They say that this could be a DEVASTATING WINTER and Kansas City is typically unprepared.
It's going gonna start to get cold on Friday and then we're looking down the barrel of Winter with tragic potholes, busted pipes and all the typical cold weather reminders that our city leaders have yet to focus on Infrastructure but still serve mostly to award law firms and big companies their political patronage.
Hopefully Friday's weather will keep the next generation of welfare recipients closer to home.
ReplyDeleteI used to date DEVASTATING WINTER a few years back, but had to leave her when she turned frigid!!
ReplyDeleteBada BOOM!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Seriously folks, that girl was like a frozen fish in bed....I stuck around a little while just for the halibut, but bailed cause there's plenty of fish in the sea.
Saturday night I'll be casting one-liners and reeling in the laughs in the bar at Red Lobster.
.......and remember to tip your waitress.
It is called "turning colder".
ReplyDeleteNot "it's the blizzard of 1888."
It is almost fucking November. You expected Honolulu weather?
Same shitty city manager. Same shitty public works director. Same shitty snow covered streets.
ReplyDeleteseriously dude get some psychological help or at least buy one of those lamps or get a reliable Zoloft supplier, something, because goddamn.
Tony who is they ?
ReplyDeleteMiddle Class get drunk, fall on the ice and poor people freeze. Rich people go to St Thomas.
ReplyDeleteThe positive side is that after spending all summer being billed almost $50.00 a month by MGE for nothing, you are actually going to be using some natural gas. Thank Missouri Public Utilities Commission which mergered with the gas company years ago.
ReplyDelete50/50 chance of a el Ninio winter. That's warm to you Mexican weather forecasters and taco sauce/cum stained skinny jean wearing faggots.
ReplyDeleteThank god for the Toy Train to get you from River Market to Union Station. The Fag Line will be your savior.
Its called winter. Grow a pair and some bitching, Nancy.
ReplyDeleteEvery fall I hear its going to be a bad winter, this ones no different.