KCK Milks Border War Dairy Farmers Victory

The journey slightly westward for what was formerly the largest private employer in Kansas City, MO is a reminder about the civic well of goodwill running bone dry amid harsh times and increasing competition: Kansas City Kansan: Unified Government approves resolutions to bring Dairy Farmers of America to Wyandotte County


  1. That's not a victory.

    And its not "competition". Its actually the exact opposite.

  2. It was a done deal before the vote. That's how we roll. More corporate welfare, so watch the Mils increase. The socialist were taught to speak in riddles when taking about the future property tax increases to cover the Ponzi schemes.

    Crooks and thieves celebrating another line on their resumes and the real losers using stoves and candles as a heating source.

    Kick them all out.

  3. and all the little pigs went oink oink oink all the way to the bank.


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