Kansas City Weekly Power Rankings Tonight

Take a look at Kansas City's strongest power players for the week according to our blog community . . .

Powerful Slap In The Face From GOP Takes Cleveland Over Kansas City

Shame in the aftermath of Kansas City GOP Convention 2016 Bid REJECTION served as a strong reminder to Kansas City cheerleaders about this town's real place in the world and overall importance or lack thereof . . .

Clay Chastain Made A Powerful Plea For Kansas City Democracy

The Kansas City elite would gladly dump the citizen initiative process and, like it or not, it seems that Clay Chastain is the only person standing in their way with a powerful reminder to voters this week.

Thacher-A-Thon Fights Against KCPS Blight

Northeast community advocates do their best to save their neighborhood from the legacy of KCPS institutional FAIL.

Esther Honig Powers A Global Beauty Standard Sensation

With one instance of brilliant Internets performance art, this Kansas City woman has become an international sensation.

Jackson County Contender Sherwood Smith Isn't Giving Up The Fight For The Courthouse

Sherwood Smith called on former Kansas City Mayor Kay and even Claire McCaskill in a epic gambit to capture the female vote as he faces incredible odds against local baseball legend Frank White.

As always, this list has been compiled according to scientific TKC polling and market research data and it's a weekly comprehensive guide to local powerful people.


  1. Sherwood did make a good bit of progress this week.

  2. KCBJ Slie James interview: "I think we're probably the No. 1 friendly sober city in the country."

    He is deluded. Terminal.

  3. You would think S'LIE's Chief Innovation Officer would have enticed the GOP by renting a warehouse and importing a 1000 Calebs and Felicitys; found a sponsor for the beer and pizza; assembled an entire team of do-nothing, funemployed dirt-bombs to create a master plan to order from EVERY PIZZERIA in CK; don’t forget the ART ART ART ART ART (painting with tomato sauce, sculpting with pizza boxes, playing pizza nursery rhymes on a guitar); and of course – FILM IT ALLLLLLL (on Android phone) FOR THE LOOOOOOOK AT MEEEEEEE FACTOR!!!!!

    1. Thanks fr checking in form Poverland Oark, Todd. Time to cut wifey Kate loose from little Emma Cade and Solomon Jacob. She needs to squeeze into her lululemon a and get down to the bikram studio brier work, plus you need to get to the Home Depot before the snow blower and power riding lawn mower sale is over...

      Busy day, Todd.

  4. Yes I suppose Esther's internet sensation proceeds could be put toward an interest payment on the power and light fiasco.

  5. She'd look good in camo for the next ship out of fresh U.S. troops heading for Iraq.

  6. Need to make military service mandatory. That would cure the hipster-millennial problem.

  7. So Slie and crew did everything they could to shield the GOP's gaze from seeing Wastedport, the shootings and Plaza mobs, and the after dark general moron public making idiots out of themselves and we still lost?

    Did they tell them.. hey and we have the lowest taxes around and smallest and most efficient government hows that for jazzy?

    1. Somebody doesn't know much about Cleveland if they think crime and taxes were the deciding factor.

      Get out of Lenexa a little more, Chad. Baby Lilly and young Hunter need to see the world. Plus wifey Emily needs a chance to wear her "cute" kc cap with her yoga pants and side-bra tee shirt combo she just bought after seeing it in people.

  8. That's not a list of power players.
    It's a menagerie!

  9. THE POWER PLAY of the week.......unquestionably was the Polar Bear going into hibernation.

    That trumps any bullshit that happened around City Hall or in the ghetto and it certainly trumped Esther Honig.

  10. Another week of Sly making big promises that turn out to be nothing.

  11. Mo Rage thinks (he's Byron)6/27/14, 9:20 PM

    More stupid posts by stupid people

    But then it's from a knuckle-dragger from TKC's page, apparently, likely.

  12. Yea, friggin miss an anonymous bigot describing his BM's.

    If that's your highlight, I feel pain fro you.

  13. Who is this douche bag trying to be the Polar Bear. Everyone knows the real bear is in hibernation. Only a corn holer would pretend to be the bear.

  14. Where is the bear Mr. Cornholer??

    What does the Bear know that we don't that got him to go into hibernation.

    It is what the Bear is not saying that is the story Mr. Point yur Cornholer Finger Guy.

    And Frank White is gunna mop up some douche bag polly fireman in August. You ain't seen nuthin yet.

    Bout Mid July Frank White will be all over Sherwood like white on rice.

  15. I think Tony's losing it. or lost a lot of his contacts. This is so repetitive, so inside baseball.

    Other than his reposts from local media. Utter preoccupation with trains and streetcars.

    Wonder if he has many readers who don't work at shitty hall?

  16. 11:43 read this blog every day, all day and all night.

  17. Haha... George Carlin also hated guys named Todd.


    I had a kick ass awesome tipster tell me that the Polar Bear is now a rug in Tony's mother's basement.

  19. Who he fuck is George carlin? Is he one if these kc fake celebrities like Stan glazechin?

  20. Don't go away mad, Clay Chastain. Just go away.


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