Let's start the Kansas City morning with a bit of mourning of a dude who could buy and sell your entire family over breakfast if he would have been able to get out of bed . . .
Crocodile Tears From Kansas City Dead Tree Media: Banker and civic leader William C. Nelson dies at his Mission Hills home at age 77
Perspective regarding how people don't really understand wealth disparity in this nation: The Unbelievable, Unknowable Wealth of the World’s Super-Rich
Sorry, I'm sure this rich bastard was the best thing since sliced bread according to the gold plated copy on all of this Biz Chamber awards . . . But I'm not ready to cry that he'll soon be pushing up daisies.
"He had been chairman of the Civic Council of Greater Kansas City and the Kansas City Area Development Council, among others, and vice chairman of the Greater Kansas City Chamber of Commerce."
Translation: Your broke-ass is pays e-tax so that Mayor and Council answered his calls first.
Bon Voyage to banker dude while the rest of this town remains just a paycheck and a half away from foreclosure as well.
More in a bit . . .
I'm embarrassed to say I had never heard of him.
ReplyDeleteTotal wealth is not a zero sum game. While there may indeed be pernicious effects from a small percentage of people aquiring such wealth over a fiven time period, other questions relating to said wealth are ignored, Do the rich fuckers generate an increase in overall wealth in their endeavors?
ReplyDeleteIf plutocrats are hiding their money illegally, then address it with legislation. After all, the new demographic, made up of folks who vote for a living and create "zero sums" their entire lives from cradle to grave now control the outcome of elections. But so called evils of plutocrats pale, I mean PALE in comparrison with Kleptocrats in the Federal Government, who EVERY day seek to take your money backed by the immense power of the IRS and the end of a gun barrel.
Fuck the rich, at least they for the most part can't take your wages and "redistribute" them to lazy fucks who have been trained from birth to expect gubmint bennies to pay thier way while they shoot babies outta thier vaginas like fuckin Jesus cannons.
The Fed, soup to nuts is now peopled with government union employees who are Liberal Marxist Culturalist apparatchiks intent on a dystopian revolution that is now transforming our nation into a 3rd world country by way of what is left of middle class earnings.
You cna hate the rich all you want. The Fed wants you in chains and it wants you in chains now.
By the way, your Frenchy's ideo of a solution to "The Global Wealth" problem (Wealth is always a "problem" for communists.) is a 2% global tax and a world wide income tax of up to 80% on income. An over simplified panacea (Panacea's by nature, are of course oversimplifications, but...) that would send our fuckin asses back to the iron age in 2 generations.
ReplyDeleteI am ok with class warfare, race warefare, economic warfare when there is some justification, but this is just a red herring to hypnotize the fuckin chickens while the real enemy grows in power enacting utopian solutions for all of us plebes.
How ya likin your Obama Care?
Now I am going to go work so I can pay some more taxes for the ever growing "Protected Class" that in turn will vote in more taxes to be paid to the "Protected Class".
ReplyDeleteHaving known and worked with Bill for a number of years, you, Tony Botello are a worthless piece of excrement making a commentary about a man who was decent. You won't find anyone, anyone that amounts to a hill of beans, that will have a bad word to say about Bill Nelson.
ReplyDeleteComments like the one you made Botello make many realize what a worthless piece of (not excrement) but pure dog shit your really are.
Comming form a under-achieving douche bag, living in his mothers basement, licking the nut sacks of any clowns that claim to have a "rumor", not the least bit surprised.
You have the balls to call others racist, bigots, and freeloaders yet in the barrel of shit, you sink to the very bottom.
I knew William as well was always fair to me paid me very fast and never haggled on what he owed me.
ReplyDeleteMy family was always remembered at the holidays by him which was something that always made me believe he did care about people.
So Tony hate to say that you are very wrong here.
Chuck you hung over fucking drunk just get your ass to work and shut the fuck up. I swear you're getting more like Mo Rage all the time and two assholes like that are not needed. Hearne called and said to get your ass back over there where you belong, he has wood and Glazer is passed out with the whore
ReplyDeleteYou love Chuck and hang on every word he writes. It validates the crap your betters have taught you to believe while substituting for your lack of originality.
So, did the rich mother fucker leave me any money?
ReplyDelete750 & 908. You'll have to excuse the po folks on here. We get a little testy when we have trouble making the bills or in Tony's case maybe he couldn't afford that rad new skateboard he wanted.
ReplyDeleteNot all of us are rich people haters.
Tony you serve the interests of life suckers like this guy when you ramble on about Liberty Advocates. Moron
ReplyDeleteJust think of what would happen if a really cute lady with a cause dropped her panties for Tony.
ReplyDeleteHi. My name is Tony I live with mommie somewhere on the westside of Mexicoville. I have been fired a few times and all my bosses were assholes. I don't have a real job other than trashing those who have a real job. I go through life promoting convicts, trailer park sluts and any other chick who I think just might give me something like sex in return for some attention. Some day I hope to own the KC Star if mommie increases my allowance enough and I stop eating snack cakes before my fat ass can no longer make it out of the basement.
ReplyDeleteAlso knew Bill. Made all his money himself....gave most of it away. You tony?
ReplyDeleteWhat makes me laugh is the crazy notion, held by so many TKC posters, that if only the government would get off of their backs, they, too, would be among the superrich. Delusional. And btw, the Civic Council has historically had outsized influence on KC MO's politics--guess some of you think it is okay for someone who lives in Kansas to pull the puppet's strings in KCMO?
ReplyDeleteU was gonna be rich but I decided why the fuck should I join the 1 percent that is providing entitlements to all you fucking low feeders in Kansas City. So fuck it! When Uncle Sam straightens the shit out I'll then get rich instead of laundering all this money under the table.
ReplyDeleteI think what's important here is that Tony offers a bit of criticism of the tactics of the 1%.
ReplyDeleteThe satire wasn't lost of me that all of the rich pukes who read this blog loyally get their panties in a bunch whenever this blog hits one of their patrons.
5:11, I agree. Tony's politics are interesting--they are sort of right wing populist when it comes to taxes and government spending....socially liberal when it comes to racial issues. He makes juvenile gay jokes, but I don't think he is a homophobe. He is obviously libertarian on certain issues. I get the sense that he doesn't like extremes of power and exclusionary politics, which is what makes him kind of anti-Dem on a lot of his posts. But, if you are going to be an inconoclast in Jackson County, you have to mock Democrats. I would love to meet Tony, have a beer with him, and learn (off the record) what his real politics are--not his online persona's.
ReplyDeletelucky bastard. He lived well and got the hell out of Dodge before Tony Bones bored him to death.
ReplyDelete7:50 comment
ReplyDeleteSome further clarification please.
You said...
"you, Tony Botello are a worthless piece of excrement..",
and then said, "what a worthless piece of (not excrement) but pure dog shit your really are.",
and then said, "Comming form a under-achieving douche bag.."
and then said, "yet in the barrel of shit, you sink to the very bottom."
Besides multiple spelling and grammatical errors present in your comment, you contradict yourself repeatedly!
In reference to Mr. Botello, you first claimed he is a worthless piece of excrement, only to immediately change your characterization to that of pure dog shit, which then morphed into a douche bag, which finally transitioned into a bottom-dwelling entity in a barrel of shit! You sound extremely flustered and indecisive to the reader, like someone with their panties in a bind.
(p.s. Who saves shit in a barrel?)
5:43 and 8:21 are both Botello trying to save face.
ReplyDeleteSorry fat bastard, grammatical errors, spelling errors and contradictions don't negate the fact that you are a piece of shit, under achieving, Mexican.
Where are there grammatical errors in 5:43's post? What isn't spelled correctly?
ReplyDeleteI think you overestimate TKC. His grammatical errors are much worse.
What is this constant wannabe school marm shit in this blog? Fluck yo9u and the whorse you fell off oof when your fat fuggin head hit the door jamz.
ReplyDeleteTKC is vile.