Religious freedoms of Christians are being taken away at an alarming pace except in Kansas.
ReplyDelete+1 3:17am
ReplyDeleteNotice they almost dropped Fatty
ReplyDeleteNot a very exciting way to kick off a weekend of binge drinking fun. Is it five o'clock yet?
ReplyDeletewith the corruption brought to the catholic church and its favoritism towards the mexican people in KC I no longer go to the church and absolutely never, ever support it. I think if its services are supporting the influx of criminals entering the city illegally and working illegally they need to wrap their arms around some of that illegal money and leave mine alone
ReplyDelete"So you too must befriend the alien, for you were once aliens yourselves in the land of Egypt." (Dt. 10:19).
Let's start there, at the genesis of this passage. You see, Jesus and His parents left His birthplace and hometown for a better life when Jesus was a baby to escape persecution. No, I'm not talking about the carpenter named Jesus who is part of your contractor's crew who might or might not be documented. This is a different Jesus, although He was also a carpenter and an immigrant in a new land. Except this Jesus didn't leave El Salvador or Mexico for the United States, He left Bethlehem and Nazareth for Egypt. And the bad guy He and His family were escaping wasn't a Latin American dictator - he was a Roman named Herod. Yes, it's a bit confusing. So, to avoid confusion, let's call the Jesus that requires a capital H when I refer to Him as Jesus of Nazareth.
It is precisely what Jesus of Nazareth and his family went through which inspired the disciples to write in Scripture mandating believers to have indefatigable compassion for those who seek new hope in a new land. This teaching is underscored by none other than Jesus of Nazareth Himself, who pointedly teaches His followers to welcome and treat a stranger as they would Jesus Himself, "for I was hungry and you gave me food, I was thirsty and you gave me something to drink, I was a stranger and you welcomed me ..."
I am against illegal immigration, and believe we should secure our borders, but I understand the Church's stance. I am also a Catholic.
Your going to insert God into a clear separation of church and State? Liberals never cease to amaze me.
ReplyDeleteIts my hope at the end of the day... they bring some obscure cold, flu, sickness, drug across the border that effects you and your family and because they are doing your job at a lower rate .... you get to try and use obama care to get a doctor, sheesh, what a schmuck
actually 1146, this story is about the Church. 953 brought up illegal immigration and that is why they don't support the church. If you read my comment at 1056 you will see I don't support illegal immigration, but I understand the CHURCH's stance on it.
ReplyDeleteAnon 3:17
ReplyDeleteThat simply isn't true. In fact, the opposite is occurring. You are shoving your religion down our throats. Religious freedom also means freedom from state sponsored religion, & freedom from evangelicals.
The real problem with religion is that it isn't true. That's why they're called 'religious beliefs'.
The church needs more members, the Mexicans are the least objectionable option.
ReplyDeleteByron, Freedom from Evangelicals? I must have missed where you have that freedom.
ReplyDeleteByron, I would think you would like something shoved down your throat. They pass legislation in Indiana to protect people from lawsuits for practicing their religion and the LGBT Mafia and libtards like you call it hate legislation. The haters are the LGBT people and libtards.