Just about everybody is going to be stuffing their face and watching the Super Bowl tonight. I think pre-game started around 8PM last night.
Accordingly . . .
Here are just a few important topics to consider while witnessing grown men grapple with one another in bright colors.
The American Culture War Never Quits And Divisive Politics Permeates The Super Bowl

The pre-game for the big-game turned into a somewhat racist media circus thanks to reactions over the media tactics of Marshawn Lynch. This year, from "hands up" protest, more lady sportscasters and domestic abuse drama . . . Football has become yet another American pastime that politics has destroyed.
Medical Lawsuits Over Concussions Will Inevitably Destroy American Football

Concussion courtroom drama is headed toward a legal doomsday for the NFL and the impact will reverberate down to high schools and neighborhood pick-up games.
High Ticket Prices Reveal The Game Is Really Just A Good Time For The Privileged Upper Class

The average price of a sold ticket for this year's game was $4,600 and $4,131, respectively. The big game is no longer for the masses but simply another affair for the upper-middle class to display their supremacy. While the locals are choking down horrible food, the top levels of society are enjoying the big game good life that has become harder for most broke-ass plebs to achieve.
Football Bad For Urban Core Po'Folk

NFL teams demand one tax break after the next and here in Missouri, the Rams are holding STL hostage for a new stadium. These teams have no mercy on the urban core and contribute very little to the economy in return other than exaggerated reports of "economic impact" that rarely trickle down to neighborhoods.
Looking Back The Big Game Has Become Another FAILED American Commercial Festival

All of the adds are already on the Internets, students don't understand the roman numeral numbers because they no longer teach that kind of useless garbage in school . . . And generally this glitz fest portrays an image that doesn't have anything in common with the everyday life of the average American.
And so . . . Because there's a snowstorm, there might be a few more people watching this year but once again we're seeing more people disenfranchised amid a mainstream even that doesn't really hold any meaning for a poorer, more diverse and disconnected American populace who would rather search for their own interests online.
Developing . . .
So, I'm guessing you didn't get invited to a super bowl party this year.
personally, I watch competitive knitting.
ReplyDeleteNothing like jerky stuttery $70 per month time warner internet or the free jerky stuttery Google fiber package.
ReplyDeleteWatching Homeland Security USA YouTube video's. More exciting.
ReplyDeleteThe Chaos of Diversity
ReplyDeleteDiversity was invented by Real Estate Hustlers needing to unload or rent properties.
ReplyDeleteYou do realize that most of America isn't the urban core
ReplyDeleteThe Big Game
ReplyDeleteSounds like the daily song and dance routine James and crew play with us citizens.
Business - Hatfields, McCoys make moonshine legally in southern W.Va.
ReplyDeleteEnd Times
Ah, all but two are NOT in the Super Bowl.
ReplyDeleteSurprisingly, Tony finds reason to be miserable.
Snow coming, ass whipe.
Yes chuck is over sucking every drop of Glazers man gravy on Super Bowl stories past and present and anything else related to football. You know if Glazer was a nigger and still have the same criminal record, chuckles would have nothing to do with him. Two old fucking idiots who deserve each other.
ReplyDeleteIs Boni Tones watching the Superbowl?
ReplyDeleteSo, are you rubes gonna be walking around the office talking about your favorite commercials?
ReplyDeleteOf course you are, because you are SELF-LOATHING hayseed dingus rubes.
Nope talking beard wax, kale, and artisan turnips.
ReplyDeleteInterest in bowling (+85% since October) is growing faster than Facebook (-4%) and Youtube (-2%), and there is a lot more interest in smoking marijuana than tobacco (58 vs. 19 on average).
ReplyDeleteBe careful though when 'googling' Mail Order Brides - Ukraine...
ReplyDeleteNot all look like Jordan Carver or Lucy Pinder
So, this Perry broad gonna show those tits or what?
ReplyDeleteWhy else would she possibly be there?
We draw strength from your bitter tears. do keep weeping.
ReplyDeleteTony Botello, lamenting the "decline of Western civilization."
Irony anyone?
With a side dish of hypocrisy?
How can Glazer bet on the Super Bowl who is he going to tease with? Oh wait I think there is a Little League Ball Game some where he can tease with.
ReplyDeleteGood Point 8:11 and nice part is after tonight football is over and Glazer can SHUT THE FUCK UP.
ReplyDeleteAt least we have jobs 625. This ring bells.....^^^^^^^^^^^^?
Wasn't Glendale Az where Gayzer and Woodchuck was busted for all that pot? Probably explains why Glazer isn't at the big game, he has to stay out of Az.
ReplyDeleteYou know what, I read this whole post and I only watched 5 minutes of the super bowl. Shit was silly.
ReplyDeleteWould you Kansas City people please tell that Glazer fuck to stop talking about me. My woman even says he is a creepy nasty looking man.
ReplyDeleteOh and Glazer my woman is a 10 get it! And that shit you date is not a 10 or a fucking nine. You creepy fuck my woman says, only a nasty ass woman would Tgo out with you.
ReplyDeleteThe big news is that St. Louis does not plan to pay for a new football stadium. They plan for the State of Mo (us) to pay for it.
ReplyDeleteTony's giant Super Bowl party included a slightly stained Hustler, some Dollar Tree mineral oil, a used tampoon and greasy Mexican hand moving in a short up and down movement for long periods of time. Then repeating until the mineral oil is gone and/or the hand cramps.
ReplyDeleteWaiting for your reply @ Tony Botello.
ReplyDeleteSome stupid reference to cock.
I had to choose between the Superbowl or countless youtube surveillance videos of blacks robbing convenience stores. Chose the Superbowl because that only happens once a year