Second-Rate Kansas City Royals And Horrible Cowtown Deserved To Lose The World Series For Ignoring Gunned Down Black Girls

The dust has settled and now Kansas City sports fans are scurrying to salvage some semblance of dignity after a soul crushing World Series defeat at the hands of a far superior team and city.
In the last moments of the World Series, the cold, hard reality is that the San Francisco Giants, Pedro Sandoval and mostly Madison Bumgarner simply outclassed the Kansas City Royals. Now local sore losers are left to their endless litany of excuses and sports clichés about next season - A typical Kansas City lament. The reality is that Kansas City's playoff season winning was mostly a fluke and the result of an overall weak American League. Like most other political talking points in this cowtown, the success of the Royals was simply a product of media hype with very little substance. But what really stands out is how the murder of two innocent Black girls was pushed aside and diminished in local newscasts and throughout mainstream media coverage in the shadow of the World Series. Today, most Kansas City residents were far more disappointment by the loss of a mostly meaningless game than by the tragic loss of innocent life that persists in the urban core.
It's far too easy to blame racism for the disparity in local coverage, in fact, there is a profit motive to all of this local hype. Amid World Series hysteria mainstream media was committed to serving the best interests of their advertising partners rather than needs of the community. The game played into the disposable income of the quickly disappearing American middle-class whose vapid lifestyle is firmly committed to the frivolous. Sadly, in the end, and very much like all of the cheap Chinese goods which glut suburban box stores or the processed tripe put on American's table at every meal, the outcome was only disappointment.
Still, Kansas City seemed desperate to reconnect with a distant and (somewhat) glorious past as this town hoped for victory. Never mind that this abhorrently misguided nostalgia strives for a time that's impossible to recapture and really reflects nothing more than very real lack of confidence in the direction that Kansas City is taking into the future. Beneath the surface it's impossible to ignore that Kansas City, very much like the rest of the nation, is seemingly divided along sociopolitical and racial lines beyond all repair. The return to a glorious past as a step toward a victorious future was simply another cruel lie stunningly exposed when Alex Gordon stood incapacitated and seemingly frozen in time on 3rd base - Unable to make the mental or physical progress toward win a thanks to a manager, front office and city still in love with an overly idealized memory of far away former glory in years past.
In the final analysis the World Series of 2014 simply offered more proof that Kansas City and the nation are hopelessly fractured. Suburbanites and surrounding rural area sports enthusiasts were far too consumed with a celebration of their own arrogance to care about the struggles of an urban core community in mourning over the death of two innocent Black girls gunned down amid ongoing violence. Now that the Kansas City Royals have been soundly bested, nothing has really changed - the consumer class is still committed to a search for the next sensation while the urban core remains in a struggle for survival. More than anything, the World Series, the hype, marketing and all of the horrible renditions of "God Bless America" failed to provide any unifying myth for Kansas City but instead revealed a city and nation at the breaking point.
Dood, you have GOT to lighten up. This is supposed to be a fun blog.
ReplyDeleteMore hotties, more jokes.
Now go get a frostee.
Tony, you're losing a fan of this blog. Lay off the Royals. Sheesh.
ReplyDeleteT, you've been reading too much James Howard Kuntsler.
ReplyDeleteHe's a good read, but only in small doses.
Ranting like a true Socialist Asshole there Antonio.
ReplyDeleteIt IS possible to be happy about one thing and still be outraged about another.
ReplyDeleteLighten the fuck up.
Tony stays losing.
Tony don't have your panties in a bind about the Royals man.
ReplyDeleteYou really are a low-life, Botello.
ReplyDeleteOne swing of the bat by Perez, and you're eating a summer's worth of your own shit while the rest of the city celebrates.
Try playing the game this way:
-- Two girls are dead, and contractors are still focused on building glittering new homes for people in the suburbs.
-- Two girls are dead, and yet they continue to pour drinks in Westport.
-- Two girls are dead, and still we have people driving from Leawood to the law offices Downtown, making $400,000 a year.
See? No two dots CAN'T be connected when your vision is obscured by the contents of your colon.
If you are happy about one thing and outraged about another you might suffer from Bi Polar Affective Disorder (Manic Depression).
ReplyDeleteTour de force screed missive.
ReplyDeleteSpot on.
I consider myself as the occasional troll on your blog, Tony. I harp whenever you post your regular clickbait cohorts, Alonzo and Bones, but for once I agree with you.
ReplyDeleteI said it before and I'll say it again, Karma's a bitch. When a city marginalizes the deaths of innocent children for the (trivial) national spotlight, expect to home, of all places.
We didn't value what was important, but instead focused on a bygone sport. Approximately over 25 million tuned in to Game 7, but to put it in perspective, the ratings were doubled twenty years ago. Basically what I'm trying to say is that no one gives a fuck outside this city, besides St. Louis, about baseball anymore. As a town, we are starving for some sort of title or (meaningless) recognition; and we all jumped on the bandwagon for the possibility of winning something we haven't attained in over a generation. Gay soccer wasn't sufficient enough. Face it, there ain't shit to do among these parts except spectate sports. It's Kansas City's cultural identity. But if you really ponder, what good comes out of it if your hometown team does indeed go all the way? Do you get a stimulus check/tax credit for your support and contribution through buying apparel and other merchandise?
The only winners here are David Glass and his front office. They shifted the tide for their once failure of a franchise and thus reinvigorated a fan base set to grow for many seasons to come.
At the end of the day, it's all business.
You never elaborated on your rigged theory, Tony. But I think I kind of know what you mean now.
We became enchanted over the past month because we have been so bored with our lives. And last night's loss was akin to holding up a mirror to our mundane existence here in Fartland. This area is merely a breeding ground for raising families and subsequently getting a ticket out the moment you divorce the following 10 to 15 years.
Listen here, I'm not some pretentious schmuck who dwells on social injustice or touts progress like El Bryan or whatever the fuck his name is who frequently gets chastised on here. I know how to have fun, love pussy and drink like I'm still in college. I just saw the juxtaposition of a dull sport's team on the brink of winning a championship while at the same time hearing about the murder of two girls both under the age of 12 like Tony.
There was a lesson to be learned, but we still choose to rally behind a losing team this morning instead of banding together in finding out who killed those kids. Fuck you, Kansas City.
Ur going to hell.
DeleteI think that we can all agree that George Brett needs to get out of baseball.
ReplyDeleteFuck You 11:03
ReplyDeleteWhat has Paco's panties in a bunch, is that, by any objective measure, the Royals had a great year.
ReplyDeleteRead any of his earlier missives about the Royals, and all he craped on about, was poor play, not the relative importance of professional sports compared to social issues.
It's like the guy who can't stand being wrong.
The World Series isn't even an afterthought less than a day later by looking at Goes to show how we much value baseball as a collective whole. KC needs to be take off the rose-tinted glasses.
ReplyDeleteI'm with 11:03 let's go lynch mob the witnesses till they talk. Wonder what Alonzo would say about that?
ReplyDeleteYou need to drop to your knees and pray, the devil had all of us off focus about these innocent young lives. But if it were one of ours we wouldn't be thinking about the Royals or nothing. Tony is right. And we definitely need to get back on focus becouse if you know the "Word" its near the end of our time. Our children are dying. Somebody got to have some common sense . This story certainly woke me up Thanks .to you others try praying!
ReplyDeleteYes, Santa Claus and the Easter Bunny wil help us. Idiot.
DeleteI'm with you 11:03.
ReplyDeleteI am kind of the mindset that it is not an either-or.
ReplyDeleteThe crime is major urban areas is patheic, and if someone tells you it is simply race, they are full of crap.
At the same time, sports serves a community purpose in a positive way, unless they are used like Tony does, in order to inspire conflict between the two.
Just one guys take......
Is Alonzo writing the blog tonight?
ReplyDeleteI can see TKC's point but I like what 11:03 wrote. I'm more concerned with public safety than economic theory. We gotta find these shooters and bring them to justice.
ReplyDelete"Soundly bested"? Are you really that stupid, or do you just need posts to raise your self esteem?
ReplyDeleteThere's always hope that the Royals can come back next season, but these two young girls will never come back.
ReplyDeleteThe royals weren't "bested" they go their ass BEAT!
ReplyDelete@12:33...I'm glad their gone. All they were going to do is grow up and be welfare queens anyway.
ReplyDeleteHunter Pence reads TKC.
ReplyDeleteHe should, I thought this was the Joe Buck blog!
ReplyDeleteDude, put the fucking bong down. I just sprayed the cat with hot coffee. LMFAO.
Nothing wrong with a good bong hit to start a cold morning. Hack, cough, belch, fart,
Yoder Voters ! Bwahahahhahahahahahahahahahaha!
Two dead black girls means about fourteen or fifteen fewer NIGGERS in a few years. The spawn of these two will just never be now.
ReplyDeleteBear, you say a few funny things every now and then. But nothing that funny or bright. You have potential, step your game up.
ReplyDelete5:39 allow me to speak for the bear.
ReplyDeleteBwahahahhahahahahahahahahahaha! with a
f-you included.
I'd like to take this opportunity to chastise people for eating dinner, because after all, 2 black children were murdered.
ReplyDeleteTo the people who watched television this week, Shame on you, 2 children were killed.
Lady walking your dog down my street, how dare you. Two children were killed.
As for those of you in the black community, who remain deaf, dumb, and blind and refuse to give information to the police over the murder of 2 of your own children.....dont sweat it, it's cool. Not your fault.
As I write America waits, again, to see whether blacks will riot, this time in Ferguson. Will they loot, burn, kill, and rape? The usual? The police in Ferguson prepare to protect stores from looters, as rioters seem to regard their insurrections as shopping opportunities. Will it come, we wonder tensely? Will the destruction get out of hand, spread to other cities?
ReplyDeleteIt is curious that blacks, the least educated thirteen percent of the population, the least productive, most criminal, and most dependent on governmental charity, should dominate national politics. Yet they do. Virtually everything revolves around what blacks want, demand, do, or can’t do. Their power seems without limit.
Courses of instruction in the schools, academic rigor, codes of dress, rules regarding unceasing obscenity, all must be set to suit them, as must be examinations for promotion in fire departments, the military, and police forces. Blacks must be admitted to universities for which they are not remotely qualified, where departments of Black Studies must be established to please them. Corporate work forces, federal departments, and elite high-schools must be judged not on whether they perform their functions but on whether they have the right number of blacks.
Do laws requiring identification to vote threaten to end multiple voting? The laws must go. Do blacks not like Confederate flags? Adieu, flags. Does Huckleberry Finn go down the Mississippi with the Nigger Jim, or Conrad write The Nigger of the Narcissus? These must be banned or expurgated to please blacks who haven’t read them or, usually, heard of them. Do we want to prevent people coming from regions infested with Ebola from entering the United States? We cannot. It would offend blacks.
We must never, ever say or do anything that might upset them, as virtually everything does. It is positively astonishing. One expects the rich and smart to have disproportionate power. But America is dominated from the slums.
One might think that a single set of laws should apply to all citizens, and that things should be done without regard to race, creed, color, sex, or national origin, and that all should have the same rights and responsibilities. It is not so
This country is run, soup to nuts by blacks, who with the spoken and unspoken threat of violence enforce their will on the rest of us.
What is this hard on you have with the Royals Tony? Did they refuse to let you sell Tamales at the World Series or what?
ReplyDeleteLet's see, black prez for 6 years now, black mayor, black police chief and shit hasn't changed for black folk? I suggest passing out rubbers in school to control the future thug population.
ReplyDeleteFuck You Mark Smith! It's all white peoples fault that black people die, so kiss my ass asshole.
ReplyDeleteI've been flogging myself for two weeks. My back resembles raw hamburger. How long Lord, how long?
ReplyDeleteSoup to nuts, great phrase.
ReplyDeleteSome real pearls on in the comments if you can wade through the flotsam and jetsam of foamy turds.
Now the Royals can go to Liberia and beat Ebola.
ReplyDeleteBotello shoots and misses in a badly tone-deaf post. Agreed that there is some kind of collective community responsibilty for crime and crime solving. But everyone knows that the killers are only one snitch away from being caught; sadly, in that community the priority is racial solidarity rather than helping law enforcement. The whole screed would be a tad more believable if Botello hadn't been on a desperate mission all year to trash the Royals. Since they made it to the world series and proved him laughably wrong, his only recourse is to bring in two dead girls to make a lame case that the team lost because of bad karma, or something. Sad. Look, just admit you don't like Kansas City and you can't stand the Royals. That would be an honest opinion--not this silly attempt to tie two things together that are not even remotely associated. You're too obvious, Tony.
ReplyDeleteniggers don't care, why should I?????
ReplyDeletethat dead kid is criminally ugly