Camp KC is Kansas City's LGBT resource of record and recently they issued an IMPORTANT statement on a recent decision to lighten U.S. health policy that many people think is discriminatory.

Here's the word:

"We received some good news from the FDA in that they have recommended lifting the 31 year old ban on men who have sex with men from donating blood. Their policy would allow men who have sex with men to donate blood as long as they've not had sex with men in the last 12 months. It's a big step forward but not enough until the discriminatory policy does not involve sexual orientation at all. The National Gay Blood Drive will continue their efforts to totally lift the ban based on sexual orientation."

Developing . ..


  1. I should have the right as an American to refuse gay blood. Get that DNA going and the next thing you know your offspring are shaking their ass an walking on their tiptoes.

  2. This is great news for you and Alonzo

  3. Byron Funkhouser12/24/14, 10:36 AM

    I like a little shit on my penis!

  4. Wasn't the whole point of the ban because the sexual activity of gays is just riskier for STDs? Same as a strait person engaged in risky activity. I think the LGBT groups really missed the mark on this one. There was no discrimination, just caution.

  5. ....from the HEAD UP YOUR ASS files:

    "Their policy would allow men who have sex with men to donate blood as long as they've not had sex with men in the last 12 months. It's a big step forward but not enough until the discriminatory policy does not involve sexual orientation at all. The National Gay Blood Drive will continue their efforts to totally lift the ban based on sexual orientation."

    Men who have sex with men....but who haven't had sex with a man in 12 months? WTF? Why don't they just say "gay virgins"?

    And... "until the discriminatory policy does not involve sexual orientation at all"'s about insuring the safety of the blood supply and NOT a person's sexual orientation! This is a great example of some within the gay community misconstruing facts to support their paranoia of being persecuted. PULL YOUR HEAD OUT!!!!!

  6. CAMP KC,

    Please look at your magazine cover. Thanks in part to your efforts, most heterosexuals believe that gay people like to cross-dress, wear lots of makeup, sing/dance/perform show tunes, and fulfill the exaggerated stereotypes that you promote.

    If you ACTUALLY were interested in working towards acceptance for this community, you would feature "regular, ordinary, sometimes boring", gay people on your covers and tell their stories. That would allow the mainstream to see that they share most things in common with this group.

  7. 11:18, your comment about the cover missed the mark. This was a cover featuring the holiday play, "I Will Always Love You", a Late Night Theatre parody. The role of Dolly Parton was played by a straight woman, Kenny Rogers was played by lesbian and Whitney Houston was played by a gay man. All sang in their own voices with no lip syncing and the show played to sellout audiences of straight and gay people of all ages for over a month.

  8. Agree with 11:06. How many gay men have not had sex in a year? How many straight men? (That doesn't count those who are married and whose wives won't put out.)

  9. Give the gays the gay blood and don't expect me to prove something so they will feel better.

  10. YAYY! Liberal democrats politicize another health issue!

    As a broke-ass Nam vet --= I tried selling my blood -- they said no - if you'd been to Nam there were worried about you having Malaria -

    that was cool -- they were concerned about Americans health - I got it.

  11. Moral of the story = You are better off taking it in the ass than trying to serve your country.


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