Tonight Kansas City metro residents will celebrate a public display of patriotism without much regard to who is picking up the tab.
To wit . . .
- Fuzzy math and the many clever accounting tricks of George Guastello offer the fake impression that Union Station can support itself. In reality, the place has been dependent on KCMO taxpayers since it was MISTAKENLY rebuilt.
- Liberty Memorial is an albatross around the neck of Kansas City and the only hope of relieving the financial pressure is to hope and pray that Prez Obama takes on some of the costs.
- Let's not forget this is all near the future toy train route that serves as a shining example of the death local Democracy.

And so, let's not allow faux patriotism on Memorial Day Weekend to direct attention away from the fact that Kansas City taxpayers are being constantly betrayed by the political elite who mistakenly tout the philosophy of "tin-cup urbanism" which hopes to make this town viable by reckless spending to attract suburbanites and their filthy lucre at the expense of neighborhoods other than Downtown within the city limits. Question: Do you honestly think suburbanites enjoying a local freebie concert tonight will even come close to making up the costs? Or are they just going to quickly drive back to their suburban hinterland homes???
Moreover . . .
Sure, "Stars and Stripes Forever" and gaudy fireworks seem like a great time for the easily amused but the tune will also serve as the soundtrack for even more local disparity and taxpayer ripoffs at the expense of the urban core.
Developing . . .
I disagree with everything but that booty.
ReplyDeleteWhats your opinion of racist Chinese only fireworks?
ReplyDeleteof course.
there there.
Alonzo's been injecting too much sperm in your fat ass. You are starting to sound just like him.
ReplyDeletedey racis.
ReplyDeleteMore than racist, celebration @ the station is lame.
And stinky.
Tony, you are such a prick.
ReplyDeleteHow the is it racist. Because it's middle class? By the way, there are a lot of middle class taxpayers in Kansas City north of the river and west of troost avenue.
ReplyDeleteniggers don't like "culture" or anything that has to do with family. They lik crack, ho's, bitches, drank, killin otha niggers, an keepin iy real!
ReplyDeleteAnything George Gustello is involved with is a fraud and it will be paid for by TAXPAYERS.
ReplyDeleteGuestello is the biggest chicken shit society bitch in Kansas City history. From mooching the American Royal into bankrupcy, which has led to the demise of Kemper Arena, to Union Station where he has sucked every Chamber of Commerce cock and cunt available.
No Gustello could do Kansas City a favor and wear a racist uniform and run down Troost on Saturday night yelling "are there any NIGGERS around".
Fucking douche bag cunt face, cocksucker. That's George Gustello.
Tony, it's is free. People from the hood can go. But it is an event attended by people with a little class.
ReplyDelete8:33 your description of Gustello seems to be right on. He is a leach that attaches himself to the cocks of those in society that can provide him with a income. That has been his resume since leaving , guess where ? UMKC. Another of those Kangaroo's. More like a pole smoker.
ReplyDeleteLet Overland Park pick up the tab next time. If you people only knew how many freebies kcmo REALLY gave away, there would be an outright revolt on the city steps.
ReplyDelete8:35 sure as hell isn't free. KC taxpayers pay for it. 80% of the people down there right now are from JOCO.
ReplyDeleteClass has nothing to do with spending taxpayer money.
@8:35 it's free if you live west of state line. Regular people have to stand up or sit on the hillside if the cops don't run them off. Nothing about Celebration at the Station is for the regular person from KC.
ReplyDeleteFuck Union Station and that queer fuck that runs it.
ReplyDeleteBulldoze it down and turn it into a parking garage.
ReplyDeleteLotta suburban people not attending. Cuz they don't wanna be in Killer City at night.
ReplyDeleteI wonder if there will be a shooting or flash mob at the Celabration?
ReplyDeleteI forgot…most who are going are hard working middle to upper class white people and veterans.
No blacks allowed I guess.
Very truthful and on the money posting Frito.
ReplyDeleteUnion Station is withering in debt. Don't let Gustello fool you. He cooks the books everywhere he steals taxpayer money. He is the master 501-3C con man in the midwest. Perfect for the minions of City Hall. Another carnival caller at the taxpayer trough.
Wayne Godsey, when GM at KMBC had the best idea for Union Station to be a money maker. His idea was a "CASINO". Imagine that. A CASINO.
Rather than take a good idea, that would produce income for the city, they choose to turn it into a ghost palace with Princess Di dresses so Gustello can run around and cross dress at night, and "imitation" KING TUT exhibits.
What the fuck ? Imitation King Tut exhibits. That is some world class stupidity. Who in their right mind would pay to see 'fake King Tut"?
No, Union Station will never make money. Guestello can use his UMKC, Kangaroo math but in the end the taxpayers of KC will get fucked. Guestello will snake away to his next 6 figure, 501-3C, taxpayer fleece. Guestello is a nigger Rev grifter in a ugly white man's body.
Just got back home from my beautiful little girls HS graduation is good.
ReplyDeleteFind happiness where you can, mofos.
Oh, you mean he ones that bring in the money to KC?
ReplyDeleteThe blogger's here are an assortment of white and ghetto black trash.
ReplyDelete"Oh, you mean he ones that bring in the money to KC?"
ReplyDeleteAgree, without suburbanites, KCMO dies a quick but painful death.
Personally I think suburbanites should boycott anything KCMO. I don't go there and really I feel like I'm not missing anything.
I don't go to Royals or Chiefs games. Why when their all on TV?
I don't like flash mobs so I never go to the Plaza or Westport.
I don't drink so I don't go to the P&L.
We don't have a NBA or NHL team so I don't go to the Spring Center. Nor do I want to pay a ton of money for concert tickets for the lasted pop sensation.
And all of the restaurants and stores in KCMO, your local suburb strip mall or you can get it on line.
Try boycotting this blog !
DeleteThank You
Try boycotting this blog !
DeleteThank You
I run into people from eastern jack and independence like myself when I have gone I see lots of Missouri playes
ReplyDelete9:11 that's a good time for you.
ReplyDeleteyou sound like Pure-D misery.
9:11 sound like a douche bag
ReplyDeleteKaufman found a Military Police Captain and propped him up as Mayor Of Kansas City!
ReplyDeleteBishop Finn follows the child molestation legacy of organized religion while the Kaufman's hire a child molester for 1st Trumpet at Kansas City Symphony. Is it any wonder the rich white population of Kansas City controls male prostitution like their the Chamber Of Commerce?
ReplyDeleteLets get this straight.
ReplyDeletePeople in the "Urban Core" don't actually pay any, ANY fucking taxes.
If you pay sales tax on something you buy with your fucking SNAP/EBT card, that is NOT paying fucking taxes.
Blacks, COST money, they never MAKE money with very few exeptions.
Here is the litmus test.
When have you seen hundreds, or even dozens of Blacks on construction sites?
NEVER dumbfuck.
Wanna know what racist is?
ReplyDeleteSpending trillions and dozens of trillions of dollars over the last 50 years for Affirmative Action and thousands of Fed and State programs designed by Democrats to "Even the Playing Field".
What is Racist is pretending that genetics is in no way, a variable.
This request is logical.
Only the white male sex master with trickle down tax breaks really pay for what little is left in the city. So bow down to these white mother fuckers and be glad they still have a stiff dick left thanks to Reaganomics!
ReplyDeleteThat was a few years ago. How about now, who is in charge? Is it all that much better?
DeleteYou'd expect American Renaissance to jump in once the topic of buying young boys is mentioned?
ReplyDeleteFact-I've been in construction from the time I quit school, at 15.the next day my dad had my ass out there HUMPING IT!!
ReplyDeleteYou don't see negros out there,unless its a government job and they have to to hire some, and then they are fuck -offs.
If you loved the fireworks display tonight you'll love it when a rich white man blows a load in your tight ass and then tells you about all the progress that's been made!
ReplyDeleteHuh? That really happened to you?
DeleteThere's an advantage to male prostitution in the rich white community. You can honestly say you are pro life and against paying for woman's healthcare at JE Dunn!
ReplyDeleteLots of disgruntled homos here tonight.
ReplyDeleteThe Great White Glenn Miller, Special Forces, Vietnam, White Patriot Party, KKK, Mass Murder enjoyed the services of male prostitutes. Sometimes Dixie has a dick!!!
ReplyDeleteFireworks make me think about ass!
ReplyDeleteSuck the rich white cock like it's Manna From Heaven!
ReplyDeleteDenial of the rich white power in Kansas City not controlling male prostitution is laughable!
ReplyDeleteGlen miller in no way represents the white race.he is a fucked up, pissed off, Pos.
ReplyDeleteAll white people, with any sense know this.
Do you also think the negro who fucked up his vendetta, by shooting the snithes kid,also,is the face of the negro race?
Did Glen Miller start the White Patriot Party.. I think so?
ReplyDeleteWhite men are having a crisis of both aggrievement and entitlement
ReplyDeleteFuck you, you racist fuck. Come to the 40s.
ReplyDeleteAfrican Americans continue to experience a stunning level of economic segregation and isolation a full 50 years after the Civil Rights Act of 1964
ReplyDeleteBecause they want it that way 2:34, man are you ever one dumb fucking asshole.
ReplyDelete2:34, you can thank LBJs "Great Society" for that. It's made the negroes completely dependent on government aid. Back when negroes acted like humans (1940s-50s), they had jobs, lived as families, and tried to make the most of themselves. Today, they're nothing more than a plague that can't get enough govt handouts.
ReplyDeleteYes this city was way better when we had a crumbling abandoned old train station, a dilapidated WW I memorial, and empty downtown streets each weekend.
ReplyDeleteLooks like Tony got tired of trolling firemen and decided instead to fire up his base of entitled Johnson Countians with delusions of grandeur about their impossible average and totally KCMO-dependent biegeburg.
ReplyDeleteTony's Johnson County...
Racist? What do you call the fact that we pay for their bastard kids, food stamps, medical care, schools and God knows what else all fucking year? Now white folks are racist because we didn't cover their fireworks display too? Tony you are fucking dumb if you believe that shit!
ReplyDeleteI finally understand why the devil is depicted as red and why white people turn red after 20mins in the sun. White people are the most evil people that have ever live. To all the people making the racist comment I hope you, your children and grandchildren get blessed with melanoma.