Kansas City Cesar Chavez Day Celebration!!!

Brief Chicano moment in history because turnabout is fair play and this blog is written from within walking distance of Avenida Cesar Chavez in Kansas City.

Viva la Causa: It's Cesar Chavez Day

Another anniversary:

Selena died March 31, 1995, after being shot by the president of her fan club. Selena was 23.

Still Missing Selena: Here Are 6 Reasons Why

One more for the rule of threes . . . Just like everybody else, Latinos in the U.S. are pretty much giving up on Democracy . . .

New York Times:

New York Times: Hopes Frustrated, Many Latinos Reject the Ballot Box Altogether

More in a bit . . .


  1. Cesar Chavez has aged since he left the boxing ring. He was a great boxing champion. Worthy of celebration.

  2. Don't celebrate people like Cesar Chavez. Grape pickers get a union but if you work in kansas you are a right-to-work skilled laborer. !HUELTA!

    Plus these people just get turned into Gods after they die. In a few years they will be adding a resurrection story to the MLK mythos.

  3. Hey Bear, you know why Mexicans invented low riders? So they cruise and pick lettuce at the same time.

  4. lol.... at least they work. Niggers won't even work.

  5. chavez called em wetbacks3/31/14, 7:09 PM

    Chavez hated illegals.... from Huffposts lips to Gods ear

  6. I bought a burrito the other day with the image of Selena on it. I still have beans in my crotch.

  7. At least the Mexicans want to work. As much as I am against illegal immigration, they come here to work as many hours as they can to make it on their own.

  8. Next time you deep thinkers pass a house getting a roof replacement, stop and draw in the sense of who is really working.

    I do general contracting. These guys are studs. They work they way people in this country USED to work 60 years ago. And because they were at work, they did not have the time to shit around posting crap on stupid ass web sites.

  9. 1034 why do u hate america?
    If u like hispanics so much move to latin america.It mustb better than here if they all hav such sikkk work ethics

  10. 10:34 Thats a lie. Not a contractor nor have any clue what workers were like 60 years ago.

  11. 10:34 go fuck yourself and it's that attitude that made your ole lady dump your ass.

  12. Pbear go fuck yourself. Niggers already worked for free for 400 years in this shit hole country. Better question why won't lazy ass white trash like you work for a dollar an hour instead shooting up method all day? Go ahead keep advancing this mud race over the other mud race and the white man loses in the end.

  13. The only thing 10:34 could have gotten right and forgot to mention is that he still pays his wetbacks what he was paying 60 years ago and THAT gives him plenty of time to sit around on his fat ass writing in blogs.

  14. 9:32...lazy ass nigger enabler...take your filthy lazy black ass to Africa where niggers learned to enslave niggers BEFORE the stupid white man did.


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