TKC NOTE: Nowadays, I notice that denizens of this blog from both a left and right perspective seem to have a lot more in common than they might realize. Here's a good example of this trend. Check a BRILLIANT bit of elite Conservative writing that examines pending Missouri legislation and its constitutional implications. Check it:

Perhaps you've seen Missouri House Bill 255....

Missouri Congressman, Tim Remole, takes a swing at the Federal Government with a bat fashioned by Thomas Jefferson’s and his House Bill 255 (HB 255).

Specifically, HB 255 states:

“That any federal regulation or rule promulgated as a result of an executive order issued by the President of the United States must be declared invalid in Missouri and of no effect.”

Perhaps Representative Remole, like the rest of us, is tired with how our three branches of the federal government routinely ignore the United States Constitution and the desires of the electorate.

It is tempting to believe that, in the first years of our country, the federal government knew its place. That it was nothing more than a benign entity, happy with its role as defender of the states.

It is equally popular to blame the erosions of our most important document on the FDR’s administration. And, while that erosion did begin to pick up tremendous momentum under Roosevelt, the problem isn't with any particular administration. The trouble is with the very nature of government, which is to garner all power unto itself.

The states created a written Constitution with specifically enumerated powers to counter what they knew to be this inherent flaw in all governments. This is an exceptionally critical point. The states created the federal government to serve their needs in a very limited fashion. Not the other way around. Today, there is little doubt that the masters (the states) are no longer in charge of their servant.

The First Problem Started With Our First President. I'm a fan of George Washington. It pains me to point out that the very first violation of our Constitution took place before the term of our first president had ended.

1794 saw what has since become known as the Whiskey Rebellion. The federal government wanted to place an excise tax on the alcohol farmers produced. The farmers fought back and Washington raised a militia to enforce the taxes. Our third president later repealed these laws.

The next breach, one far more egregious than the first, happened only four short years later. President John Adams signed what was known as the Alien and Sedition Act of 1798.Without boring you with details, it allowed the government to deport aliens and imprison anyone who spoke out or wrote against the federal government.

You read that correctly. The U.S. Constitution was ratified in 1788, and a decade later freedom of speech was nearly eliminated. Lest you think I exaggerate, not only were newspaper editors fined, Congressman Matthew Lyon of Vermont was fined $1,000, arrested and jailed for a letter written to a friend (and one published in a newspaper criticizing President Adams).

Thomas Jefferson, then vice president, stood in staunch opposition to these clearly unconstitutional acts. He created an elegantly simple solution without calling for succession. Jefferson drafted the Kentucky and Virginia Resolutions of 1798. Both documents said that it is the duty of the states to defend the liberties of their citizens, and each sovereign state, when the federal government oversteps its bounds.

“[W]hensoever the general government assumes undelegated powers, its acts are unauthoritative, void, and of no force[.]”

-- The Papers of Thomas Jefferson, 1798

In other words, if the federal government violates the Constitution, their actions are void AND the state must defend itself and its citizens against such actions.

Jefferson understood that it was the states' obligation and duty to interpose themselves between a federal government that will, by its very nature, routinely stray from the expressly limited powers as defined by the U.S. Constitution.

I've given up on the hope of changing the federal government from within. Each of the three branches, like a family, defends the other when under any threat of a reduction in their spending or curtailment of their powers. It is naïve to think that the Supreme Court will limit its own power, or that of its siblings in the other two branches, or to expect it to be an impartial arbitrator when it is one of the three that make up the whole. History has repeatedly proven as much.

It appears Congressman Remole has stolen a page from Jefferson's playbook of 1798. His solution to fixing the feds rests in our waking up our state governments to the duty they have to protect their citizens from an out-of-control central government.

It matters not whether you are a conservative, liberal or somewhere in between. Supporting states' rights not only is the right thing to do, it is probably the only thing we have left that can save this Union from slipping further into Socialism.


  1. More like this, great read TKC even if I don't agree with all of it. Some great points backed up by facts.

  2. GOP will say this unless and until they get one of their own back in the White House. They are just coming to realize that they can no longer win presidential elections anymore.

  3. Funny how these people have the exact opposite opinion whenever the electorate of a state nullifies a Federal marijuana law.


    This has about as much chance having an effect as chuck marrying Diana Ross.

    So this bill would nullify ANY executive orders? Guess so. Such as...

    - the desegregation of the Armed Forces (1948, Executive Order 9981, Truman)

    - the desegregation of Little Rock's Public Schools (1957, Executive Order 10730, Eisenhower)

    - barring discrimination in federal employment because of race, color, religion, sex, or national origin (1965, Executive Order 11246, Johnson)

    - the Emancipation Proclamation (1863, which I'm sure will make all you racist morons here happy, but thankfully that's in the Constitution)

    So basically I am describing Chuck's Dream World. No wonder you like it so much, Chuck. Not hard to figure out.

  5. Chuck, shut the fuck up and get back to beating your old lady.

    Just because KCC closed off comments doesnt mean we want to listen to your babbling bullshit.

  6. 4:37

    In your dream world, it would take and exothermic torch to get Al Sharpton's balls out of your mouth.

    It's 4:40 PM, you should be taking a picture of your dick with your cell phone and sending it to yourself.

    It's a great post!! The Federal Government hates Americans. Minorities populate 28% of the Federal Government. If we believe, that the other 72% is 50 / 50 to the left and the right (NO way, free thinking, hard working Americans are not attracted to Government jobs, but...,)then the "boots on the ground," effecting policy, protocols and legislation, is accomplished by folks who, just as in the IRS Scandal, are agenda driven shitheel pukes like 4:37.

    This will probably come to nothing, as Presidential "Phone and Pen" Fiat is now the rule of the land and Americans are no longer able to stop the Progressive, Liberal, Socialist scum that make up the Fed.

    It's a great read!

  7. The problem is that no Missouri statute can make it a crime for a Federal employee to follow executive orders and the venue that will ultimately have to rule on the constitutionality of those orders if Federal Court - not a state venue. This is another symbolic gesture that will go nowhere.

  8. "It's a great read!"


    "Let's put Blacks back in their places!"

    Never saw anyone jack off on a Missouri House Bill before chuck, but guess there's a first time for everything.

  9. Local Tea Party Patriot12/29/14, 5:23 PM

    Just get to the part of the Constitution where I'm allowed to own a fully automatic machine gun and a shoulder-mounted rocket launcher.

    That's my favorite part.

  10. Whats important is what they ate for dinner, if they just showered, or posted their 2,375 picture of themselves in a compromising pose or situation on the Intertubes.

    reCAPTCHA freedom at it's finest.

  11. i agree with some of this but let's apply it EQUALLY to the republican congress.

  12. 5:21

    No one is keeping blacks down.

  13. Yeah, those poor blacks are really afraid to speak their mind. Just keeping them "down".

    Here is the spokesman for the Ferguson Police Department marching with the Crips, the CRIPS, in support of the thug Michael Brown.

    Lies, lies and more lies.

  14. thug = blackpeoplethatihate

    Know the lingo

  15. With a Republican President PROBABLY coming, I'm all for this.

  16. OMG, lets get our constitutional law lesson here at Tony TKC.

    Does anyone really fail to understand why this Country is two tickets to titsville?

    Try the supremacy clause.

    These elected play to the uninformed passions of the base knowing full GD well, that they can't usurp US rule.

  17. Miss Sweetie Pie12/29/14, 8:57 PM

    Mr. Tony
    I weep for our nation's educational system. We churn out scholars of this low caliber as we forgo teaching critical thinking.

    I bid you goodnight on such a gloomy prospect.

  18. As the recent youth mobs around the country this past weekend have demonstrated, we have a new up and coming generation of blacks who will be unemployable for their entire lives due to their personal characteristics. They have no cares about compiling a criminal record or spending some time in jail from time to time, they drop out of school and don't even think about ever working for a living. Combine that with increasing automation and this country will have a huge, entirely criminal underclass much larger and more dangerous than ever before.
    The police will just go for the 'low hanging fruit', namely the revenue generating white middle-class who'll pay their tickets without much fuss. The tickets will pay for the police salaries and they'll go home safe after each shift. Note that the white middle class subsidizes both groups even as it finds itself less and less safe.

  19. tkc hasn't had an original thought in his life. nor can he write without misspelling his own name.

    no, this was not a post - it was plagiarism, which is what you get when you cut n' paste from someone else without attribution: TKC stole the above from the following site -

    tkc just pasted some other nitwit's half-formed ideas as his own.

  20. That is an awesome post. Regardless of where it was found it needs to be reprinted and taught in the public schools.... TKC.. PLEASE KEEP THIS UP. It's excellent.

    ... Colorado and Washington State did it with their nullification of the Federal drug laws.... SMOKE POT = Freedom to exist free of the Feds constant intervention... and I don't smoke the brain numbing stuff !

    More states need to READ THIS AND FOLLOW THE EXAMPLES...

  21. Tiresome drivel from another "conservative". Whenever they want to support their view of the dangers of the federal government they dust off and drag out Pres. Thomas Jefferson. Been done more than once including by Remole's predecessors in Congress who argued the Federal government had no right over the issue of slavery.

  22. "Conservative"... 10:35 AM you are a IDIOT.
    What about taking actions against the federal government is conservative. Hell, I'd say it's patriotic and a far more effective way to fight back. Nullification was attempted by Arizona as well and successfully done by Kentucky (in the last 24 months).

    Nothing liberal or conservative about this. Don't like what's happening in DC, it's the obligation of the states to protect us from the NSA, FED, and all other three-letter acronyms for a despotic government.

    Get back in line to pick up your welfare check and your food stamps. Productive people take action.

  23. 8:26 PM.... You state you know your Constitution and then demonstrate the opposite...

    The Supremacy Clause states: “This Constitution, and the Laws of the United States which shall be made in pursuance thereof…shall be the supreme law of the land; and the judges in every state shall be bound thereby, anything in the constitution or laws of any state to the contrary notwithstanding.”

    And here is what Alexander Hamilton stated at the NY convention; “I maintain that the word supreme imports no more than this — that the Constitution, and laws made in pursuance thereof, cannot be controlled or defeated by any other law. The acts of the United States, therefore, will be absolutely obligatory as to all the proper objects and powers of the general government…but the laws of Congress are restricted to a certain sphere, and when they depart from this sphere, they are no longer supreme or binding”

    The SUPREMACY IS NOT APPLICABLE IF there is an overreach of the federal government....

    Law lesson of the day has now ended... You get an F for your effort at bashing Tony's KC PERFECT argument.

  24. Look at Article Six, Clause 2 of the United States Constitution, McCulloch v. Maryland and the small matter of the American Civil War. Nullification has been rejected in blood as well as law. This BS could have come from Ted Cruz--just to show how wacky it is!


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