Thousands of invites sent out for this constant Kansas City vigil in solidarity with the #Ferguson uprising.

To wit . . .


Interesting stuff even though the weather seyz we're in for freezing drizzle on Thurs . . . Still, an impressive bit of dedication during this harsh and cold winter months.

This seems to be the season of protest given that Stand Up KC is on the move tomorrow as well with their $15 min. wage crusade . . .

You decide . . .


"Someone will be at the corner of Prospect and Cleaver in Kansas City every day from 7:00pm until at least 7:30pm. On days when people are motivated and want to do stuff for a while, they can march or whatever and we may be out well into the night. Other days it might just be one person there for 30 minutes. The 13th amendment to the US constitution says slavery is abolished EXCEPT AS PUNISHMENT FOR A CRIME. Until we abolish slavery, we are not going to see an end to police brutality. Justice for Mike Brown and all who have suffered at the hands of the police!"

A note regarding the Ida B Wells Coalition in KC - The IBWC is a multi-racial coalition that was created by The Black Autonomy Federation. This event is hosted on the Ida B Wells facebook page because it is something the national coalition supports. Videos taken by Kansas City members are hosted on the IBWC YouTube page because it is a semi-popular page and gets some attention. However, the actual event is not an IBWC event per se. This is an international movement. Our role is not to promote an agenda, collect contact information, or build up membership, but rather to offer tangible forms of solidarity to the people most affected. For example, if you have videos of police attacking people or any other sensitive material that you would like to have anonymously shared with the public, we can do that. Or if someone is speaking from the heart about the pain and anger caused by police violence and someone tries to silence them, we will attempt to regain a space in which they may continue to express themselves. If you have other ideas for what people can do to help build and support the movement, please bring them. Love and Struggle.

Many thanks to the folks in New York who helped kick start the movement in KC...…

And many, many thanks to the people of Ferguson ♥♥♥

Any many, many, many thanks to the people of Kansas City who have been turning up for various events all over town!


  1. I think you're right, they are gonna be COLD!

  2. Pants up, don't loot!!! Pants up, don't loot!!! Pants up, don't loot!!! Pants up, don't loot!!! Pants up, don't loot!!! Pants up, don't loot!!!

  3. Justice for Harry Stone and the 5 people killed in south KC by the niggers.

  4. shame that you don't realize you should protest too @3:24

  5. Brown WAS nothing but another boot-lipped, fucking NIGGER but now, he's good NIGGER......a dead one!

  6. Tradgedy????

    One less big fat gangsta nigger sucking air. I'm so sick of hearing that coon's name.

  7. Jesus Fucking Christ. GET OVER IT.

    Mike Brown was a THUG -- NOT A CHILD. The vast majority of evidence supports this. The "Hands Up - Don't Shoot Witnesses" were discredited. This is a non-issue.

    There are people who "believe" the earth is only 6000 years old. And you can't change their minds.


    SIMPLE: Because you cannot argue with a "Believer" -- even when the TRUTH is right in front of them.

    As sad is it may be, Mike Brown was a thug shot by an officer who acted appropriately. Period.


    1. Must be nice 3:42 to be able to live where you want, to be able to go into a store and not harassed, and to not have potential actions taken upon you based on the color of your skin.

      But you wouldn't know about that would you.

      See, those are also facts. AND NO MATTER WHAT YOU BELIEVE, THAT IS THE TRUTH!

  8. Wow! Standing on a street corner for a full 30 minutes every day.
    Now that's what I call commitment!
    And totally irrelevant to anything.

    1. hell it's dangerous enough to stand at cleaver and prospect for 30 minutes. The chance of survival probably goes downhill drastically after that

  9. 3:42 Your argument might be right about MB, but it fails on the issue as a whole. take this comment from someone on a previous post.

    i am Aiyana Stanley-Jones and I am 7 years old. I was shot to death by a Detroit Police Officer Joseph Weekley while I was asleep on the couch. And for the record my pants were up. Officer Weekley was showing off for a reality TV crew when he shot me. He wasn't following department procedure, and a grand jury idicted him. But during the trial Judge Cynthia Gray Hathaway decided to drop the charges."

    what about aiyana who was a CHILD -- NOT A THUG.

    There are people who "believe" the police are angels, who protect us. And you can't change their minds


    SIMPLE: Because you cannot argue with a "Believer" -- even when the TRUTH is right in front of them.


  11. You can be raped in front of a cop, and a cop has absolutely no duty or obligation to help you. See Warren v District of Columbia where 3 women were raped for 14 hours and the cops did nothing. Court said the cops don't have to help you.

    A cop can watch you be run over, get out and see you are still alive, and he has no duty or obligation to help you. In fact he can call you a cockroach and ask you why you won't die. See Christopher Cooper from Independence Mo.

    So police are guardian angels? They protect us?

    1. Wow, I wish I could go 14 hours. My sister can but that's with a strap on

  12. the biggest myth about policing is that police are always in constant danger. then why hasn't a cop been shot dead in KC in over thirty years? if it was so dangerous, wouldn't something have happened to at least one cop. hell leawood residents are murdered at a higher rate than kcpd officers.

    1. Kc has had plenty of officers shot over the past thirty years. I can think of 8 shot in the last 19 years. Thank God they weren't killed, two of them nearly died.

  13. Policing in KCMO is not particularly dangerous because they mostly avoid confronting criminals.

  14. 4:18 get over it, cops are abusive period, white black mexican asian, they will kill you. are white victims of police abuse less worthy? the problem are cops with little man syndrome, not race.

  15. notice how all of the cop suckers stop talking when confronted with real cases, like aiyana stanley-jones. mike brown was a horrible case to promote, it gave the cop suckers ammunition. but they have zero response for cases like aiyana stanley-jones.

  16. what about 90lb mentally retarded teenager keith vidal. the kid needed help and his parents called 911, officer bryon vassey arrived and said "we don't have time for this" then proceeded to shoot keith vidal. his defense later was that he had no choice because he left his taser at home.

  17. Read the truth.

  18. Every day the Black on White holocaust continues.

  19. Police officers in the US frequently show their incompetence and lack of training when dealing with the mentally ill. Time and time again, mentally ill people are gunned down after the situation is quickly escalated by police.

  20. What? No national news!!

  21. This is just one day--

  22. here comes 440 trying to deflect the truth. can't confront the facts in cases other than MB, it doesn't fit his narrative.

  23. Black people hate you and want you dead.

  24. If any one of these stories, amongst the thousands of black on white horror stories that occur unceasingly were white on black, it would be national news day and night.

    Lets kick the shit out of a pregnant girl.

  25. Over 10,000 black on white rapes every year, not a peep out of the media. Not one white on black rape, but if there was...

  26. Put your hands in the air and read of these horrors. It is unceasing, yet all we hear is the story of the Gentle Giant.

  27. 447 once again though they are horrendous stories they are irrelevant to the topic. but i'll indulge you. maybe its because the blacks remember how to stand up and speak out. you have to give them credit there, they aren't afraid of doing what they have to to be heard. even if it changes nothing they know how to bring attention to cases where they are obviously wrong. but whites well we just move along like there is nothing to see. now back to abusive cops.

  28. does anybody else see what the linker has done. can't answer for cops behavior in cases like aiyana's so link dumps until the topic is changed. for a conservative he sure has taken a page from obamas book of deflection.

  29. For all you Liberals who think you will get a pass from your brothers, check this that just happened. Here is a guy who spent most of his life writing about "White Privilege".

  30. 454 graduated from the Obama School of Deflection. are you sure your not a demo"rat"? real conservatives can face issues head on. real conservatives fight for more freedom. don't forget conservativism is the party that freed the slaves, and fought for integration.

  31. urrmmm... actually - the fat nigger who stroked out while resisting arrest by NYC cops name was Eric Garner--

    the black "community organizers" spelled his name Gardner..

  32. well no indictment in NY.

  33. I no longer recognize my country and our legal system is straight out of one of those teen dystopian novels.

    And to think I once wanted to be a police officer ...

  34. I have served on two NYS grand juries, one this past August. In each case the DA's office presented only the evidence that they thought would produce an indictment. We were repetitively told all we needed was to think was that there was "only" reasonable cause to indict, not BEYOND REASONABLE DOUBT needed to convict. In each case we we're told that we were arms of the DA's office, and in each case many of the members of each grand jury felt we had to fight for enough evidence to find the truth.

    In Officer Pantaleo's case, I thought the DA's office did a good job in asking for indictments at three felony levels. I surely thought there would be reasonable cause to indict on at least one of them even if it was the lowest charge.

    The question therefore arises, "Why didn't 12 out of 23 grand jury members find enough evidence for REASONABLE CAUSE to indict. Were they consistently reminded that all THEY needed was to think there was"only" reasonable cause to indict, not the BEYOND REASONABLE DOUBT needed to convict?


  35. Obama and Holder hate white people and they prove it every day to those not blinded by stupidity.

    Actually, the anti-white hatred of Obama is a good thing. It clearly exposes at the highest level the hatred most black people in America have for white people. Including our President. Not all, but most black people hate whites. Black people might like a few white people they know as individuals but they generally despise the Caucasian race as a whole. Anyone who has grown up with blacks understands this. Even those blacks who are able to flee the ghetto have a hard time over their disdain for white people. AWD discussed this years ago in this piece:


    Don’t believe the title of the post? Read the vast majority of comments from blacks! Blacks in America are almost universally black first, American somewhere down the line. Even those who are politically conservative cannot escape this mentality.

    White people must begin to understand the ghetto black culture. One only need to watch what’s going on in Ferguson and other black communities over the death of the latest sainted black thug. Ghetto black culture breeds irresponsibility, hatred, violence, and dependence. What other culture in the world worships pimps and gangstas while referring to its women as bitches and ho’s? What other culture rejects education? I can only think of one that treats its women as bad as ghetto blacks and it is spreading rapidly throughout ghetto black America. Islam.

    Ghetto black leaders like Farrakhan and Sharpton are egging on their mindless minions for a race war. It appears it is starting and Ferguson is Ground Zero. Be aware and be prepared.

    Prediction: get used to hearing the term “white privilege” over the next decade. Black hatred of whites and blaming us for their problems is not going away.

  36. 514 duh everyone knows blacks hate whites, ever heard of Farrakhan? but how does that change the fact that police are out of control?

  37. Abbadabba Bulshitmachine12/3/14, 5:18 PM

    OK! So lets all agree that there are some ass holes on every police department. So what does that have to do with making a felon thug a hero? Why did Browns step father go into rage encouraging people to burn Furgeson down while the family PR machine was blowing smoke up the libtard press ass about how they wanted peacefull demonstration? There is no excuse for it, but you can bet your ass there will be a libtard around by prime time telling everyone how they should understand.

  38. sorry you obviously heard of farrakhan because you said it in your post. but seriously what does that have to do with out of control police? pretty sure the cops in sugar creek don't care if your white or black, they are just looking to assert their authority.

  39. Black people don't care about facts, they hate you.

    "In the immediate aftermath of the Brown shooting, grand jury documents show, witness intimidation and lying became the order of the day. Witness after witness told police that local thugs were intimidating those who had seen the events. One witness told police, according to the St. Louis Police Investigative Report, that threats “had been made to the residents of Canfield Green Apartment Complex.” This witness said that “notes had been posted on various apartment buildings threatening people not to talk to the police, and gunshots were still being fired every night.”

    The witness wasn’t alone. Other witnesses stated that supposed witnesses were lying to the media about events, that others who had seen the events were “embellishing their stories” in order to convict Wilson. One witness stated, “You have to understand the mentality of some of these young guys they have nothing to do. When they can latch on the something they embellish it because they want something to do.”

    Some 16 witnesses testified that Brown’s hands were up when he was shot, which was factually false according to the autopsy. Another 12 witnesses said that Wilson shot Brown from behind — again, false according to the autopsy. One witness testified that Wilson used both a Taser and a gun — false. Another said that Brown had kneeled before Wilson shot him. When confronted with the fact that the physical evidence made such an account impossible, the witness acknowledged he hadn’t seen the event, and then asked if he could leave the grand jury because he was “uncomfortable.”

  40. 5:18 I agree completely with what you said. But you are skipping where we hold the "ass holes" accountable. they NEVER are. that is the point. see 7 year old aiyana.

  41. Hey dumbass, Mike Brown is dead.

    Protest your hipster, black cocksucking asses off from now till hell freezes over. Nothing is going to change.

    Negros will continue to kill both themselves and others. Negros will continue to get killed by cops for breaking the law.

    Pants up, don't loot. Pants up, don't steal, Pants up, don't strong arm. Pant's up, stay on the sidewalk. Pant's up, don't try and knock out a cop with a gun.

    Nah, these black shitheels will stand on Troost for a week or two. Once the wind chill gets down to about 10 below they will be in the duce, toking on a bong. TKC can run this lame shit out day after day...and that's just what it is. Lame shit.

    Nobody cares Mr. Delusional. Nobody cares.

  42. 520 there is not one person on this blog that is defending brown. if i am wrong please point me to the comment. and everyone knows blacks hate whites. doesn't change civil asset forfeiture where police officers can take your possessions without you ever commiting a crime and there is nothing you can do. it doesnt change the fact that there are out of control officers, and that these officers are not held accountable.

  43. 523 while you keep talking about mike brown, which no one on this blog is defending so your wasting your breath, what about aiyana stanley jones? o thats right you have no answer.

  44. 5:24

    The overwhelming majority of violent deaths suffered by black Americans are the result of simple crime, and crime is, as an issue, of no use to the Left. But when a black man dies at the hands of a white man — especially a white police officer — then that breathes life into the ghost of “white supremacy,” the infinitely malleable, endlessly useful set of imperial robes detectable only by the finest sensibilities on MSNBC. Actual white supremacists represent a dwindling and (metaphorically and, more often than you might expect, literally) toothless tendency restricted mostly to hillbilly precincts and anonymous Internet cowards. But if one already wants to boycott Walmart, and a white cop shoots a young black man, then — abracadabra! — the Left is boycotting Walmart because of . . . white supremacy, or something. Agitating for a $40 minimum wage? “Justice for Mike Brown!” Looking for even more generous solar-power subsidies? “Justice for Mike Brown!” Anointing AFL-CIO boss Richard Trumka president-for-life? “Mike Brown would have wanted it that way!!

    Gut the power of the police and expose your family to the hatred of blacks even more.

  45. @ 4:32 sounds like the officer did the right thing.

    When in doubt, rely on your training.

  46. 5:34 shooting a retarded teen (and i mean retarded literally. he's mentally retarded.) because he is having a health issue and you "don't have time for this" is the right thing?

  47. 528 i can protect myself from the blacks, we outnumber them 8 to 1 so i think i'll be alright. the government used those same scare tactics after 9/11 to take my rights to privacy. looking back it wasn't a good trade. 3000 ppl were killed on 9/11, and God Rest their souls, but they aren't worth giving up my rights. i wont make that same mistake of falling for fear mongering that i have to have police or the blacks will get me.

  48. not to be rude, but read what you wrote 528. are you that big of a pussy?

  49. turn on FoxNews right now, even they are saying the NY grand jury probably got the Garner case wrong.

  50. and i quote "the decision is utterly inexplicable". note this is from Fox News. now 2 other pundits just called it "befuddling"

  51. even CHARLES KRAUTHAMMER is saying its ridiculous. CHARLES KRAUTHAMER!!!! hell must be freezing over.

  52. @ 5:26, shitstain, if they are black and dead. So what. One less criminal for taxpayers to support.

    NOBODY CARES maricon gilipollas.

  53. The burgeoning B.P.I.C. spurs huge demand for Community Organizers , hack journalists and Democrat weasel trial lawyers.

    Profiteers piling in.

    i.e. - The Black Paranoia Industrial Complex

  54. 5:48 a 7 year old girl sleeping on the sofa deserves to be shot and killed by the police? sorry but your wrong on this one, right on brown, but wrong here./

  55. No cop has ever tried to cause me harm.

    No cop has ever tried to sue me.

    No cop has never falsified information about me.

    No cop has never lied to me.

    No cop has never called me a white bitch or any other name other than Mr ****** or sir.

    More than one black person has done or committed all the above against me.

  56. superdave well your lucky, i had a friend that was pulled over by kcpd officer minet for throwing a cigarette butt out the window. he's in his 50's and didn't even know it was illegal and minet went on the scream at him on the side of 169 for 10 minutes. needless to say 2 weeks later minet killed his girlfriends baby.

  57. us marhals shoot someone in golden ghetto. on kctv5 now.

  58. Bob Henderson12/3/14, 6:15 PM

    They killed Eric Garner, but it's not racist. What we have is a police state problem not a race problem.
    Obama's domestic army is killing people black or white.

  59. The tea party is OKAY with police brutality as long as its on black people.

  60. Oh dear lord, I just spent a ridiculous amount of time, as a real tea partier, not an anonymous lock and load loner, railing against the killing of eric garner on another board. It's an outrage, but it's a different kind of outrage to hear you lump anyone not stupidly liberal like yourself as 'tea party' when you don't know us at all.

  61. Founders_179112/3/14, 6:20 PM

    This case is not like any of the others - he was murdered by police!

    He posed no threat, made no threats, but was attacked and killed because he was 'alleged' to have sold loose cigarettes?

    Watch the video and it clearly shows these police never drew their guns and ordered him to the ground, they never tried to taser him, they just waited till enough cops were present to physically attack and then strangle him!

    Ferguson was justified, Zimmerman was justified, this was a state murder!

  62. founders: Agreed, My issue is with the Chimp out riot and burn bs
    There is a right and wrong way to handle these things without stupid riots.


  63. This is a tough one. I believe Michael Brown caused his own death. However, I can't in good conscience say the same thing about Garner. It does appear the officers rightly subdued the man, although I would have preferred they didn't touch the neck area, but to have kept that pressure on him when all that was required was handcuffs...all I can say is...

    "Hands behind your back, Don't resist."

  64. 624 this is TKC you're talking sense. You'd better put on your flame suit.

  65. I want you liberal idiots (sorry for the redundancy) to understand that, right now, Fox news broadcasters are seriously questioning the Garner grand jury decision. Fox. Fox. Fox...

  66. Helen Hopely12/3/14, 6:28 PM

    If Obama had not, for the past six years allowed illegals to come in freely,, the guy might have had a job.

    And now that blanket amnesty by Executive Order has been given by Obama, more blacks and whites will be out of jobs. Meh.

  67. smokem if you gotem12/3/14, 6:30 PM

    if taxes weren't so high on cigarettes Eric Garner'd still be alive, maybe. Screw New York State


  69. 632 HAHAHAHA This whole dam8n court room is out of order! I love Pacino!!!

  70. 5:26 (and your multiple other posts): I'm not familiar with the Aiyana Stanley Jones case, but I do think protesters have a legitimate cause with Eric Garner's death. A guy selling cigarettes put in a choke hold? Give me a break.

    Michael Brown? A proven thug even his mother, who is now seeking media fame through her son's death, couldn't stand and dumped on his grandmother? Not so much.

  71. mo conservative12/3/14, 6:34 PM

    Too all my liberal friends in NYC tonight.. You are about to find out why someone might need an "assault" rifle.. Let's see you protect yourself against the New Black Panther party with 911

  72. This is BS. I am white and I think the police are corrupt as well. This isnt just a black problem or a problem with people who have been arrested (i never have been). The police are out of control and Obama is militarizing them which will only increase the number of senseless deaths

  73. 6:24: New York outlawed police choke holds in 1993.

  74. 6:35 8 in 19 years, we must stop the presses, more electricians died on the job in the last 19 years

    1. We're they shot while performing their duties? I didn't think so. I've never had an electrician help me with anything, beside taking my money.

  75. Eric Garner was a patriot, New York Cig Party. He was a patriot for selling cigs where the cockroaches in government put 9 bucks tax on a pack.

  76. And Lib Tobacco Jihadis have made illegal cig sales an arrest incident and not a summonsable one.

    The time to get upset over Eric Garner was when the Tobacco Jihadis created the tobacco black market.

  77. blame your liberal selves12/3/14, 6:45 PM

    Wake up dummy protesters. Caused by a Law made by liberals, enforced by a liberal democratic mayor and laws written by liberal democrats politicians. It's a liberal city run by liberals just like Ferguson. This is what you get from socialist. A Police State

  78. Mr "fuckhead" Garner stated that he wasn't going to be handcuffed. None of you dumbasses who are not familiar with leo work have no clue what goes through a cops mind when a cop hears those words. Needless to say, by saying those words basically means, "the fight is on. Your getting arrested either way"." Its the bad folks who escalate the issues, not the cops.

  79. Ferguson was nothing....

    The blacks are going to carve up New York like a Christmas ham...

    Lets see them loot 5th Avenue......HO HO HO

  80. he Nazis SS came after people for trying to survive and demanded they lay down and when they did, they were murdered. 1984/Animal Farm-Demolition Man-A person can now be killed on the street for peddling cigarettes. Soon it will be for peddling sodas and other things deemed unlawful. All you have to do is lay down and obey like sheep led to a slaughter.

    Ferguson rioted over the wrong case. This one is the legit one. I for once can say that I hope Sharpton and Jackson and the rest come out in full force.

  81. I saw the video. I could not believe my eyes. Was there some important context that was left out of the video? I don't feel like there was. In any case, the man was just standing there, having an argument with the police. I don't care if he was a habitual criminal, he did NOTHING to deserve a death sentence by the police.

    The man who was murdered was black. I am white, and I am scared.

  82. 6:45 is a LEO, can't believe a word he says.

  83. Black people need training. You burn down white businesses not your own. And you don't attack a Christmas tree you go right for Santa. He's a big fat white man. Take him out.

  84. Black lives do NOT matter! IF THEY DID, then why are more black babies aborted than whites each year! And blacks only make up about 15% of the populous. That knuckleheads sign is all wrong.


  85. What's different about this? It's a guy selling untaxed cigarettes, which should have been a citation at best. The heavy-handed arrest was overkill, literally. Michael Brown was assaulting an officer and trying possibly to get his gun and kill him. That was life-threatening. In this case, no such concerns existed.

    It reminds me of when cops jump behind or in front of suspects attempting to flee in cars, and police using that as an excuse to shoot them dead, using the 'deadly weapon'-ized automobile as their justification. Trying to get away is more severe than what Garner was doing, but even fleeing should not be an instant death sentence.

  86. What have you done in your life that makes you a better person? Come up with that cure for cancer loser? Come on, something, you have to be some kind of upstanding person.... Oh wait, "I'm glad he's dead", nope, you're just a POS.

  87. I'll tell you what I do. I keep my nose clean and am unlikely to hit you over the head with a brick during a race riot. Is that not enough for you???

  88. "I'm glad he's dead." To say that about one of your fellow men on this earth, whom you have (presumably) never met, who has never harmed you or yours in any way, and you're glad he's dead at the hands of the "state"? No, not good enough.

  89. 6:45 did Aiyana Stanley Jones escalate the situation? Did she telepathically through her dreams resist arrest? At 7 years old I highly doubt it.

  90. You can not hold the police responsible for following the law. This is where the whole pack of protesting shit heels continue to miss the essence of the issue. If you want police procedure to change then you HAVE to change the laws governing the police and use of force. All of this burning, bitching, moaning, looting will not change a thing. Stop trying to make the police out to be murderers and start crawling up the ass of state legislators. These grand juries are not complete fools. They, like a regular jury, make decisions base on evidence and legal instructions. What is so fucking difficult about all this that people don't get even who or what to blame right? BTW if there is any point to be made in the NY Gardener case it is that cameras won't eliminate the issues.

  91. 6:45 did Christopher Cooper escalate the situtation by laying lifeless on the ground in Independence? but 6:51 is right about you.

  92. 7:01 I don't know, EVERY NEWS AGENCY, including right wing Fox News are condemning this grand jury decision. Even the Judge Napolitano is baffled. I would like to see one pundit who supports the cops on this one.

  93. Bill O'Reilly just said that its disproportional. over 500 ppl shot and killed by cops last year, less than 50 cops killed. NOTE: 350 of the 500 shot and killed by cops were WHITE.

  94. 7:03 What you are not grasping is that it does not matter what the press or the pundits like. All that, like the BS protesting, will not change a thing. There is a way to get things done in this country and until these geniuses get it and organize to change laws they are just pissing in the wind.

  95. anyone thats seen the video knows thats the truth. the cop waves to the camera after he killed eric garner and laughed. thats guilty in my book.

  96. NYC must have the lowest crime rate in the world if they can have so many cops devoted to stopping loose cigarette sales.

  97. That cig selling brutha had been arrested 33 times.

    33 times.

    I think they were sick of him and guess what? His life didn't matter because he was just another criminal that the MSM will make into a hero.

    Line up for your white guilt whitey.

  98. America isn't a first world country when a police force and prison system that resembles a banana republic.

  99. I'm not so sure about this one. Selling untaxed cigarettes is a petty crime. Wish they showed this much enthusiasm enforcing immigration laws

  100. Again, we see the ignorant uninformed racists rants on this post. Half truths, and outright lies. There are protesters of every race out right now, of every background and economic status. When a man is murdered and the murderer gets away with it, its, still murder. Blacks who commit crimes go to jail, caucasions don't. Keep hating because you are in the minority and not too bright.

  101. like KC? Where they write parking tickets and chase hookers while thugs own the neighbourhoods.

  102. 7:17 You sound like the one breeding hate. You sure have issues.

  103. Liar. Lots of pale-skinners are locked up. Some have even been proven innocent DECADES later! You need to go do some volunteer work in a Prison. See Ryan Ferguson

  104. When will a politician (especially a black one) step up and speak the truth about the attitudes and ghetto black folks who purposely blame everyone else for their problems.... If you don't know Dr. Michael Savage, I suggest you read his latest book titled, "The coming Civil War".

  105. The racist come out at night and hide behind their little computers and speak filth towards people of color and LGBT. Well whitey, you are the minority now. Well whitey, the revolution has begun. Well whitey, be afraid. Be very afraid!

    See, we can adapt. You can't, you'd rather kill your families and yourselves before you bow down to kiss my black ass in respect.

    That's fine with me. If I can't get your respect then I'll settle for fear or, better yet, your self inflicted murder of your families and yourselves.

    At any rate, mother fucker, it's a new day. The sins of the father will be paid by the sons! You murdered and hung our people. You denied our people basic rights as you prospered. Today you pay!

  106. Thank God for the Sickle cell and Lupus12/3/14, 10:18 PM

    If you dumb fucks put half as much effort into the recent unsolved murder of the little black girl killed in a drive by, or any of the other countless black on black murders, some shit might get solved, instead you focus on shit heels like Mike Brown or some other waste of flesh.

  107. 952
    we're waiting Shine. Come get some.

  108. 9:52pm, would u like some govt cheese to go with that whine ?

    Shut the fuck up nigger.

    Here is the tuth. Try to take a cops gun, get killed.

    Try and resist 5 cops for selling illegal cigs, get choked down and have a heart attack.

    Either way, two more moon crickets in the ground. Oh well.

  109. Michael Brown WAS a fucking NIGGER and now, a dead NIGGER. This is fact and this is great!! Good bye, you piece of shit NIGGER.

  110. Wow, a lot of niggers and nigger lovers in this thread.

  111. 2:47. what ? 14 hours you say ? That's impressive.

    Me, I would jump on a nearby table and yell "I'd fuck her dead in the ass", then finish my kale.


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