Jack Cashill is Kansas City's preeminent Conservative author. He recently finished a book calling President Obama a liar which was a nice followup to his opus examining the racial dynamics of the Trayvon Martin vs. George Zimmerman drama.

Mr. Cashill was a strong proponent of the idea that the President's national origin needed further examination and we all know about that plane crash he has been following for years.

Now . . .

Mr. Cashill offers is endorsement to a council contender in the Northland . . .

Jack Cashill social media blast: "Heatherhall.org vote on April 7 or donate today. KC city council."

Incumbent Council dude Dick Davis has earned more endorsements than anybody thought he would and this race looks a lot harder than most of the contenders thought it would be.

However, Ms. Hall's advantage might be that the deep reaches of the Northland out in the 1st District have experienced a Conservative Renaissance as of late amid Missouri Red State politics and she's clearly not afraid to show her affiliations in a non-partisan race.

You decide if this media player endorsement by one of Kansas City's best selling political authors is helpful . . .


  1. She needs to get out of her Liberty bubble. She's running for the Kansas City Council, not Liberty City Council.

  2. So true , she should win north of 152 and that's it.

  3. Jack-off Cashall, the Byron Funkyasshouser of the Northland.

  4. I'd vote for her.

    If KCMO can be saved it will take someone from the Northland to do it.

    1. All four candidates are from the Northland.

  5. I'm still trying to figure out why she's running and her stance on the issue.....other than her husband is a cop.

  6. I'd fuck her in her ass. Then cum all over her face and tits.

    And I'd have a big Peter North/Nick Manning Load for her too.

  7. Does Jack Cashill think that POS Troy Schulte is doing a good job? You know how he recently cost the city $750,000 for a wrongful termination suit against a 60 year old black woman he let go because he didn't like her

  8. So we know who the Birther community is voting for. All 6 of them.

  9. Well 8:47 if we had the TKC Questionnaire you might know where they stand on the issues, instead we get TKC's month long debate on how the campaign is going to be nice, except it isnt. lolz

    Waiting for it to be signed, sealed, and delivered to the candidates.


  10. What a joke, if all a man has in this world are his balls and his word then obviously TKC lost both this election season.

  11. What a joke, if all a man has in this world are his balls and his word then obviously TKC lost both this election season.

  12. From TKC's fingers to the interwebs.

    TKC said....


    Your blog community spoke. They answered your call. And you have left us out to dry.

    Chuck, Superdave, Byron, Polar Bear, Dr. Ernest Evans, this we can all agree on, for the sake of the city candidates MUST be on record.

    Demand TKC produce the questionnaire as promised.

  13. "I'd fuck her in her ass. Then cum all over her face and tits."

    And here lies your TKC blog community.

    Losers showing off in front of other losers.

    Keep on rolling though while the rest of the world has meaning.

  14. Byron has no reason at all to be on that list he don't even fucking live close to here.

  15. No matter what side of any issue you are on. For or Against (streetcars, airports, water audits, TIF) wouldn't you like to know where the candidates stand on those issues?!?!?!?!?!?!?!

    If I were for the streetcar i wouldn't want to vote for someone who was against it. The same goes if I was against the streetcar. Or TIF, or Water Audits.

    Knowledge is power, without stances on issues, I may as well throw darts at a dart board. Or vote for the prettiest of the ugly bunch.


  16. Byron is the last person who needs to weigh in on Kansas City issues. That stupid fuck is as crooked as the current city council while being even more racist and wasting taxpayers dollars than they do.

  17. I wonder if she knows or cares that Cashill is not your typical "conservative", he's a Nazi apologist.

  18. 2:43, you are wrong, and probably a liar to boot. He could not be a Nazi apologist, i.a., because he is not a Socialist. Cashill has written a number of anti-Obama books, none of which, I suspect, could you begin to refute on your best day. Now cite the work you contend makes him a Nazi apologist.

  19. Where do you want to start asshole

  20. His support of Nazi Apologist David Irving @ the Country Club Plaza Hampton Inn. How does Heather Hall respond to his supports rubbing shoulder's with out of town Nazi's

  21. Bob FTW. Good one Bob.

  22. I thought Cashill made his money selling bowling trophy's

  23. The Right Way Northland3/22/15, 5:32 PM

    I support jack, I support heather. Enough said.

  24. Big dick school of patriotism

  25. Dear Ashley Judd:

    I guess this is a fan letter, though it is not written in praise of your work in movies like Insurgent, Divergent or Tooth Fairy. Rather, it’s in response to the headlines you made last week when you called out Internet trolls who defamed you as a “bitch,” a “whore,” and a “c---” and threatened you with rape after you tweeted an opinion about an SEC basketball tournament.

    Specifically, you accused the University of Arkansas Razorbacks of playing dirty against your University of Kentucky Wildcats and suggested they kiss your team’s backside.

    Not particularly polite, no, but not out of bounds, either. Male fans shout and tweet much worse about pretty much every sporting contest down to and including church league bowling. Indeed, male sports fans are the reason foam bricks were invented. Yet we are allowed to scream for the home team without being called vile names, much less threatened. So I was glad to see you use your Twitter account and media access to highlight this misogyny — and your intention to press charges.

    I have to tell you, Ms. Judd, this hits close to home. Three times in the last year or so, I’ve had the difficult experience of learning that female colleagues had been threatened with rape because of something they wrote. I had not realized such things happened.

    I mean, you get used to being called names when you write opinions for a living. It’s a rare day when I have not had my parentage, intelligence or cleanliness coarsely questioned a dozen times before lunch by some preliterate gasbag on the political right. But there is, it seems to me, a qualitative difference between that, unpleasant as it is, and the experience of being a woman on the receiving end of gender-specific insults and promises of sexual violence.

    Women, in the aggregate, are smaller and physically weaker than men. I’ve always suspected that that comes with a sense of perpetual vulnerability, of constantly sniffing the air for potential danger, that men, being men, find difficult to appreciate. The threat of violence is harder for women to shrug off simply because, even on a good day, they feel so much more exposed to it.

    As a human being — and specifically, as a man — I am appalled by what some sexually insecure troglodytes of my gender said to you over a basketball game. But this kind of thing is apparently not uncommon. Besides you and my colleagues, we’ve seen actresses Lena Dunham and Jennifer Love Hewitt and several women makers and critics of video games report being subjected to this sort of emotional terrorism. Former baseball star Curt Schilling recently got one man fired and another suspended from his job when they attacked his 17-year-old daughter online.

    I’d love to see you do what he did, but take it a step further. Not simply identify the punks who made the threats, but hold a press conference on the sidewalk in front of their homes or in the lobby of their workplaces. Let them face microphones and cameras and explain themselves — to the world, and to the women in their lives. Give them an accountability moment.

    Such a moment could be valuable for a generation in which technology has advanced simultaneously our ability to say and do despicable things and our ability to avoid taking responsibility for them. That’s a godawful combination. We have inadvertently built a world full of dark hidey-holes of anonymity to shelter the droppings of our primitive lizard brains — and eroded simple decency and basic humanity in the process. It is a trend that needs to end.

    So I write to thank you for the stand you’ve taken and to let you know there are those of us who value women and girls and think they deserve a safe place to be amazing. Please know that I’ve got your back.

    That’s something else I say as a human being — but specifically, as a man.

    Read more here: http://www.miamiherald.com/opinion/opn-columns-blogs/leonard-pitts-jr/article15514418.html#storylink=cpy

  26. Cashill drops in at a local bookstore from time to time. I even saw him with Woody Cozad there.

    What a couple of arrogant pricks.

  27. I was at the meeting where Mr. Irving spoke. It is on YouTube, and was interrupted by Commie Protesters

    Cashill WAS NOT THERE, and the video clearly shows.

  28. Were you sitting at the left or right hand of Jack Cashill

  29. All these crusty old white racist look alike

  30. Fuck Bob, Woody, Jack Cashill and anyone else who ever sucked a cops dick

  31. FUCK YOU kenyan nigger boy3/23/15, 6:42 PM

    WRONG!!!!! Obama is a fucking lying nigger!


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