Civil unrest has not stopped in Ferguson, Missouri and it seems that calling in the National Guard wasn't enough to scare rioters into submission.

Check this preliminary collection of links that hopefully represent a variety of perspectives regarding this hot mess debate . . .

Huff Post: National Guard Arrives In Ferguson, But Clashes Continue

NPR: Ferguson Police Use Tear Gas, Flash Grenades To Disperse Protesters

FOX News: State trooper slams 'criminals' in Ferguson as 31 arrested following latest unrest

KSDK: STL NAACP condemns Ferguson National Guard presence

CNN: Caller says she has the officer's side of the Ferguson shooting

- Huff Post: Hedy Epstein, 90-Year-Old Holocaust Survivor, Arrested During Michael Brown Protest

- Gateway Pundit: PROTESTERS STORM GOVERNOR’S ST. LOUIS OFFICE – Demand Removal of National Guard in #Ferguson

Developing . . .


  1. The last days of the Missouri Democratic Party!

  2. Anywhere the Missouri Highway Patrol surfaces.....it will be a total fuck up.

    MHP should be have their guns and vehicles confiscated. Equip them with tri-cycles and chocolate milk.

    Missouri is now the laughing stock of the world. And some of you though Frazier Glenn Cross was a loser. Nothing compared to our State officials from the Governer to the Missouri Highway Patrol.


  3. They put up with Glen Cross and his ilks for years

  4. When will the humans get fed up with coddling these fucking niggers?

  5. Hoods not Hoodies

  6. Just spit balling here but if you want the National guard to leave then quit tearing shit up! Mind you the stuff in your hood. BTW those businesses are probably not going to rebuild and so theres that.

  7. Nixon has always been a twit under a thin veneer.

    Veneer gone.

    Nixon finished.


  8. Hope
    Race Riots
    Police State
    Arbeit Macht Frei
    Der Führer Obama
    Final Solution to the Constitution Question

  9. Nixon is a fucking clown.

    Missouri Gov. Jay Nixon, who yesterday said he was “thunderstruck” to learn how militarized police in Ferguson had become, signed off as recently as January on statewide participation in a Pentagon program providing local police departments with surplus equipment.

    In authorizing Ferguson police and other local law enforcement agencies to apply for firearms and other equipment, Nixon also directed his administration to “conduct management and oversight of the program,” documents show.

  10. You can almost see Jay Nixon quiver like a scared poodle during his news conferences. I wonder how many people it took to drag him out from under his desk?

  11. Jay will be fine as soon as his dominatrix gets back from vacation.

  12. Sure the nigger thugs want the National Guard out of their neighborhoods. They want the cops out to so they can go about stealing and killing at random and having nobody to stop them from doing so. I say back off surround the area and let them have at it. Allow people in to the area but let nobody out. After the thugs destroy the place let them live in their destruction. After they kill each other off send in the heavy equipment to level it all off and make a nice park of it.

  13. 7:59 Why not let them do just that ?

    They will continue to destroy everything in front of them. It's just a matter of time.

    Let's have a "running of the stolen tv's" and broadcast it with the drones.

    The Bear has been telling you they are like a swarm of locust. They will destroy everything in sight.

    Stand back and watch !

  14. Stop Calling Me Bro I'm Not Your Brother8/19/14, 9:20 AM

    To bad they don't have some gas that just puts people to sleep. Or maybe laughing gas would work.

    Make things a little easier for law enforcement.

  15. If we are going to give the press all of these constiturional powers perhaps we should give them a test before they are certifies. These lying, drama queen, politically biased, stupid mother fuckers are half the problem in Furgeson

  16. How did Toni Bones cop blocking go during her short visit to Ferguson?


  17. Ferguson - Media Jack Off Fest

  18. So after 9 days a "caller" has the officers side. How conveient! It must be "suicide by cop." Yeah, that's the ticket.
    OK everybody, move along, nothing to see here. Just another black suicide.
    Anymore "compromising" photo's from Oregon?

  19. Ferguson protesters LOSE AGAIN and AGAIN and AGAIN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    "Report: More Than a Dozen Witnesses Have Corroborated Officer Darren Wilson’s Version of Ferguson Shooting
    TheBlaze @theblaze"

    Arrest the violent protesters!!

    Save Officer Wilson from the liberal activists!!!!

    DEMAND ACCOUNTABILITY and RESPONSIBILITY to preserve a civil society.

  20. In the interest of humanity Governor jay Nixon announced today that all people mourning the death of a loved one will be entitled to loot, rob, destroy businesses during a morning period that will not exceed 30 days. Nixon further related, after consultation with Eric Holder and the President, he will provide national guard protection for all looters.

  21. Now CNN has a young black lady on telling about a previous encounter with officer Wilson.
    If she is black, she must be lying! What you want to bet she commits suicide soon?

  22. CNN has a black reporter on the ground in Ferguson filing all these reports, complaining about some poor cop shoving him around. This Lemon guy looks a tad upset. You thinking what I'm thinking?
    Another black "suicide by cop" on tonite at 6!

  23. Night time Ferguson protesters and citizen journalists it's important to possess such 'life-and-death-important' skills such as fast texting-tweeting and being able to find things on the internet. These hard won life skills will be able to allow you to Google "police officer says move back" just to be sure the officer that just ordered you to do so is legit. Likewise if a tear gas canister lands next to you just ask Siri on your phone what the best course of action should be at that point.

  24. When approached by a Swat Vehicle and ordered to move back Google "Move Back" on your phone and definition of move back by the on line The Free Dictionary will pop up. If asked to move to the sidewalk use Google Maps satellite view to give you a visual of where the sidewalk you should be moving to is located.

  25. Our police have offically become brownshirts. Please don't bleed on their pretty brown shirts. For that will make you feel like suicide, for sure!

    1. Because it's your constitutional right to bull rush a cop!!

  26. He wasn't raising his hands, he was giving the suicide by cop signal!

  27. This case is not about race, it is about criminal behavior. If you assault a cop, you will probably be killed. They have guns. Get real. If I lived in ferguson, I might very well want to kill myself, so that is not so far fetched. I grew up near ferguson and went to Normandy schools, just like Michael brown and I can tell you, it was a shithole. Always lots of chaos, no discipline in the place. Nothing changed.

  28. I'm really happy for you guys. For the first time in years you're having an erection, and many of you are walking around with a full boner all day long.

  29. The Outcast MC Club arrived in Furgeson today and they are already putting the word out on the crooks and looters. If the shit heads think the cops are ass holes just wait for the adjustment they are gonna have to make after the Outcasts rearrange their DNA from the ass up.

  30. I know that there is another side to this story which has not been told. My family lives in the St. Louis area and they are definitely not happy about the negative attention the area is getting. Where is the NRA in this controversy? Isn't this the nightmare scenario they are always harping about?


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