Now in the winter of our discontent the most beloved shopping mall in the Kansas City area is confronted with a crime wave that could have its roots in the urban core.
To wit . . .
We have data to back up this bit of Kansas City trend spotting that no other media outlet in the city is calling out.
Let's focus on the recent spate of Oak Park Mall crime for now . . .
- The month started with a lady getting a gun in her face during a carjacking.
- This week a shocking sexual assault was reported at Oak Park Mall
- And last night a TEEN GIRL GANG ACCOMPANIED BY ONE DUDE JACKED A WOMAN in the Oak Park Mall parking lot.
Public safety detail on the latest bit of violence:
"Police described the suspects as three black females and one black male, ages 15-21. One of the females was wearing a turquoise jacket and described as 5’03”, 150 lbs. The suspects fled the area in a black Chrysler Sebring."
In fairness, here's the perspective from the mall's side:
"Mall security is a 24/7 365-day program inside and outside the property," the statement said. "We will continue to work with local police departments to ensure out standards are maintained."
Anyone with information about the robbery is asked to call Overland Park police or the Crime Stoppers TIPS Hotline at 816-474-8477.
Sadly, longtime Kansas City denizens realize that these are the same kind of reassurances that were given before Bannister Mall went bye-bye.

Juxtapose this tragedy with recent deadly violence amid the Shawnee "She's A Pistol" gun shop robbery shootout and remember that the crooks in that instance all hailed from Kansas City proper.
"It's simple to see what's happening, but nobody wants to say it. You can call it displacement or whatever you'd like but the fact is that teens in Kansas City's urban core are no longer content to cause trouble in their own neighborhoods and they're making the car ride out to the suburbs . . .
"The fact is, there's no place to rob on Troost after dark and these suburban soft targets represent a greater opportunity to get away with crime. You aren't mentioning that 2/3 of the criminals weren't captured at Oak Park. Here in KCMO, we need to be cognizant of the fact that our crime isn't being eliminated, it's simply shifting to other areas."
There is precedent for this trend, in 2012 the police chief of Independence, MO argued for a public safety tax increase given the argument that increased East Side patrolling was pushing more criminals his way.
Now, it seems that the violent, urban, teen crime that has long plagued Kansas City proper is moving west as well.
Developing . . .
TKC, you need to look to places like Prairiefire and zona rosa. They have been designed to avoid this kind of crime and for the most part they have been successful. The shopping mall might be dead but there are alternatives.
ReplyDeleteCriminals will make the adjustments to follow the money.
DeleteI don't think this is the One KC pitch we've all been hearing for so many years.
ReplyDeleteThe bannister mall comparison is frightening because it has already happened with Metcalf South. Here in Johnson County we can't afford more financial setbacks given that we're facing increased property taxes for school funding and less revenue from all of these development projects like King Louie that just keep getting more expensive.
ReplyDeleteFucking niggers ruining it all.
ReplyDeleteand now Kansas wants to loosen concealed carry restrictions? That's not a good idea and will ruin many lives.
ReplyDeleteExplain, please.
Delete7:45, what does that have to do with criminals committing violent felonies?
DeleteSetting aside, for the moment, the monumental ignorance associated with pretending race is just skin color, do you anti-White nitwits really believe that's our issue here? Do you really tell yourselves that if all the violent Negroes out there just jumped into a vat of peach-colored paint, we'd suddenly ignore all the hurt they have inflicted on our people? ("Well they still attack us fifty times more often than we do them, but we like the new upholstery so we'll let it slide." )
ReplyDeleteThis is apparently what you believe. It's astonishing to me that ANYONE could be that big of a retard, let alone that there are vast herds of you flatulent cretins out there operating motorized vehicles and being allowed to vote. Only in overcoming the Jews can Aryan mankind fulfill its godlike destiny. To lose such a struggle must not only rob us of our yet unfulfilled potential, but condemn us to the same fate that befell all other defunct species before us: extinction. Over and over we discuss the ongoing ethnic replacement of Whites in the very nations they founded and built, the freely admitted agenda of the left to blend our race out of existence for all time, only to be interrupted every time by one of these androgynous morons lambasting us for "hating other people because of their skin color."
Whites still behave as a race as if they are tending animals. You accept bad behavior from your puppy (at least initially). You accept your pet goat might eat the laundry (or random items) if it gets out from its enclosure. It is a subconscious supremacy over your pets. Whites have this subconscious supremacy over all other races/tribes. It is of course born of winning the war over other races/tribes in the past and stays with us today especially amongst women. The most liberal whites amongst us (again generally women) will tend to coddle the animals they take care of (think female dog owners with uncontrollable dogs) while the more conservative whites amongst us (generally men) will discipline and teach their pets to behave in a correct manner or face consequences. Whites exist along a bell curve from liberal to conservative in terms of political belief and it is of course entirely reasonable to assume genetics, hormones and brain neurochemistry are fractionally responsible in deciding where on the bell curve you sit (along with life experiences). At some point though the dog becomes too much for the single lady and has to be dealt with (biting the hand that feeds it).
ReplyDeleteThe question then is two-fold. When do liberals feel threatened enough that their perception of the other races changes. They are not “pets” anymore to care for. They have become dangerous and threatening and the enemy !! A shock to liberals of course. Not to anyone else.
2. When white men respond, will we have the ability to respond as needed? Will our capability and resolve still be there? In western countries when many of our women are fat carousel riding sluts, you wonder if things are worth saving except for your own skin.
I think the white race will survive. I certainly hope so. The white race has given the world science and technology and mozart. Africa?
In the end any true conflict will be won by technological prowess.
White men already see the enemy for what it is. You can live side by side with the enemy as long as you dominate it. Women on the whole are clueless. It is genetic. Women are frankly wombs. They will fulfill their destiny by mating whether it be with a white male or the new race that takes over the neighbourhood.
Giving women the vote in the west was a mistake. Each “family” should get one vote. And a family is a family headed by a male, not a single mommy. A productive unit. A unit that is a net payer of tax. You do not get to be a “decider” if you are not a producer.
ReplyDeleteRemember, Ebola will be the next plague in 2015.
We know who saw American Sniper on release day!
ReplyDeleteYea 8:08...from the box office a lot of people.
DeleteJust a friendly reminder to the people of JoCo, Eastern Jackson County and North of the River.
ReplyDeleteYou can shoot them.
You have the right to defend yourself with a registered fire arm. Cops and judges will look the other way or throw out the case as long as the fire arm and permits are legal.
Hell yes we who live in Ks want looser concealed carry restrictions. Fuck these nigger's and any fucking white trash that thinks they have a right to rob me because I work and have money from the fruits of my labor. Fuck any and all thugs who think they can rape my wife because they are horny. Don't mess with my wife she can out shoot me on a draw. Also she has started open carrying a gun and nobody seems to mind it much because they sure not saying shit to her about it. A WalMart asked her to not carry in the store and she told them she would be more than happy to not wear it if WalMart would guarantee her safety while on their property in writing. The manager according to her just turned and walked off saying nothing.
ReplyDeleteSecurity has always been lacking at OaK Park Mall. Whenever they get a guard that actually wants to work to stop bad guys, they are promptly fired. The Overland Park Police are a joke and the thugs are taking advantage.
ReplyDeleteGate the parking lot and require identification to get in that will be checked like when crossing the border to another country.
ReplyDeleteTony, I work the mall's administrative offices and you need to know that this situation is much worse than reported. Since the 4th of July there have been 7 such instances at mall facilities that were not reported to authorities because the victims were paid to keep quiet. We even have a template hush money agreement ready for use. I stopped at a Coffeehouse with internet access so that they cannot trace this back to me through my IP address on your blog. The mall administrators are terrified that people will stop coming to Oak Park if people knew how many women (and one man) have been sexually assaulted on the grounds. They have paid victims a combination of several hundred thousand dollars to get them to sign a contract that says they will not report the "incident" to law enforcement, journalists or any other person. In return they have been taken to a medical facility retained by the mall and they receive a payment of usually around $75K. If the victim violates their responsibilities under the agreement, the mall can demand 4 times the payment back from the victim.
ReplyDeleteYou're so full of shit your eyes are probably brown. If you think anyone will believe your line of B.S. you are delusional.
DeleteBullshit 8:29 that is I am betting against the law. I will forward your comments to the OPPD for their consideration.
ReplyDeleteSOOOO...WHY THE FUCK Did KCTV 5's Betsy Webster covered story on this NOT include the RACE of the suspects.
All she said was 3 women and one man.
Email and ask them why they didn't report the race of the suspects
Delete8:41 AM
ReplyDeleteI believe it. And, obviously OPPD is not exactly on top of illegal activities in their jurisdiction, so why bother going to them.
I bet there have been many more.
ReplyDeleteKCMO Murder Suspects for 2014
Black Males 49%
Black Females 4%
White Males 15%
White Females 0%
Hispanic Males 4%
Hispanic Females 1%
Asian Male 0%
Asian Female 0%
Unknown 28%
Numbers Speak For Themselves.
Source: KCMO PD
Gee you mean I could go to Oak Park Mall and say oh fuck me this man in a coat and hat tried to rape me where is my 75k please so we don't have to call the cops.
ReplyDeletewho was the guy who got raped?
ReplyDeleteWhy you ask ? You want to be next?
DeleteWhy not link another grandpa glaze story??? I have fun trolling him!!!
ReplyDeleteMan raping at the mall? shit i heard it all now. i will take my biz to the country kitchen from now on. sheeet.
ReplyDeleteOr maybe people should just watch their surroundings and cooperate with police.
Grandpa Glazer, LOL thats funny as hell ROFLMAO
ReplyDeleteThat guy needs to be trolled, in fact he looks like a troll.
Hell I could date great looking 19 year old women to if I wanted to hand them $500 every night. Roids done ate his brain up, he's fucking nuts.
I would like to offer myself to be elected Overland Park Public Safety Goddess.
ReplyDeleteUmm of course I have lived there a long time. I mean when I was not a full time and always resident of Kansas City, MO. Rules are for little people, and I am not a little person.
There there, 8:29. Lying is a sin. You've obviously got problems. Maybe your father molested you. Maybe some creep raped you. Maybe a priest groped you. Maybe your mother made fun of your naked body. Maybe doctors experimented on you. Whatever happened, you need to recognize that there were two elements to the scenario: there were the middlemen, and there was the Mastermind. God is the Mastermind behind every event that happens on this earth. God is an extremely involved Creator. He controls the movement of every molecule in existence, even at the mall. Human beings did not assault you while God was vacationing in another universe. Demons didn’t overpower God long enough to stick it to you. God did not abandon you into the clutches of evil beings. God chooses and executes EVERY trial that enters our lives. He is WITH US in our trials—controlling their longevity and severity. Evil doesn’t rule this world, God does. These are critical truths that you will need to come to terms with if you are going to experience complete healing on this issue. Fixating your rage on humans is essentially a copout. The humans couldn’t have touched you without God’s help. Complete processing requires that we face the truth about what happened to us, and the truth is that God is involved in EVERY horrific thing that goes on down here. Even Spencer Gifts.
ReplyDeleteYou aren’t doing God or yourself any favors by downplaying His involvement in your crisis. Denial only causes us to get stalled and stuck. God wants an intimate relationship with you, and one of the prerequisites to forming a close bond with Him is for you to fully recognize and accept His total sovereignty over all things and His intimate involvement in every area of your life. It doesn’t matter what instruments God used to traumatize you. What matters is WHY He chose to put you through that experience. God always has a POSITIVE spiritual reason for putting us through hellish experiences on earth. Often we can’t see those reasons until we gain some distance from the actual experience. But the point is that GOD put you through this for the sake of drawing you and Him closer together in the long-term. Once you realize this, you can choose to become receptive to the positive lessons the Holy Spirit wants to bring out of this for you. God doesn’t hurt us just to smash us or permanently cripple us. He hurts us to force us away from paths that will harm us, to deepen our understanding of critical concepts, and to lay the groundwork for a deeper bond with Him. Processing past traumas is like slogging through a miserable swamp searching for treasures that are hidden in the muck. If you are willing to work with Him, God is going to help you locate the treasures that He has created in the muck for you. His goal is to move you through and out of the swamp. This is not a permanent stop. This is an experience you are passing through so that you can go on to greater things. God does not put us through pointless trials. Every trial is carefully created by Him to result in very positive spiritual benefits later on.
Now I lay me down to sleep,
DeleteI pray my ass may not be raped?
Ain't that some boo shit!
Haven't seen, witnessed, or been in the vicinity of a crime for 30 years here. Only see it on TV and the Intertubes.
ReplyDeleteWhat else is Tony going to post about. Having milk and cookies at grandma's? Bass fishing?
ReplyDelete1/22/15, 9:42 AM you are a bit too defensive.
ReplyDeleteCreate a metro task force that includes the Feds, temporarily commission and grant the mall security people arrest and investigative authority and RICO the ever loving fuck out of the street maggots. Problem solved. Or take the libtard view and understand that we must tollerate these poor victim criminals because of the disparity they have suffered at the hands of their evil white masters.
ReplyDeleteDenizens without meaning except here.
Overland Park PD should be ashamed of itself for letting this much crime happen. I can't help but wonder if the new police chief isn't up to par. I'd wager that OP is a different animal than Davenport, IA where he came from.
ReplyDeleteCerner executive committee said to be studying the Oak Park Mall site for possible future expansion.
I tripped on a crack on the floor and broke a tooth and the Mall gave me $46,500 and told me to never say anything to anyone ever again, so 8:29 must be telling the truth. I stopped and stole someone's cell phone so that they cannot trace this back to me through my IP address on your blog.
ReplyDeleteCriminals seek out the most plentiful and easiest to exploit targets, to the extent of their ability to commit illegal acts upon this group. Until OPKS (and the other suburbs) make is so difficult to commit crimes within their jurisdictions that their populations will no longer be easy prey, this crime wave will continue and increase.
ReplyDeleteYou'd probably be surprised how effective "random" license / warrant checks at the city limits and throughout the city would be in discouraging this criminal class from making the trip south.
niggers, who would of guessed????
ReplyDelete10:46, it's a great idea, but let them try it and then get ready to hand out hankies to all the boohooing libtards who feel that it's violating the poor criminals' rights.
ReplyDelete10:58... that's the beauty of "random" checks, they're perfectly legal if conducted on a non-discriminatory basis. You don't stop someone because they look like a thug, you stop them because their turn signal is out, or their license plate light isn't working, or they made an illegal turn, or any other number of minor violations that give you a chance to run the check.
ReplyDeleteI have quite a few friends who are officers in local suburban communities, and they always say that they rarely ever stop someone for a traffic violation with the intent to write a ticket for that violation. They're just using it as an excuse to investigate someone who looks suspicious and find warrants, drugs, etc.
Media needs to tell it like it is.
ReplyDeleteHey9:42 God's not real dumb ass
ReplyDeleteOP should pay for face recognition out there, along with the plaza & start cleaning house. Theres not one baboon that goes to either place without warrants!!!!!!
ReplyDeleteThese fucking NIGGERS are getting more and more brazen in their attacks on humans. It's way past time to defend ourselves and start killing a few of these black, shit-skinned assholes..
ReplyDeleteEducation is key, that's the problem with our youth. We don't focus on education and now it has come to this.
ReplyDeleteLove the target sign on Oak Park Mall. It's always been a target. Looks like the demographics are changing, however, as far as effectively policing the matter. Oak Park is too big.
Unreported blackONwhite crime? Well, imagine that!!
8:41 what an asshole. If you want to know what goes on in a shopping center, ask someone who works there. The Legends covers up a number of crimes every week. Talk to people working in the restaurants and stores, and they tell the truth. Since they started running the busline from the Northeast to the Legends, they were hit with a crime waves.
ReplyDeleteIf you want to find a KCK cop, swing by the Legends. There camping out in the Wally World parking lot.
KMBC morning news also reported "3 young females and 1 young male". When they dont report race, hair/eye color everyone knows theyre being chickenshit PC.
ReplyDeleteWhat is going on in joco? Why did dean and deluca burn today?
ReplyDeleteI don't go to OPM anymore and I used to all the time. There are lots more like me. It will be gone soon.
ReplyDeleteFlypaper attracts flies, TKC attracts cretin racists.
ReplyDeleteDespair is the key. It explains nearly everything that is so puzzling about the madness of modern life, the pack of self-contradictory dogmas that make up the default assumptions of the Dark Ages in which we live.
ReplyDeleteThey have nothing else. No wonder they are bitter. No wonder they are irrational. No wonder they lie like dogs. No wonder they boast. No wonder they are full of envy and malice. No wonder they kill babies in the womb and fete socialist dictators and mass murderers. No wonder they love death. No wonder they admire, protect and love Islamic terrorists. No wonder they admire, protect, and love sexual perversion.
It is because they have nothing else. They live in a world of darkness, without hope, with nothing but their seven great friends to sustain them: pride, which they call self esteem; envy, which they call social justice; wrath, which they call activism and protest; sloth, which they call enlightenment; gluttony, which they call health food and legalization of recreational drugs; greed, which they call fairness in taxation; lust, which they call sexual liberation.
New information has been gathered about the perpetrators in this Millennial technological apocalypse waged by Quantum computer. Michael Aquino’s mother, Betty Ford, was High priestess of the satanic Temple of Set which turns out to have its origins in Egyptian mythology. The Temple of Set High Priests have Egyptian names and believesin an evil entity they refer to as “set.” However, Set is not an evil egyptian entity in the myths Instead, Apep – a snake – is I believe the source behind this cult. Recently in the news a meteor is threatening this planet and the name given to it is Apophis which is the greek name for the Apep mentioned above.
She was also sympathetic to Nazis.
This is important because of the role that Michael Aquino plays (claiming in some circles that he is the Antichrist) and who is really behind his satanic/Egyptian organization, including their High Priests and Administration who have Egyptian names, and who is actually the Antichrist. The TOS claim to worship a Being named Set, a semi benevolent entity well-known in Egyptian ‘myth’. However, that is false. They actually worship a snake/dragon referred to as APEP in Egyptian myth. I believe the name of Set in the TOS organizational name does not refer to Set but to an evil Egyptian by the name of SETI who manifested his evil via the form of a snake which actually gives rise to the meaning behind the name ‘The Temple of Set’ Seti’s family members were Ramses, I II and III, Apepi, Hatsheput, Hathor, and the Ptolemeys I, II and III.
Some might remember that there was an asteroid astrophysicists worried might collide with the planet several years ago. They named that asteroid Apophis which, curiously, is the Greek name for APEP
It is also curious that the name SETI stands for The Search for Extraterrestrial intelligence.
In the 18th dynasty Egypt a spiritual war took place. The principle of Good at that time was named the Amun. Some believe that Pharoah Tutankhamun [Tut] was an incarnation of the Amun. The enemy at that time were Voodoo practitioners from the neighboring African states and the group of people named above who worshipped a snake which incarnated was named the Aten.
On close examination it appears that the Aten has rewritten history and tried to replace the Amun as both ‘God’ and figurehead throughout the country of Egypt and in popular literature , including replacing the female face on the Sphinx with his own.
The news recently reports that DNA research also includes reserecting ‘mummies’ from Egypt.
Hey it's text wall provocateur guy! Posting huge amounts of crazy shit to distract and entertain!
DeleteAm I the only one that see's the problem and solution? Just ban niggers from Oak Park Mall. Problem solved.
ReplyDeleteAttention wall of words people: If you can't make your point in two paragraphs or less, no one is going to read your shit, so enjoy talking to yourself.
ReplyDeleteThe Polar Bear tried to warn you.
ReplyDeleteOlathe is now Troost West.
Oak Park is the new "BOON" enclosure. They drop off the baby boons where they hang from the rafters and rails and sling their shit on everyone below.
All the while, the big boons rob, jack, kill, rape, nap, you name it and the fucking hood=rat will do it.
Welcome to the "New Oak Park Mall".
Enjoy your shopping experience.
*Voucher Code discount is not valid on sale items, tech accessories, mobile phones and watches.Marc Jacobs
ReplyDeleteAnother armed robbery at Oak Park Mall last night b/w 8:30 and 8:45pm. Haven't heard anything about it on the news, but I work there, so I know. Something's gotta give.
ReplyDeleteEasy Money!
ReplyDeleteI don't mess with robbing or stealing, but this blog has convinced me that I should go and shake down Oak Park Mall. They'd never catch me because I'm white and look like I belong!
I don't see Oak Park disappearing anytime soon. It's in the heart of OP in an area that will continue to hold it's value despite a small uptick in crime.
ReplyDeleteThe people who are freakishly hyper sensitive to crime and ready to drop everything and flee in a split second and encourage everyone they know to do likewise aren't going to have anywhere to go soon.
There's seriously people here saying Olathe is Troost West... Where are you planning on fleeing to next? The developers can't expand the city fast enough without putting even more undue stress on the infrastructure and costing even more in taxes. The people who hate taxes seem to benefit the most from it by living 20 miles away from the city and complaining when everyone isn't bending over backwards to cater to them for their poor choice deciding where to live based on only one requirement, being it's as far from black folks as possible. "It's 8:00, why haven't they plowed our cul-de-sac yet?" yeah sorry, we only have the most roads and highways by population of any city in the country, you might have to wait.