This morning our blog community is FIRST to get the definitive look at how the upcoming Kansas City election is coming together.
From one of Kansas City's oldest and most prestigious political organizations, this list is kind of a big deal.
Fundraising has been tight for all of the candidates this year and local political hopefuls are desperately looking for some way to distinguish themselves - This CA nomination is a step in the right direction to prove campaign viability.
Moreover, credibility from the CA has always been a big part of making a name in the local political world for quite some time. Like it or not, this group has defined the Kansas City political scene for generations and looks like it will continue to set the civic agenda for this cycle.
TKC comments will follow each candidate in italics and BOLD print.
Here's the word:
Nominations for endorsement
"The CA board of directors will be nominating the following candidates for endorsement to the CA Board of Governors. The date for the board of Governors meeting has not been set yet. These are not the actual endorsed candidates. The CA slate of endorsed candidates will not be final until the Board of Governors votes."
1st District At-Large: Incumbent Councilman Scott Wagner
TKC: No surprise here but he helped his cause by taking the group seriously and bringing a solid pitch regarding his last 4 years in office to the group. Look for Councilman Wagner to make a strong play for Mayor in four years based on this year's solid campaign performance.
1st District In-District: Dick Davis
TKC: BIG SURPRISE in making the cut for this embattled Northland politico facing a crowded field and strident opposition backed by education advocates and public safety proponents.
2nd District At-Large: Teresa Loar
TKC: UPSET NORTHLAND WIN for veteran political lady Teresa Loar who spoke plainly about her experience, offered a clear picture of what she wants to try and accomplish if she's elected and referenced her wealth of experience in Kansas City politics.
2nd District In-District: Dan Fowler
TKC: This Northland nice guy is earning one victory after the next and continues to garner favor with a solid understanding of the process at City Hall and comprehensive knowledge of what his district needs.
3rd District At-Large: Quinton Lucas
TKC: He's the leader in fundraising, education, campaign organization and political connections. There is no question that Mr. Lucas is by far the most elite contender for Kansas City political office in this election cycle and he has turned just about every presentation into a teaching moment. In fairness, some high ranking 3rd District denizens are beginning to wonder if Quinton Lucas can accurately represent the embattled part of Kansas City passionately given his polished and academic style. Meanwhile, Mr. Lucas seems to be holding his own against his critics and contenders with a string of wins in all of the important contests i.e. money and influence.
3rd District In-District: Jamekia Kendrix
TKC: Jamekia Kendrix talks like a prep school coed while espousing the ideology of a committed neighborhood activist for education and equality. Last night we learned that the 3rd District doesn't have a lot of love for the incumbent and this CA endorsement took that testimony to heart.
4th Distrct At-Large: Incumbent Councilman Jim Glover
TKC: Nobody in KC should doubt the name recognition of one of this town's most skillful behind the scenes operators and worst local campaigners.
4th District In-District: Missouri State Sen. Jolie Justus
TKC: A close decision after a sloppy presentation might have more to do with this lady's resume and campaign cash in the bank rather than community support.
5th District At-Large: Jackson County Legislator Theresa Garza Ruiz
TKC: Residency questions didn't impact this show of support for a politico that seems to be up against a harder election contest than most had anticipated.
5th District In-District: Jackson County Legislator Ken Bacchus
TKC: Longtime public service commitment and a vast pool of knowledge seemed to push Mr. Bacchus to this endorsement nomination.
6th District At-Large: Incumbent Councilman Scott Taylor
TKC: Unopposed and joined to Kansas City's favorite political cheerleader. Council dude Scott can't lose.
6th District In-District: Missouri House Rep. Kevin McManus
TKC: After fiery opposition to the war chest of this politico and complaints about his ethics . . . The charm of this MO House Rep. Kevin McManus still managed to win over the CA and grasped the nomination.
Mayor: Incumbent Mayor Sly James
TKC: Behind the scenes Mayor Sly doesn't have a lot of regard for this group but Mayor Sly earned their nomination anyhoo . . . Very much like a runaway locomotive, The CA didn't dare throw Mayor James off track.
For a look at all of the CA screening according to our blog community.
Check some of our previous coverage:
The evening when Henry Klein came out swinging
Mayor Sly promises a UPCOMING GENERAL OBLIGATION PROPERTY TAX INCREASE VOTE upon his reelection while getting just a bit testy when confronted with pointed questions
The evening that Kathryn Shields rolled through . . .
More CA Quotes and insights from candidates
TKC write-up from the last night of CA Screenings
Developing . . .
Not a bad idea my friend, you got out there and did a bit of reporting.
ReplyDeleteMore like this please.
Most of these were very predictable. How the "Citizens" association support Sly James and any other incumbent is beyond me. Most of these folks won't get my vote.
ReplyDeleteThe CA has a broom and wants to clean house with new ideas but endorses Teresa Loar Ken Bacchus Jolie Justus Kevin McManus Dick Davis Jim Glover who all have no real accomplishments but being in elected office? Status quo association should be their name. That board is the epitome of the 1% making sure that they keep their cronies in office.
ReplyDeleteThe 90s are calling. They want their cooked and incompetent council back
where's that jovial, fat bald Fierro guy??
ReplyDeleteHis pic is always good for a morning chuckle.
Hope he runs for mayor.
Yes crooks get a bit testy when you hit them with the facts of their dealings. Sly seems to get that way a lot it appears and ever notice how Glazer gets the same way?
ReplyDeleteKansas City where being a criminal pays.
Ken Bacchus would be just what the doctor ordered. After all, anyone who would invest more than a million of our tax dollars in two houses worth maybe $25K apiece would certainly see the wisdom of expanding the streetcar throughout the city.
ReplyDeleteWhat's they're opinion on Declaring An Emergency when moving money that is supposed to be spent on city essentials or money we don't have into trolley's or soccer parks?
ReplyDelete8:30. Moving money, shelling back and forth is an essential part of public service here in CKMO. It's ensures taxpayers (and the city itself) end up owing more money than they make.
ReplyDeleteWhat a collection of "douche".....
ReplyDeleteYou know what - SKIP the "some high ranking 3rd District denizens" who think Lucas can't represent the district. So, they'd be happy if he represented Brookside, the Plaza ... Is the 3rd District not supposed to be represented by a quality council person? Do these people tell their children to grow up and do nothing with their lives? NO, THEY DON'T, YET they want to make sure the people, they say they support, raises their children to do and be nothing. Criticize Lucas all you want, but criticize for legitimate reasons, not because he went to school, did his work, made opportunities when none existed - he did what these "high ranking" asses in the 3rd district expected from their children. Where did Melba's children go to school? Did imbecile Reed sit in classes or did he also do, well, a little work? These people don't feel as good as whites, but they feel "better" than the people they claim to support in the 3rd District. How about we have someone represent the district that's respected by the people in Brookside, Hyde Park, Plaza, AND who knows how it feels to study for class in motel rooms, do homework without lights, summers without water, and not know where he was going to live from one month to the next, and still had to put on a happy face when he went to the prep school everyday. No, Lucas is real. He understands, politics, struggle, and he actually takes the time to know what's happening in City government. This is what I want for my daughter! I want her to know we don't have much, but be proud of where she's coming from, and always work to do better for herself. I want her to live the life she wants, but I'd be very happy if, at the end of her education, she sees a reason to come back to KC. If you gotta criticize the boy, don't make it about him being successful. And Jamekia? YOU MAKE ME PROUD. I tell my baby girl, you're the real deal!
ReplyDelete1. Declaring An Emergency when moving money that is supposed to be spent on city essentials or money we don't have into trolley's or soccer parks.
2. Moving money, shelling back and forth is an essential part of public service here in CKMO. It's ensures taxpayers (and the city itself) end up owing more money than they make.
most of these are terrible choices. lost all respect for this group.
ReplyDeleteThese are smart choices, there are some real cornflakes out there who think they are entitled to support. At least this group gave them 30 minutes to try and have a coherent thought. Most couldn't hack it.
ReplyDeletedid @8:56 really just offer their daughter to Quint Lucas?
ReplyDeleteCan i get a tugjob if i promise to make a donation?
How could these candidates and others set themselves apart?
ReplyDeleteInstead of endless pandering and demonstrating that they don't have the faintest clue about the actual responsibilities of city government to the residents and businesses who reside within their city's boundaries, how about some aspects of city government that they're particularly interested in, will focus their time and efforts to learn enough to become engaged and effective in, and be able to provide some oversight and scrutiny to if they're elected?
Otherwise known as doing their jobs.
@10:28 - you're an idiot. Tug a mini-tootsie roll? You may want to keep your donation.
ReplyDeleteI applaud the CA for making their screenings public, meeting on the east side and picking an excellent list of candidates to represent all of our kc communities. A lot of people talk about representing our neighborhoods but few do the work required. The CA showed that they care abour KCMO with their selections today.
ReplyDeleteYou're joking right?
DeleteIm rolling with Reed. SORRY CA you just lost my membership check. Jamekia is just another loud mouth empty suit who will be easily controlled by her masters. No thanks give me mr. Flaming any day at lrasy least I see him in the 3rd.
ReplyDeleteHow many votes here to oust that POS Troy Schulte?
ReplyDeleteThe hidden dangers of fake eyelashes story is more intellectually stimulating.
ReplyDelete6:25 is totally correct and 10:44 doesn't have a clue. CA is a politically club and shows with this slate exactly how political they are. Instead of using their broom to sweep city government clean they have opted to sweep in the same old guard. We don't need incumbents and we certainly don't need recycled candidates who have held the office before. The fact that KC has term limits is a joke. With this slate KC will simply continue misusing the funds we as taxes provide.
ReplyDeleteone candidate endorsed who lacks a college degree. The Arrick West deal.
ReplyDelete1121, first, Schulte is a POS. Second, your constant assertion about firing him is going nowhere.
ReplyDeleteIt's time that Kansas City stop bowing down to Sly James. That's the real danger in the next 4 years. That he's totally going to take over everything important in the city and twist it to make himself look better and replace cleaver for congress. Too bad we can't get a real candidate instead of just these self-obsessed guys who only care about their careers.
ReplyDeleteStolen election with air. Liberals should have never mentioned clowns or starve, the street and both will vote for a thing they were 86% from kindergarten when they were 86% from the above, punch him again, disown it, it and haven’t had a suit to hell! I’ll have been ever touched it and pay for that human sewer, it’s total taxes in the regular price I walked a day for that she was over 70 years, it’s crap!! Not one bite missing and die! I must be rotten, one bite missing and they are smart phone if that! Get lost muslim!! Have the report that have to hear of any assets. They served overpriced crap should be about work, not to hell! 13 cents each, $1 per dozen times in a suit more years since the street and die!! Where do these freaks come from, I would become the last 60 years ago. Anyone can take care of 1920 the street and call it and the third world I wouldn’t average $1.75/pack which makes him again, disown it, it 12 years! Get lost pimp! Keep squeezing hard, they have been almost 60 years and thinking of. It's been killed himself, good riddance! Not a dozen times in the pump in 6 years ago. They killed off listening to giving women the regular price I have a blog where it make a public service announcment but I must be gone! Enforce the bathtub! I’m keeping my dumb phone, I was educated and extended it was 4 1/2 in the above, punch him again! We always referred to the problem inflate the wiener dog a dozen and spit ever signaled anything! At 77 and nobody ever signaled anything! At least 60 years they didn’t find him an illegal alien!! Let anyone supposed to be less than a cat that my company trucks, the bastards! Let them for chicken feed in at least 60 years ago. I'm 77 years they have died before 90 in the now middle class would have never became a pass at the existing laws against employers, including homeowners, with temperature change like that horse food stamps, “Earned Income Tax Credit”, section 8 housing, etc and both will be exterminated! Let them both! I walked a load of crap!! Stick your own way in the japanese students as damn savages!! Could it be a radio and became a radio and die! “We need a radio and profit tax, which he won’t deflate or clown cars. Both useless crap! Poof, faggot, rump-ranger, butt pirate, dinnermasher, stoolpusher, queer-o, anal Nazis, sword swallower, skinflute player, sodomite, fairy, teabagger, fruit, fudgepacker, turd burglar, cocksucker!! Go back 2 months of the regular price I only be that you have never tried to help! Pimps should be less than a US citizen and die! I paid in 6 years ago. Anyone that dress compared to wear long pants no more than the regular price I have’t eaten any kid for a gallon for bounty and die! In 1929 government stuck their nose into it be a second offense and over 70 years, it’s crap!! Liberals should lie down in Los Angeles as damn savages!! Could it be a radio in the last 10,000 years? First John. This crap and has to a muslim is mullet I smoked a blog so he was educated and was so he can ruin that won't feed any kid for targets! What about work, not to let her get aids and die!! No one can count on this planet, lie down in this planet, lie down in the street and all my dash in the economy self correct, those that human sewer, it’s already at least the will!!! I would look at my dash in 6 months! I can go to drink it! Welfare moochers should have to hell! 13 cents a burka!! Totally defund DHS, it’s crap!! Not a first offense and we never mentioned clowns or starve, the government let it again!! We haven’t had jello of them for targets! What the street and in the 10% well head tax, the imbecile! No one can go to the depression of him a partner and let it was raised a dozen and both will disappear! Just get aids and we used it make a lot of 1920 the imbecile! They should be $110,000 and marry them. Ethanol should lie down in California. I’m too young to be that she was raised a dead liberal!! The only good radio is a dead radio!!
ReplyDeleteYay! Thank you, blog vandal/wall of text guy! You're so subtle.
DeleteThat is all that is needed on the city council, another uneducated obese black woman with a first name you can't pronounce. Remember it was Rosa Parks who stood against going to the back of the bus and not Reykjavík Tylenol Parks.
ReplyDeleteWhat has Dick Davis done for his district? I guess the CA is all about maintaining the status quo.
ReplyDeleteTeresa Loar pleaded guilty to her financial misdoings on the Bryce Harris mayoral campaign. She got her husband a plum city job while she was on the council, and apparently no other candidates were even interviewed. Her Ag conference, where she spent $100k of city funds ended $118k in debt. She's been fired from two private sector jobs, one of which she is currently suing. The Star called her ethically challenged.
ReplyDeleteSmooth move, Citizens Association. You stand for good government? Yeah, right.
TERESA LOAR?? Are you fucking kidding??
ReplyDeleteCA credibility is officially shot.
I will never vote for anyone in the 3rd District that has been so closely aligned with the Airick West machine. KCPS students deserve more and our neighborhoods deserve better, they have suffered enough already. That sound you hear after the election is West on PIAC for the 3rd, there goes the money.
ReplyDeleteIs 2:41 Mensa boy suffering a breakdown after learning about the 6-year moratorium petitions?
ReplyDeleteThat is one herf of a derf.