Suspicious Kansas City Frank White 1st World Series Pitch Social Media Movement

Sorry . . . Now that Frank White is a politico and he belongs to one this town's biggest real estate and political power brokers, this sentimental move might simply be taking advantage of people who are out of the loop.

Frank White is a baseball legend but NOW he's also a newbie politico indebted to much more powerful interests than himself.

FB: Have Frank White Throw Out A First Pitch WS 2014

Developing . . .


  1. he'd fuck you up.

  2. As an elected official he should just show up with a squad of Sheriffs deputies and throw out the first pitch whether they invite him or not. Then he could give a big middle finger to David Glass.

  3. do what we are famous for ... no ... not have a bbq ... put it up for a vote and lay the district line to only be at Frank whites house .. then pass it into law
    Now thats good old kc politics right there .. and if he forgets or misses the voting day ... put it back up for vote until he remembers

  4. Gimme a break! What on earth for? Kansas City loves to unearth well rested celebrity. I don't get it. I really don't.

  5. REALLY?

    You bitch about Frank White and you act like that Sucker of the Welfare Teat Alonzo Washington is some kind of hero???

    Come on...Get real.

  6. Alonzo has criminals fearing his mighty keyboard- even if his English and grammatical usage are lacking. So what if he murders the English language and people make fun of his lack of grammar.. He single-handedly has crime doers cowering and they are scared to death of him and his idiot savant ways.

  7. frank white has been given enough. too many '85 guys throwing out the first pitch will jinx it.

    I suggest saberhagen.


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