Let's not deny the petty and passively aggressive nature of this godforsaken cowtown by pretending that a tragic second place finish is good enough.
Kansas City hates losing and losers just as much as anybody else.
To wit . . .
This is the FIRST and DEFINITIVE guide to the blame game that goes beyond the scope of fanboy chatter that will consume another 29 years of mostly worthless sports radio.
Let's make it hot . . .
Blame George Brett And His Kansas City "Legacy" For The Royals Inability To Move Forward

More than a generation has passed since George Brett's big Royals win and the guy still hasn't stopped hanging around the locker room.
Sure, the connection with the past is comforting but it's also limiting . . . As a blogger who lives in his mom's basement, trust me, I know about these things.
Anyhoo . . . The George Brett "legacy" tainted the 2014 Kansas City Royals and made it virtually impossible for the team to find its own identity.
As we noted previously . . .
As long as Brett is hanging around the Royals will NEVER achieve greatness.
Peregrine Honig And Her Illicit Panties Share Responsibility For Kansas City Royals Defeat

While Peregrine's underwear consume our thoughts daily . . . The Homeland Security panty raid proved too distracting for the Royals to overcome. Moreover, the Kansas City Peregrine Honig "Pantygate" Homeland Security controversy kinda reminded us that the World Series exists is a broader political context that mainly serves to crush our hopes and dreams or at least limit our aspirations toward greatness.
Yes, Alex Gordon TOTALLY Could Have Made It Home And Ned Yost Hasn't Redeemed Himself At All

For the record, Alex Gordon left Kansas City 90 feet away from a real shot at winning the World Series and the blame lies typical Ned Yost incompetence. He never was a decent manager. Royals playoff success was a fluke and if the team was serious about winning, Yost would be rewarded with his walking papers.
Suburbanites Like The Marlins Man Cursed The Kansas City Royals

Where are these people from? They're not from KC Proper. Amid World Series celebration that was too expensive for broke-ass Kansas City residents the stadium was filled with fakers from JoCo and surrounding rural areas along with a clown in the orange clothes. This was a big difference betwixt now and 1985. Kansas City was better represented at the ballpark 29 years ago . . . Over the past week the place looked more like a shopping mall that was totally unrepresentative of the real Kansas City.
More Than Anyone Else, Paul Rudd Is Responsible For The Royals Losing The World Series.

Like it or not, TKC told you Paul Rudd jinxed the Kansas City Royals. He was the first opportunistic douche to make this event all about his b-list movie career with very little concern about the team or Kansas City. So, I guess we're not getting that kegger after all, right?
Seriously, Paul Rudd might seem like an adorable, friendly, non-threatening low-level celebrity. But more than anyone else . . . Paul Rudd represents the fake, corporate mediocrity that has consumed Kansas City amid the World Series and inevitably cost this cowtown so much devastating heartache. Natch.
Take a breath dude, just breathe!
ReplyDeleteThat all seems a bit harsh...
ReplyDeleteTKC you are so funny and predictable.
ReplyDeleteFun Fact -- Only two teams were in the World Series, and the Royals were one of them. The Tigers, Yankees, Cardinals, etc., were not there. On the other hand, no one believes TKC is one of the top two blogs in the country.
ReplyDeleteI blame the robot.
ReplyDeleteAnd the happiest day of Tony's sad little life rolls on.
ReplyDeleteNot blaming streetcar? Are you feeling OK today?
ReplyDeleteLet's blame Clay.
ReplyDeleteSlug James is to blame.
ReplyDeleteBlame legacy of Kansas City fail. Nothing new for Kansas City to be losing. Republican convention = Fail; World Series = Fail; City Council = Fail; Cindy Cisco = Failed hairstylists
ReplyDeleteThe rest are sort of funny but its serious business that YOST must go!
ReplyDeleteMadison for Mayor!
ReplyDeleteISIS crashes plane into Wichita's Mid-continent Airport. Multiple fatalities.........developing
Tired of this, "way to make us proud" bullshit. They lost, plain and simple. At this point, I was they had lost the Oakland game, which they should have but for Perez flailing away at an obvious ball. Fuck it. It's over.
ReplyDeleteUntil we get an owner that starts giving back to the communities that pay his bills then I say he gets what he deserved. David Glass is a racist that does not want Jax Countians and Kansas Citians in his stadium. What else would explain the difference in ticket policies when compared to the Hunt family. Glass probably would add two more "'K's" to Kauffman Stadium if he could.
ReplyDeleteCome on. It is a huge honor to win the pennant.SF had riots and they won last night. Check that out.
ReplyDeleteBotello just gets stupider and stupider.
ReplyDeleteBLAME EVERYBODY! Somebody had to win and somebody had to lose. That's the breaks. Sorry to be fatalistic, but WAIT TIL NEXT YEAR!
ReplyDeleteBaumgartner LOVES light rail.
ReplyDeleteDo you people enjoy spending energy to be unhappy?
Breaking news... Alonzo and Tony spooned during the 3rd,4th,5th,and 6th inning
ReplyDeleteFunny stuff. At least I'm thinking that it was sarcasm. We all know why the Royals lost the series: Madison Bumgarner.
ReplyDeleteI blame the loss on shameless social media types that refuse to let something good happen to a community without somehow making it about them. We really don't care what you think or feel.
ReplyDeleteA World Series is Orwellian as it gets.
ReplyDeleteJack Danforth lives in San Fransisco, did anyone think that he'd let the Giants lose this bread and circuses?
ReplyDeleteWhen was the last time a World Series went less than 7 games? Sounds like the gambling industry is keeping the guv'ment going in these days after the fall of the US Empire?
ReplyDeleteThey sell Lotto and scratch off tickets at Linwood Happy Foods.
ReplyDeleteAnd the rubes go for the bait, not unlike a rainbow trout, its glistening body breaking the rivers surface, swallowing the fly and sealing its fate.
ReplyDeleteMy bad, thats an embittered messican turd not a trout.
Don't be silly. Everyone knows its my fault!
ReplyDeleteBrett needs to go. He contributes nothing.
ReplyDelete@2:27 When did they start stocking Messican Turds in Turkey Creek?
ReplyDeleteTim Cook, Apple CEO, announced today the iGAY !!!!!!
Analysts report a "back-log" of orders.....or at least they imagined it must feel like that!!
I asked Madison Bumgarner if he reads TKC.
ReplyDeleteHe looked at me blankly, then called security.
I heard some black people celebrated by shooting guns into the air. As far as we know, none came down and killed any little girls. At least, there are no candlelight vigils being announced.
ReplyDeleteYost should have waved Gordon to home plate. Dumb call to have him stay at third.
ReplyDeleteThe way Bumgarner was pitching the chances of getting a base hit to bring him home were minimal to none.
Tony: You're getting stale. Time to move on from hating the fun that KC is having.
ReplyDeleteGood job Tony, you are giving The Onion a run for their money.
ReplyDeleteThe bottom line is that their Latino guys were better than our Latino guys. Latinos are to baseball what blacks are to basketball. Madison Bumgarner's real name Manuel Bumargarita and he changed it to bring in the Anglo fans.
4:15 FTW
ReplyDeletethats some funny shit dude....
Tony, you need to stop smoking that shit. You are starting to act like a fucking beaner head.
ReplyDeleteAnalysis of the physics involved was completed. Considered was reaction time, speed of throw from right field, runner's speed, etc. A well placed throw, with a couple of bounces, would have reached the catcher with more than enough time to tag Gordon out. And the fielder has a good record of placing his long throws to home accurately.
ReplyDeleteOr how about we just blame the badass pitching by Madison Bumgarner?
ReplyDelete4:56 correct. With Gordon on 3rd and two outs that left Perez at the plate.
ReplyDeleteHaving watched the 9th inning about 10 times today. Frame by frame. Madison Bumgarner threw ONE (1) STRIKE IN THE 9TH INNING to Hosmer, Butler, and Perez to get 3 outs.
That is just plain pathetic. Perez, with Gordon on third, swung at 7 pitches. Not a single one was in the strike zone. Not one.
Perhaps the Royals will hire a decent hitting instructor in the off season, will take some instruction, and become disciplined hitters next year. They made Bumgarner's job easier than it should have been by swinging wildly at pitches that were no where near the strike zone. Champions don't do that. That is the reason they are the "first loser".
Hopefully, next year they will become selective at what they swing at. But then Ned's history would not support that anything of the sort.
11:54: I heard it was an ISIS plane loaded with bodies of ebola victims that had charted a course for Washington DC at the behest of Cayman Islands tax evader and federal prisoner Rajat Gupta to be used in the event Greg Orman, who received $26,000 from the Gupta family, is not elected to the Senate.
ReplyDeleteOr was that just one of Pat Roberts' ads?
The suspected cop killer Eric Frien was captured by a team of marshals who happened to spot him near and airport hanger one day after the World Series Gambling Junket. Eric King could not be reached for comment.
ReplyDeleteI'd buy that for a DOLLAR!!!