Kansas City Port Authority Floats Developers And Could Ferry New Toy Train Street Car Line

Take a look at this otherwise unnoticed but very informative look at a murky facet of Kansas City finance. Remember we were talking about how they were going to pass the new toy train line without a public vote? Here's one way to do it, there are more coming soon: The Port Authority can clear the way for KCMO developers


  1. Toy train is lousy click bait. The Toy Train is dead.

    Try... Taxpayers Will Continue to Take The Shaft Up the Ass with or without their approval.

  2. The Port Authority be giving taxpayers a free lifetime supply of Vaseline in the deal.

  3. the street car drove Populous out of City Market!

  4. All we needed in KCMO yet another agency handing out tax subsidies to developers. What in the heck was Jeff City thinking about???

  5. Port Authority needs to go. They have offices in probably the only first class office space Downtown; the Populous building. If they really care about the City, they would have office at 18th & Vine; plenty of empty space there. And the ego trip would be over.

  6. Michael Collins be twerking and jerking the Taxpayers.

  7. Cleavers daughter Marissa got a juicy gig at this outfit. So there is no politics or politicans involved or anything.

  8. It has been over a month since they have announced a new grandiose plan for Riverfront Park..I remember a plan to grow vegetables in greenhouses, then a plan to build apartments & retail and so it continues. They only thing that seems to happen is they have yet another beer brawl down there.

  9. Why is populous not bound to the building they got tax breaks for?

  10. As long as they are permitted to shift all the risk and resulting debt up to including future bad debt onto the backs of taxpayers tiff's and tax cuts for developers will continue as usual.

  11. And that's the rest of the story...

  12. Mensa boy said the hell with the voters. Mensa boy said he knows 50 people. Maybe these are some of those 50. Mensa boy don't need no stinkin' voter approval!

  13. Yep the way to get around public vote scandals

  14. ANd for 4 years they said they would build they wont, even now it will take 4 more years. Most develops say they will build you see something in a year. That farm was gone . They are not developers they just sit they and spend money.

  15. You are right real developers would have had something when they said and quick. Time to investigate if they said 4 years ago. wont believe them and im sure in a year nothing will still be built.
    Sorry river market they are already apartments built and downtown. TOO late.

  16. That place and mike collins is a joke, Still all talk and what i bet still no apartments next year. Dumbass. wow 10 years to build one bit of land. WOW. guess what must people would have been fired years ago for that slow progress.
    ANd downtown and rivermarket will be way full


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