Take a look at this Internets missive regarding white people gangs that could be rolling again on local streets . . .
Gangland Wire: Galloping Goose Motorcycle Club
Here's what he wrote which provides another reason for TKC never to travel near meth town:
"Driving north on I-29 Wednesday and I saw 5 guys on Harley motorcycles driving north. Not unusual, except they were all flying Galloping Goose Motorcycle Gang colors."
Apparently, this crime movie/blog author claims to have seen that the group recently on local streets despite a recent crackdown by the feds.
Developing . . .
They were at Rockfest this year.
ReplyDeleteGalloping Goose now that's a name to strike fear in you. Sounds like a gay fagot bunch of people like Glazer who hang out at Missy B's and ride Mopeds with multicolored silk do-rags on their heads.
ReplyDeleteThey'll turn your head into a silk do-rag....You cumbelcher.
DeleteWho does this dumbfuck think he is talking shit about a local MC I would laugh if they were to cut his head off shit down his neck and bury him six feet under!
DeleteYou sound stupid, ⬆⬆⬆⬆⬆⬆⬆
DeleteLet's just start by saying that Is one of the dumbest things to say about a 1%er club. I would love for you to have the chance to say that to a full patch member and see if you walk away untouched. Just because you watched a fake ass show called sons of anarchy and the devil's ride. And think it's cool to go out and get a harley and a leather cut and think they are bad asses. You know why you started seening then again? They all started getting out of the federal pen. And got to there bikes back. I just seen them a week ago and they are back and meaner than ever. And befor you talk shit on a 1%er club name find out the history of where they got the name to begin with. Dont see you saying anything about the el forasteros mc. There brother club that shares the same club house and do all the same runs 1 club 2 patches.
DeleteTell them how it really is because I'll be the first to say just as a supporter of purple and gold and black and gold I want hundred percent would not rather have a better Brotherhood send them to clubs together I'm just a supporter I will not speak on the behalf of the club or nor will I ever it's not my place to I will say this as a civilian I do support them 100%I go to some of their parties never once have I had a problem out of any of them they have a good model respect is given where respect is earned respect them they respect you that's all I've ever heard him ask for is respect 99.9% of them work legitimate 9 to 5 jobs summer even truck drivers some work at hospitals you just don't ever know who they are and what their personal life is that's their business and nobody else's once again I'm just a supporter a civilian that gives them 100% respect as they give me I am also a truck driver just so happens to be but when I am invited I love riding with them there are Open House Parties get to know them before you talk shit on them I love the same talk shit get hit that's the way to live your life that way you ain't never got to worry about it I've seen many of them get out and do Toys for Tots ride when there's ice on the ground did a lot of pussy fide motherfuckers will not do my hat goes off to you all purple and gold elf esteros I love seeing you guys ride I love seeing the Brotherhood much respect love loyalty and honor honor ml HR
DeleteTheir clubhouse is on Guinotte near Knuckleheads and has been for years. This Gary Jenkins blogger must not know much about our city.
ReplyDeleteHe is well aware.
ReplyDeleteI know a couple of the "Geese" and they are definitely not to be fucked with !
ReplyDeleteOne, Tex, is now doing 20 hard for kicking the shit out of a KC cop. Took about 10 cops and 3 or 4 taser shots to bring the dude down. He was a pretty good dude. Just had typical skunt problems like many guys have. Skunt's, can't live with them...can't live without them.
BTW: I support the Polar Bear
I call bullshit on that
DeleteTex is a cool mfer you didnt motion that he broke off a antenna off a cop cop car and beat a cop down with it.he maybe Crazy as bat shit but i was always glad to be on his side that against him. I honestly know a few more than tex but I dont name names. Tex and melissa were good people.mean ass hell but that's the life.
DeleteIs Tex the same one who was convicted of rape and kidnapping? Or am I mistaking him for another 5 pound bag stuffed with 10 pounds of shit? Tiny Mercer was another rapist killer shit heel, fortunately he got that lethal injection. Shadow aka McCracken, another bike gang scumbag and member of the Nomads who were asshole buddies with the geese.
ReplyDeleteI call bullshit on that.
DeleteHey fuck face they are not a gang! They are an MC gangs are low life unorganized crackhead fuckers!
DeleteTiny Mercer was a member of the Rancid Riders that the EFMC and GGMC ran out of town. 8:29 sounds like Steve Cook...
ReplyDeleteHe was a missing link
DeleteHe never patched
Delete8:29 you talk a lot of shit behind the keyboard. Sitting beside a 6'4", 260 pound bad ass, I seriously doubt you would mutter a wimper other than gazing, with envy, at his bulge.
ReplyDeleteNice attempt at a smear with the rape/kidnap accusation. Sounds more like one of you date rape fantasies.
Tony must of just seen the reruns of Gangland.... Tony you are fucking clueless.
ReplyDeleteHow far up I-29? Several Gooses work at the local Harley plant up by the airport. Also a couple of 81's and several other clubs are employed there. Its neutral ground up there at the plant.
ReplyDeleteReally? Your fucking clueless. Only one and it ain't at the plant
DeleteTiny Mercer didnt get nearly what he deserved
ReplyDeleteYou know he killed my family member and I still ride with 56 you know the ones who took there patches
Deleteharley riders are are speed freak leather daddy dressup faggots doing the mob's dirty work. fuck em.
ReplyDeleteYea you know your facts.
DeleteThe goose are an old dying MC. Nothing to worry about unless they figure out how ti kill you with banana pudding.
ReplyDeleteThe entire "club world" are bullying douchebags. they arent shit one on one. this i know for a fact. cunts
ReplyDeleteHey 7:43 Tex was a MDMC and kicked to shit out of his GF not a cop.
ReplyDeleteVery true. One on one they are dumb as fuck. One more thing....the average outlaw biker at 6'3 250 is 30% fat. Any 18 year old kid with even a little muscle would kick the shit out of any of them.
ReplyDeleteI can't say much....A few years my truck was stolen, and it was a couple Gooses that got it back for me. Of course I think one of them is doing time now
ReplyDeleteGalloping goose is a brilliant name, comedic, named after the founder's bike, he called GG
ReplyDeleteGreat sense of humour, great name
Fucking awful colours though
From the looks of thing and depending what end of town your own it looks like no one has a hold anymore up north there is black and white everywhere. To the east you red and gold with purple and just down the road. See a few of them to the south but more sons. South side Missouri vagos running around. And not to forget 2 new 1% clubs out of NY on south KS too. Plus a but load of support clubs for all. This summer riding all 4 corners of KC area it seems all the 1% ers have moved into KC but 1. And they may act they are playing nice but not really. We were in a bar in NKC and someone has support shirt on for one of the clubs. The other club beat this poor dude to a pulp cut his shirt off. It's no longer beware of the goose it's be careful of everyone as it seems that patches are a dime a dozen in KC now. And these guys are not working for what's on their back.
ReplyDeleteThey are all coming to Springfield Missouri now
DeleteMet a goose today and he was a stand up guy
ReplyDeletemet Galloping Goose and el forastero in 1976. When scrap iron was Pres,before the wreck on the causeway at Mardi Gras. Ho Mo Mike, Billy boy, RG, Rob, Muff, Sugar Bear, Shifty, Roger Ram Jet a.k.a Bones, Crazy George and many others. When the club house was in dog patch.
ReplyDeletePS I miss my friend EVERYDAY!!! EVERY FKN DAY!!!
ReplyDeleteSick of hearing shit about my friend from people who think they know something about the Gooses. It ain't HO MO ITS HOMEY!! He is the best person I have ever had the honor of meeting 30 years ago. He did not deserve what Cook did to him or this little 5'2' woman who knew nothing of alleged allegations and even if I had Known I would NOT have told fkng Steve Cook because I remembered his face from back then and realized it on Gangland when I saw the picture with long hair. He says he is proud of what he has done. HMMMMM well then why didn't he return my calls when I tried to confront him with his harrassment of me all the way to Oregon just because I was known ASSOCIATE of my friend and a handful of members in the Springfield chapter? Cuz Cook knows I kow he did it out of retaliation because KC wouldn't let him join the chapter. My friend should sue that fucker for slander, defamation of character, and conspiracy to destroy his life and so should I. Why wasn't he harrassing the Outlaws or the Bandidos. Cuz he had an agenda to take down the Gooses and the El Foresteros. This went on for at least ten years before anything happened. Now he is in another town in MO where his brother is sherriff harassing 2 brothers one of which left the life and is now a preacher. Go do another line DET. Cook with Det. Sever since you think thier stuff is OFF THE WALL!!! Trust me they both had thier noses pwdered or they would not say such a thing. They did thier best to set me up to cover thier snitches but OMG!!! My friend knows how much I love him!! So please please stop throwing names around like you know them cuz obviously you don't!!!! Glad to know the Gooses are getting back up on thier feet and takin KC back- I hear they don't want them down here in Arkansas but well, TOO FKN BAD CUZ WE GOT THE RIGHT TO ASSEMBLE AND WE WILL!!! My friends son catered the bbq at dogpatch--said the brothers were very nice and polite and they always are until they get fkd with. In need of a brothers help if an are reading this.
ReplyDeleteWho is this dumbass think he is talking shit on the galloping gooses
ReplyDeleteMan, it sure is brave to talk smack under the "anonymous" moniker. A name itself is not an indication of strength or ability. You could call a club "Bad Ass, Balls of Brass" but that doesn't mean they are any more or less feared or respected than any other club. The GG's may have a name where the individual words themselves do not bring fear or respect; that is established by the actions of the club.
ReplyDeleteLike them, hate them but never underestimate them and for Gods sake don't disrespect their reach and power.
Respect to this motorcycle club. The anonymous comments are stupid but I think they were actively disputed. Weird seeing that this old post is getting so much attention.
ReplyDeleteThe Goose's are bad ass if you know any of them. They're good guys unless you fuck with them or people they know.