60 Years Of Kansas City Change For Worse

Take a look at OUR FAVORITE KANSAS CITY LINK TODAY sent courtesy of a KICK-ASS TKC TIPSTER who wanted to share more than a bit of knowledge.

60 Years of Urban Change: Midwest


"60 years has made a big difference in the urban form of American cities. The most rapid change occurred during the mid-century urban renewal period that cleared large tracts of urban land for new highways, parking, and public facilities or housing projects. Fine-grained networks of streets and buildings on small lots were replaced with superblocks and megastructures. While the period did make way for impressive new projects in many cities, many of the scars are still unhealed."

Scroll down and look how Kansas City evolved from a downtown neighborhood into a biz hub that REMAINS mostly empty after 6PM on a weekday.

Developing . . . But not as much as some would claim . . .


  1. And this all happened for one reason: black people. Without them we would all still live near our jobs, walk a lot more, and not be so spread out. But once the plague moves in new roads, houses, and schools have to be built for the black person will not maintain or better the neighborhood, they will destroy it. This is known, indisputable fact. You can thank high gas prices and urban sprawl on the black race. Someday Louisburg will be a suburb of KC.

  2. Yes, and the blacks have a history with Area 51.

    Check your foil cap for light leaks.

    1. Ad hominem. See a lot of that on this blog. 8:07 may not be right, but you are 100% wrong.

  3. But look on the bright side!
    Lots of new opportunities for urban farmers to grow organic kale.
    The new KC economy!

  4. Hell KC's population rankings have been declining since the 70's. You can not rightfully even call the metro a major city anymore. There sure are some nice major burbs out here though. As long as they keep breeding those little entitlement tickets in the core city KC is never going to see glory again. Who the hell wants to pt up with all that urban bullshit for the sake of being in the big cowtown?

  5. We may lose our NFL franchise but it will still be a major city.

  6. Wak up people! Ck its cuz of the ter ternzzzz bernoooogie!!!!!!

    It also caused hitlercaust!


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