Right now our AWESOME BLOG COMMUNITY is the only local newsy outlet offering critical analysis of a suspected attack carried out against the office of Kansas City Congressman Emmanuel Cleaver IN ADDITION TO THE POLITICAL RAMIFICATIONS of the Midtown domestic terrorism scare.

To wit . . .


Overall, this local insider seems to contend the reax was "ham fisted" at best . . . But here's the word:

A KICK-ASS TKC TIPSTER SEYZ: "Here's an interesting press release from the Turk for Congress campaign about the inexplicable Molotov cocktail incident at Cleaver's office the other night. Turk attacks Cleaver while expressing outrage at the attack on Cleaver's office.

As far as who might have masterminded the attack, there is a rogue's gallery of possible suspects: mischievous teens, immigration activists, militarized police opponents, race baiters - take your pick of which race, taxpayers on the hook for Cleaver's defaulted SBA loan, or an inside job. Regardless, when he's not snatching up a free meal and some handshakes at a local picnic, Jacob Turk never misses an opportunity to further contort his incoherent messaging."

The Jacob Turk response in its entirety:

Jacob Turk Calls For Swift Investigation of Attacks On Emanuel Cleaver's Office

First, let me be clear. I condemn all acts of vandalism and destruction of property. These acts have no place in the discourse of American politics.

No matter the legitimate grievance(s) people may have with our government, lack of jobs, the refusal to secure our nation's borders, the unconstitutional “a pen and a phone” edicts of our President, violence is not the way to address grievances in America.

No matter the understandable frustrations with Congressman Cleaver, the broken promises of jobs from the failed “Green Zone”, or the “occupy” folks angry over a wealthy 1%'er refusing to pay his personal car wash loan, or citizens ignored and snubbed by Emanuel Cleaver by his refusal to have open dialogue with constituents and his outright disrespect for those who disagree with him, vandalism is not the way to express frustrations in America.

Whatever the legitimate and understandable complaints people in the 5th Congressional District have with Congressman Emanuel Cleaver and our current government leaders, there is no justification for vandalism, violence, looting or destruction of property.

Secondly, I call for a complete and thorough investigation of this crime by the FBI and KCPD. An act of vandalism against the office of a sitting U. S. Congressman, no matter how small or ineffective, is a serious matter that needs a serious investigation.

All results from the investigation need to be released to the public as immediately as possible.

Also, we hope Congressman Cleaver will now have additional security cameras installed outside his official offices. He has called for body cameras for police officers. Cleaver needs to live by his own words and expectations of others.

Lastly, the proper outlet to address any and all concerns about the conduct of Congressman Cleaver is at hand. On November 4th, just 53 days from now, those with disagreements need to work to send Cleaver into a much needed retirement. We as Americans have a peaceful and powerful path to change: the ballot box.

I urge all who want a different representative leading the solutions to our challenges, all who want a different representative who is willing to meet with and listen to all his constituents, those who want a better America than what Cleaver has created, to work to elect someone new. On November 4th I ask the citizens of the 5th Congressional District to vote for me, Jacob Turk.

It's time for change.

Meanwhile: FBI investigates possible attempt to bomb office of congressman

Developing . . .


  1. Be fair not TKC, your readers deserve to know that Turk is the leading contender against Cleaver and the other guys aren't even getting close.

    1. Leading contender lol?!?! He has ran like 20 times, give it a rest crazy

  2. This entire Cleaver drama smells fishy. This was either some punk ass kids or I'm a monkeys uncle.

  3. How is that "hope and change" working out for you kool-aid drinkers?

    1. How's that Sarah palin line working out for you?

    2. 5:08, It's working out great as there's an adult in the White House. Thanks for asking!

    3. Sarah wouldn't lie and say "uh, if you like your doctor, uh, you can keep your doctor."

  4. It is time for a change, it is time for Cleaver to retire. But calling a black man a liar isn't how it is done. Blacks lie plain and simple and him being a liar isn't going to change the black vote at all. No Cleaver could have been caught having a threesome with four boys who had all turned legal age .00007 seconds prior to any pee pee touching taking place and the black vote will put him in office again. Only another black or Cleaver doing maybe Obama's daughter while underage or just plain retiring is going to be the only way to get him out of office. No white boy by the name of Turk will do it and the blacks will just see this statement as Turk talking trash on a black man.

  5. Oh and I doubt it was any black person who was pissed off at Cleaver who made and maybe threw those reported to be molotov cocktails at the building. I mean we all know ain't no negro alive who don't know how to make a working molotov cocktail and use it correctly.

  6. Smartman called it. Negroes will always choose a fellow darkey, qualifications be damned. All members of Congress should have term limits, especially those who are corrupt like the Reverend Cleaver.

  7. The green impact zone wasn't a failure, you nitwit. It accomplished exactly what it set out too. Jesus, you guys don't know shit about shit. You just go around repeating each other's blather back to one another and patting each other's backs about how "smart" you are. It's like a fucking lunatic asylum transcript in this motherfucker

  8. If by accomplishing what it set out to do, you mean throw a shed load of money down a rabbit hole for administrative costs and window caulk, you are correcto mundo.

  9. I'm Black and voting against Cleaver. Turk gets it. Cleaver may have been exposed to too many chemicals as a young man. He's had his chance. Naming everything after the man on the Eastside in not hope or change... its graft.

  10. This smells like something to get Cleaver some sympathy.

    Cleaver probably had someone throw something thru the window. Amazing that it was reported that it didn't ignite. How hard is that ?

    Nah, Cleaver is up to no good. Another black Reverend sucking on the taxpayer tit. And his fellow negros will support the black bastard and taxpayers get to pay for him for a couple more years.

    Never had a real job.....another Obama. Just black GRIFTERS as my pal the Polar Bear calls them. Damn negros.

    1. Go fist yourself you ignorant ass wipe.

    2. 831, are you a nigger or is your boyfriend?

  11. 8:31 got his skinny jeans on backwards, ass lubed, and calling Lyft. MissyB's here he comes.

    1. He be lookin for an Oscar Meyer wiener to plow his Hershey highway.

  12. Turk doesn't even live in the 5th district! You dumb ass Republicans took Lee's Summit and put it in the 6th district. You carved out 40k reliable Republican voters and gave them to Graves.Stupid is what does. With Raytown and Grandview trending more and more African-American, and Lexington voting Democrat this race is over.

    1. Actually the Dems are the ones who carved Turk out of the 5th.

    2. Nope. GOP. They were tired of him losing. He didn't take the hint. I'll give him credit, he ain't a quitter.

  13. Turk isn't the leading competitor against Cleaver, he's really the only competitor against Cleaver, and as much as I'd like to have a Republican win, Turk won't. He doesn't know how to campaign, and this clunky "press release" is exhibit A. If ever Cleaver was beatable, it's this year. Too bad we don't have a real candidate.

  14. 9:57 - a Republican led Missouri Legislature overrode a Nixon veto of the new 5th District boundary. Turk keeps claiming it's Cleaver out to get him. Cleaver has nothing to worry about with Turk as a perpetual rival.

  15. Turk is paid by Cleaver to always run but put on a serious campaign to win.

    Yeah that Turk is a Marine alright "Semper Fuckallofus" Republicans.

  16. There is not enough fried chick, watermelons and crack to get Turk elected in that district.


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