Don't know and don't care . . .

Remember that mainstream media had a hard time tracking her down until one dedicated newsie simply stalked her outside of jail.

Here's the clip, you decide . . .

We love our the Fountain Lady and this broad is close enough . . . The voice similarity is pretty close even if her last video was more solemn but still supportive of the Kansas City Royals: 'Fountain Lady' a year after dive: 'I'm not a bad person'

I'm working on something a bit more important and again, I have my doubts but really don't care . . . The clip hasn't had that much play so I'm almost hoping that it's a spoof because the teaching moment might be . . . People only care when hotties do something horribly embarrassing and damaging to their reps, nice stuff is barely noteworthy. Still, maybe slipping back into obscurity is a good thing for the Fountain lady and makes her one step closer to being my future ex-wife.

More in a bit . . .


  1. She should do something constructive like that. Would be good to help charity, if it's the restaurant she mentioned doing free promotional stunts, they should be boycotted.

  2. Have a yabba dabba doo time
    a dabba doo time

  3. Still crazy after all those beers.

  4. Next Week on Rucksack

    The fountain girl. Okay the fountain girl. What ya think Elmer? Give us ur thought on the fountain lady.

    We'll uh, duh, ya

  5. Actually Tony, you have a very difficult time responding to the positive in anything (people, events, public policy, good deeds), and if you stream through this blog and your followers, they pretty much follow the same deficiency.

    Your "defense mechanism" is self-deprecating humor. Works for awhile, but if you find people migrating away from you, it's because they "get it".

    So, now some local female, in response to doing something positive, will get dissed repeatedly by the misogynists that share your outlook on women.

    The woman you attract, Tony, will likely be hyper negative, hate their fathers, and have a generally poor outlook on life.

    I watched Ruckus out of morbid, underscore morbid, curiosity, wishing that Mike Shainin would ask you, "is there one f-in'thing you are positive about?".

    Now, go draw your self esteem from your regular readers who worship bigotry, Nascar, and Uzi machine guns.

    Oh, I hope the Royals finish out well. Aoki and Willingham may have to come on strong.

  6. If it seems on some days like you woke up in the middle of the movie “Idiocracy”, you might not be too far off.

  7. Chet, local good guy8/30/14, 10:15 AM

    I actually wouldn't mind seeing those jorts wadded up at the foot of my bed on a Sunday morning.

    Damn, those are some pretty big cans she's got.

  8. Being she's not a KC native and doesn't have a local high school listed on her Facebook page it's amazing she has advanced this far.

  9. She can crawl wet into my bed anytime.

  10. Problem with this blog is you have to sift through so much shit constantly to find just one thing that has substance and is relevant.

  11. Shit a person that makes a mistake, admits it, then fixes it.

    We should be saluting her and 958=dead on.

  12. Those tits...

  13. 9:58 stop being a bitch. Look when you act like you do sure the wife is going to get up in the morning and beat the fuck out of you. Try being a man for once and understand that others in life do have meaning and that you will always be a pathetic nothing. Now go hang with your good buddy Glazer.

  14. 9:58

    Disagrees with TKC's position on many of the problems facing this city. That's cool and her opinion is valued here as is every one's, including the cum guy and racists of all creed and color. That said her analysis of Tony's prospects with the ladies by way of a straight line reference from commenters on the blog and his (Tony's) negativity with relation to aforesaid civic challenges in the Metro Area, says more about her than Tony.

    Tony will attract women with character flaws because he hates the Toy Train?


    9:58 watched Ruckus with a predetermined mind set that reinforced her views that Tony and anyone like Tony who does not agree with HER positions on the Toy Train etc etc, must in fact be the kind of person who attracts women with daddy issues.

    Shut the fuck up.

    It is not gonna require an exothermic torch to get past the faux cheap patina of an extemporaneus Psychology Today analysis in the Comments Section to reveal the usual condescension, sanctimony and self righteous indignation of a another elitist who is so much smarter than the rest of us.

    Did I mention, shut the fuck up?

    If you don't like TKC's position, state why and give the facts. Don't pretend you're Marshall Saper becasue your analysis is as dead as he is.

  15. Marsha from Armour Hills wants to know...

    Will the big scary corrupt city of CK have to pay to keep the fountains on at Kauffman for drunk ugly girls to play in it is Mensa Boy Russ Johnson and his crooked corrupt big bad TDD stealing the fountain money to build toy train trolleys that nobody except thousands daily will use?

    Mr. Jim Crow-tie, TURN ON THE FOUNTAIN (and pay to maintain it, even though my neighborhood ass.n owns it).

    NO MORE TOYs like better, more effecient public transportation.

    We need to have our private fountains maintained with public money!

    We are real mad in brookside (at least those if us who are illegally squatting on city property like sherry, or who illegally use city streets as a private loading dock like Sue Z Q from parkville)

  16. Or those who are paid shills for St. Louis billionaires who want to make sure mayor slay and buddies get all the federal transit money...because they know that St. Louis lost population all over the city except right along their transit spine.

    Real SMART, CK. Fucking brilliant. smarter than EVERY other comparable city in the country.

    The only places that are as smart as us are world class Columbus and international destinations like Wichita and Des Moines

  17. If my man doesn't bite at this bait, he's either dead or locked up...probably the latter. Cum guy, we barely new you.

  18. Looks like 1113 had his lunch money taken by the big kids again.

    You shut the fuck up?

    That it?

  19. I'd rather do fountain lady any day. Sorry Toni Boneless.

  20. 1113, wayyyyyy too much man love

  21. Defending Tony against utterly clueless morons is hardly "man love.'

    Is there a dumber more Chive bro-dudey phrase than "man love?"

  22. I am surprised she hasn't had an offer to be a Hustler Honey.

  23. Stay with noun verb 224, and bitch about illegals that can't speak English.

  24. This is free speech?


  25. So very many dolts in the neighborhood8/30/14, 6:58 PM

    Sure I will Brosephus, when you start using phrases that don't come straight out of Two and a Half Men.

    May you long wear your rube-ness like a crown.

  26. I signed the new TDD petition today. Morningside resident.

  27. They had it at Irishfest and were getting overwhelmingly positive response from everyone under 50. One fat old cunt from Armour Hills was howling and shrieking about the same shit as always: They stole sewer money to build the toy train! or some shit. Seemed like a fat lonely shitsmear of used up mom-trash.

  28. Help... Chuck has his nose lodged up Tony's ass.....8/30/14, 9:55 PM

    Somebody call a fucking tow truck.

    Chuck has his nose buried so far up Tony's ass. It will take TWO tow trucks to un=lodge that booger packer from Tony's bung hole-e-O.

  29. I'd fuck her in the ass. Then cum all over her face and tits.

  30. I'd drink her pee after she had about six beers! Yummmmyyy!!!!


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