Kansas City Blogger Ramsey Shares Social Media Teaching Moment @ TEDxUMKC!!!

Take a look @ one of the youngest, best and brightest minds in Kansas City offering an important lesson in social media.

Ramsey Mohsen: We Should Teach All Kids How To Use Facebook

Social media literacy is the forefront of tech and teaching and this Kansas City denizen clearly knows his stuff.

Take a look at his latest talk . . .


"Ramsey Mohsen shares why he believes we should teach all kids how to use Facebook. Social technologies are embedded into our day to day lives and culture. The world uses these popular social technologies like Facebook, Twitter, Instagram- but yet, have not been educated to the basic frameworks and the behavioral science of communication that exist these when using online platforms."

Now, just like Eminem says, "I'm not here to save the f*cking children" but blogging some smart advice for clueless adult d-bags in order to make life just a bit easier for their rugrats is worth a moment of time and part of the valuable info that better Kansas City bloggers like Ramsey generously shares.


  1. Better title: Ramsey has the right idea.

  2. Teaching our kids how to use facebook is like teaching them how to use a rotary telephone or an 8 track player. It won't be around forever. This is a failed paradigm.

  3. Log all the little kiddies into the Facebook-NSA database while they are young.

  4. His brain is about the size of a pea apparently.

  5. It is illogical to teach young humans that social technology is something to strive for. Going back into Earth's history, many "douchebag metrosexuals with pointy-shoes" were identified as the primary force influencing an entire generation of "do-nothings' that were later exterminated by one guy that knew how to use a real wrench. It is a peculiar time in Earth's history and one that we are happy to forget.

  6. Teach kids how to use Facebook? As if they dont already teach their parents on how to use it. I appreciate his push to find ways to help kids, but cmon man.

    Teach them something more powerful than that.

  7. What the hell is that thing on his head?

  8. Google Glasshole

  9. This is your brain on Google. Or whats left of it.

  10. Marvin Pontiac2/27/14, 1:03 AM

    Nothing about anyone’s facebook page is exciting, innovative, attractive or unique; they all look confusedly desperate for attention, the ultimate reality of disconnection from real face to face 3D interaction.

  11. Monsanto Round Up kills the kidneys!

  12. Who is this fucking Cyborg?

  13. Bunch of haters on this blog. Too bad it's really obvious that nobody ever invited any of you to share your ideas.

  14. The Marlborough Man2/27/14, 6:42 AM

    I'm going to start smashing Google Glasses. You've been warned.

  15. Next we'll be having TED talks about how bellbottom pants and disco dancing is going to be the wave of the future and then last forever.
    Oh, wait! We've already been there.
    Narcissism on steriods!

  16. Facebook is for people who want to be noticed. Pop a selfie on the bear and I pop your cam in your mug.

    Facebook my rusty ass after a bad case of seal diarrhea.

  17. Those who urge us to “think different,” in other words, almost never do so themselves. As is totally obvious in this case.

  18. Kids should be taught computer tasks that create skill and value, not social networking.

    A high schooler can learn programming. A midle schooler can be taught how to use exel and powerpoint. An elementary school student can learn how to use wikipedia.

    I dont know anyone who made money from facebook. Social networking is a tool for slackers andsalesmen.

  19. Facebook is made just for people like Paul Wilson who feel all the world wants to know what they are doing and going to do all with the add frosting of we do it better than anyone including you my friends. Then the friends all gush about how great they are which inflates the heads of the nobodies to post more nobody shit. But don't say anything bad because then they delete the comment and send the union thugs to your house. That is how they hide the real truth about them. When you start impressing your friends with how many Facebook friends you have all you’re are doing is showing people how hard it is for you to have any real friends.

  20. Fuck people like Wilson take away their internet and they are people nobody knows they even exist. Same applies to Hearne and Glazer. Two more people who are known through the internet only for the most part.


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