Get another look at the plan to move the last remaining minority enclave out of Kansas City's Westside Downtown neighborhood.

They're calling it: "Crossroads Westside"

Developer description . . .

"Crossroads West is located within the historic Westside neighborhood of Kansas City and adjacent to vibrant Southwest Boulevard. Within walking distance to the galleries, restaurants and entertainment of the Crossroads Arts District and a short jog to beautiful Liberty Memorial and Penn Valley Parks, this community will offer luxury urban living in the heart of the city."

As with all downtown designs and drawings . . . Notice the little computer generated figures are only white.

UPDATE AND FACT CONFIRMATION FROM THE KC BIZ JOURNAL THIS MORNING: "Blacks and Hispanics in the Kansas City market were turned down for conventional mortgages at roughly three times the rate as for whites . . ."

Accordingly . . .


Thankfully, this would all be much scarier if rampant real estate speculation and a  depressed deflationary economy didn't bring the whole thing tumbling down time after time.

Developing . . .


  1. TKC, gentrification is as old as the roman empire and it's the preferred method to deal with poor people black or white or brown. Realize that.

  2. Notice all the Generic Homogenized "boxes" being sold as "apartments".

    Looks like the vision, or lack of it is to turn Downtown into a modern version of strip malls.

  3. And any fool who moves in those places deserves to be robbed. You know if they build it the white man probably won't come but the thieves and thugs will.

  4. Think what those things will look like in 20 years. Gentrification? More like future slumification.

  5. Cloaca Maxima2/9/15, 9:03 AM

    From the Cabrini-Green school of architecture I see.

    The race to the bottom continues.

  6. Many blacks today are poor, violent, imprisoned, drugged, and just outright foolish.
    Compare the average Dixie servant on a plantation to the modern negro.
    The black slaves back then had interesting southern accents.
    They worked hard and were quite healthy.
    They were tall, strong, and extremely polite.
    They were friendly.
    They were humble.
    They were cared for.
    They were fed.
    And they were given so much of an education, that our ancestors would even let them act as home-school teachers for their children often times.

    Look at the average American negro today.
    He dresses messy.
    He treats women like dirt.
    He kills for drugs.
    He is unbelievably violent.
    He is not very smart.
    He sucks off the government 1 day, then screams F the police the next day.
    He supports Obama but loves his guns.
    He is smelly.
    And he acts like a monkey.

    The ONLY stories we are taught about Slavery are the few incidents when a mentally-plagued slave-owner would abuse his slave. We are not taught anything else in school, and our children will not be taught anything else about slavery in their school.

    1. You are an idiot sir. Plan and simple you better hope reincarnation does not await you in the after life. With idiots like you in postions of authority think hiring manger, boss, loan officer etc there's no wonder the Blacks can't pull them selves up by the boot straps. Then once denied boot straps due to racist beliefs you people come back and blame the victims with this pro slavery bullshit. I know you idiots hate the fact that one got away and was able to rise to led the United States, your attempts to defeat him have failed and at every turn Obama had made clowns out of the "non racist"-racist opposition. HaHaha small men indeed.

  7. But they deserve mortgages because they are black. Their financial situation should not be considered. That's racist.

    1. Just like the homestead handouts to whites or the blind mortgages that wrecked the economy last time. Yea im sooo sure Blacks where the reason Nevada and Arizona and Utah were foreclosed on. Blindly giving white trash ditech loans and wanna be richies in overland park is what crashed to economy. And I don't want to hear shit about bailing out main street when Sprint lays off and moves to CA and half of OP defaults on interest only mortgages. Aka the real golden ghetto.

  8. How many of City Hall's subsidised apartment projects have been east of Troost?

  9. Giving blacks a place to live is stupid, all they do is tear them up and then blame it all on someone else.

  10. It's not gentrification when no one lives there. Besides, Westside was a white neighborhood before it was a pocho "Mexican" slum. So it's more like reclamation.

  11. Blacks actually like it when other Black people are turned down for things. If they're not the ones interfering - they're the ones supporting denial of access. Just ask any Freedom, Inc. member.

  12. it's not gentrification when it's replacing an empty parking lot and an unused building

    if you want to see gentrification without subsidies, I present you the 1731 * 1815 Jefferson, 1501 Belleview.

    Is one type really better or worse?

  13. Whatever happened to East Village?

  14. 10:41 has a really good point. Handouts are handouts.

  15. RE: "As with all downtown designs and drawings . . . Notice the little computer generated figures are only white."

    An amusing quip which initially brings a chuckle, but upon further reflection, drives home the point of unconscious racial bias.

    Heaven help the poor man (of any race) because money drives this world.

  16. This will become the hipster mecca. Feminen men, metrosexuals, skinny jeans, non perscription glasses, etc.

  17. What about the armed robberies in Midtown!!!

  18. psst..Federal subsidized housing - such as the Sec. 202 program -- "Housing for the Elderly and Handicapped" --

    has always been scammed by blacks --

    they get their drug jones declared a "disability" -- and move right in.

  19. Great site and great truth ,it seems everyone is waking up to these low live scum the subhuman jews / freemasons ,even the Jewsuits are jewish ,they were liars from the beginnings just like their fathers liars ,the synagogue of satan ,Hitler knew why he had to get rid of them and its a real shame he didn’t kill them all ,the holohoax as we all now know it is nothing but jewish pig bullshit ,the freemasons worship ur-anus and are behind the rape and murder of millions of kids they are scum ,and I would like to see the world take off where Hitler left , and destroy their buildings sell their assets and jail or kill them all they are worthless human scum and as soon as the whole world wakes up as their pitiful Talmud says they will kill us openly and rightly so hey freemason pig your going down you lowlife subhuman jew scum liar

  20. Kick them all out I say. Whites only!

    Not that it is feasible
    to "kick" each out, but let's examine the cause and effect of kicking out each.

    Mexicans: We'd see a reduction in social service expenditures. School over crowding decreases as does the jail population and with it so does other venues of the justice system. Street violence also goes down, as done vandalism and the costs associated with preventing such.

    As with the post antebellum period, devoid of Mexican "slaves" innovation, particularly farm innovation, would jump ahead to meet the demand.

    Negores: Here we'd see the biggest reduction in tax expenditures. When coupled with the departure of mexians, crime levels would drop to pre-WW2 levels, as would all the costs associated with policing, prosecuting, and incarcerating these crime prone creatures.

    No longer attempting to educating those with lower IQs in pretending they are smart as others, education levels would rise to pre-civil rights levels. Social entitlement expenditures would likewise drop to pre-ww2 levels, resulting in a reduction in national debt and increased funding for scientific projections such as space exploration.

    Whites would fill the tech jobs current occupied by H1B visa Indian Wage slaves. Deprived of these limited thinking, and American Business would once again lead the way in innovation. When coupled with the reduction in the both Negroes and Mexicans, we would see a technology boom similar to those post WW2 years (when we had less numbers of all three).

    But, you forgot one set of non-whites, the one responsible for demanding the social entitlement network that is bankrupting our nation; the one who dismantled immigration berries to non-whites; the one who demands privileged treatment for non-whites; the one who champions the cause of homosexuality, of liberalism, of feminism. The one who sparked the indulgent sexual revolution. The one who controls media, business, and the medical industries.

    With the expulsion of Mexicans, blacks, Indians, Pakistanis, so too must the Jews go, more so than the others.

    Mexicans bring crime, violence, and disease. They swamp our schools, abuse our social entitlement system. They contribute less than they consume.

    Like the Mexicans, the indulgent toddler that is the negro also brings crime & violence; swamp our schools; abuse our social entitlement system, in numbers far greater than their meager 13%.

    Indians dump down and stagnate the tech industry.

    And, thanks to jewish influences, Pakis received small business assistance at greater rates than native born Americans.

  21. All you jewish haters remind me of isis. You trash bags of crap. Next thing you know they will be declaring their bayah to the caliph

  22. Blacks should pay reparations to America --for all the trillions they've scammed in welfare and other freebies, along with the once-great cities they've destroyed.

  23. What's worse, gentrification or Pruitt-Igoe?

  24. Gentrification brings out the trolls

  25. This place will resemble JG Ballard's "High Rise" six months after occupants move in.

  26. Could it be that people wanting the loans don't have any money?


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