He's was the prime mover in a landmark desegregation case that many say destroyed Kansas City public schools. And now he's taking questions . . .
"On KKFI this evening -- 90.1 FM -- on Khadijah Hardaway's program at 7:00pm, to talk about issues involving race and the community, such as "Shopping While Black"...call in with a good question."
Like it or not, Mr. Benson remains one of the most influential progressive activists in Kansas City and now a leading behind the scenes player.
More in a bit . . .
He's influential in what? He was totally silent on East Patrol. The way folks in this town define and use words would make an English teacher cross-eyed.
ReplyDeleteAnd we all know how that turned out. Very progressively.
ReplyDeleteHe got rich by destroying the KC School District and I'm sure he's proud of it.
ReplyDeleteWe always learn years later the damage that progressives cause
ReplyDelete4:15 if progressive means "trail of destruction" you're 100% right. And who enjoyed the progress exactly? Neighborhoods? Property owners? Residents? Let's not go there, Jack!
ReplyDeleteYou'd think Mike Brown being violently murdered by cops was also "progressive".
Not sure how I fell about his positions, but it takes balls to take a public position and put a name with a face. Good 1st Amendment stuff.
ReplyDeleteDon't anyone here take offense.
True dat
ReplyDeleteWith a total of six regular listeners KKFI's evening programing should turn the world around.
ReplyDelete5:08 is dead on the money. Benson sucked 5 BILLION out of the state and there is fucking nothing to show for it.
ReplyDeleteWhat a POS
CASE REVIEW (circa 2003)
ReplyDeleteThe case, filed in 1977, was one of a shrinking number of desegregation cases that have lasted for decades. It has cost taxpayers more than $2 billion.
At a four-day hearing in May on the Kansas City School District's request to end the lawsuit, school attorneys and the teachers union told Judge Whipple that the district had done enough to close the achievement gap.
Arthur Benson, the attorney for the plaintiffs said he disagreed with the ruling, but had not yet decided whether to appeal.
"I believe it's premature," Benson said of the decision.
A federal court ruled in the lawsuit in 1984 that the district and state were liable for illegal segregation in Kansas City schools. The state agreed in 1996 to send $320 million to the district to help it desegregate.
In the years following the ruling, the district hired librarians and counselors, built and upgraded schools and added magnet schools.
Recall that Mr. Benson's guiding policy is to only sue deep pockets.
God those fucks just burned through cash.
A most excellent review of the KCMO School District case, including the disaster known as Judge Clark, and the plaintiff's attorney Arthur Benson who was awarded at least $1.7 million by the district court.
KCMO School District sent blacks to France to learn how to Fence. They still couldn't read, hold a job or contribute in any meaningful way to society, but by god, we have some folks in their 30's now in 64127 who should be able to give Dartanian a run for his money, or..., our money/
ReplyDelete6:03 FTW!
ReplyDeleteLet me see if I can be clear here...Arthur Benson is a fucking dickhead, he made himself a lot of fucking money, my money and your money on the desegregation of the KCPS!!! Those of us who lived in Brookside know how well that worked ....there I feel better now!!!
ReplyDeleteKKFI 7:00-7:30pm PROGRAM SYNOPSIS:
ReplyDelete(disclaimer: I had never before even heard of this program, I do not know the 2 hosts, and have only briefly spoken with Benson)
The name of this 30-minute show is apparently "Khadijah and the White Guy", which should have warned everyone away from listening.
Let me be blunt, this program was TRASH!! While the "White Guy" was phoning in a couple of brief comments while on a roadtrip, the woman named Khadijah interviewed Mr. Benson. Actually, I'm being too kind with the word "interview", a more appropriate description would be "stumbled along" with what tried to pass as an interview.
While Mr. Benson is an educated, eloquent individual, he was given a free ride by this pair and not held accountable for his role in one of the greatest tragedies to take place in KCMO, and the state of Missouri. I speak of course of the KCMO school district desegregation/discrimination case.
This radio program took only one caller's comments, and it was laudatory and redundant concerning Chief Forte.
Host Khadijah remarked that "the system is holding black people back." Amusing that she chooses to play the victim, while discerning listeners easily reveal her to be an uneducated, ill-spoken individual who doesn't belong in broadcast media. There! I said it. Blunt words, as promised.
Thirty minutes of wasted radio time. Good thing I was working on the computer while listening.
What's this "Kansas City Star endorses" bullshit on Benson's Twitter?
ReplyDeleteArt Benson's a fucking pimp.
ReplyDeleteHey, now, 9:50: A a duly elected member of the American Society of Pimps, I resent that disparaging comment.
ReplyDeleteBenson is NOT a pimp: He is a festering pustule on the ass of American jurisprudence, and deserves to have his seed eternally schooled within the borders of the KCPS system.
Benson saw an opportunity to make many bucks dismantling the KCMO school district and he took it. He made nearly two million bucks (some say more), while Judge Clark unilaterally raised our property taxes without a public vote. Palatial schools were built, remember the Russian fencing instructor that was hired? Billions were spent and years later, our schools are still segregated and still horrible.
ReplyDeleteBenson, by the way, sent his daughter to Pembroke Hill. The man is not an idiot, and the social experiment for which he was making a killing was not good enough for his own kid, just for everyone else's.
Benson is a cross between a cockroach and a tick. He'll survive and likely thrive after nuclear holocaust, but he needs a host from which to suck blood to live.
ReplyDeleteArthur Benson can go fuck himself or maybe someone will fuck him for me!!!