Today Kansas City will attempt to "morally confront" the NSM rally amid a media circus.


Explaining the photo . . . Tattoo lady Nazi-fetishist lady Michelle McGee might be a horrible person but I'd be lying if I pretended not to be intrigued. But I digress . . .

TKC watch list . . .

- The local ACLU advocating against the security crackdown is too little and far to late but a notable objection and empty gesture.

- All of the estimates on crowd size are unreliable but the smart money says that camera crews will outnumber Nazis in downtown Kansas City tomorrow.

- Protesters gotta eat too . . . Look closely and you'll see a great many professional protestors in the mix and playing to the cameras. Lawyers, politicos and all kinds of hopefuls will be eliciting a quote frenzy for the Saturday night news.

However . . .


(TKC Note: Both passages from these public figures lifted via social media)

Former Kansas City Council Lady Sharon Sanders Brooks makes a well reasoned argument . . .

"I have been withholding my comments about the so-called Nazi Rally in Kansas City, Missouri on Saturday. Some of you are giving this group exactly what they desire MEDIA ATTENTION . I have seen this movie before. I will not expend one drop of gasoline to drive downtown or over to the Liberty Memorial for the counter rally, even though I am a fully paid Life Member of the N.A.A.C.P., one of the groups sponsoring the counter rally.

"However, I will expend gasoline to drive to my church in the morning to distribute baskets to those who seek food; then I will drive to the Negro Leagues Baseball Museum to learn some more sports history."

School Board Member Crispin Rea offers a personal perspective on this political event . . .

"When I was a kid, sometime back in the early 90s there was a great deal of news about the KKK having a rally in KC...I think they called it Klansas City or something catchy. I remember being terrified - even had a nightmare of men in hoods walking down my street. My parents quickly dispelled of my fears and helped me understand that these guys hide their faces for a reason and my hood is one hood (where) they wouldn't be caught dead. 

Tomorrow some Nazis are going to host a small rally downtown to demonstrate their insecurities and whine about how they are victims. There will be counter protests that will bring people out in far greater numbers against their message of hate. Over the last couple of days I've gone back and forth over whether or not to attend. I don't think I will for two reasons. 

First, like any self respecting man of color the thought of these clowns in my city makes my blood boil like a pot of Sunday morning menudo. Maybe I've been listening to too much Pac lately. Maybe I need to get rid of the defiant chip on my shoulder. Either way, I would not stand across the street from these guys with peace on my mind, pity in my heart and respect in my actions. This became clear to me as I considered the different protest signs I would make - I won't have anything productive to contribute to the dialogue. Second, all the news and attention is the exact response these groups want. I hope a lot of my friends counter protest and feel empowered in doing so. But if everyone, especially the media folks, just ignored these goofballs then they would go about their way. 

Instead, I think I'll stick to my original plans - do some work, get a hair cut (maybe shave it), play some volleyball (with a very diverse group of friends), and watch the Tigers whoop up on Kentucky. Stay safe out their friends!"

There will be a lot of rhetoric both ways today but these two political denizens managed to express the only UNIQUE INSIGHTS amid Kansas City discussion of this topic that's quickly turning into a bad joke.

Developing . . .


  1. Say no to nazis even in bikinis!

    1. I grew up as a military child in the 70s . I believe in God, country and American moral values. The world and all the immigrants take advantage of this country. You all have no rights, deserve nothing. First learn how this country became what it is today. We are the savior fot the wirld. NSM id righteous.

  2. the NAACP is much worse than any Nazis. Much worse!

  3. Thanks, Tony, for giving these people - two of our top ten self-promoters (Sharon and Crispin) a platform.

  4. You know that atheist group that protest IHOP teenagers prayer meetings, and protests the Westport Street Evangelist, and who got their panties in a bind over the St. Patricks Day parade!

    They are one tought group.

    But NAZIS! Not a peep of the brave atheists...hiding in their basements probably poopint their pants and hoping this all blows over without their chickenshit group being exposed.

  5. Are they serving Brats?11/9/13, 7:17 AM

    Brooks actually makes sense.
    I cant believe said that.
    Crispin needs to listen to "Pac" more closely. He was a bit of a racist himself.
    As for the nazi chick. Id fuck her in the ass and cum all over her tits.

  6. Tony, you've been pimping this story and giving these fruitcakes the attention they crave on a daily basis for weeks now.

    And for the very same reason the rest of the media does it -- cheap and easy sensationalism.

    Now you are going to pimp the "don't give them the attention they crave" line? Sorry. Too late. You've already done your part in being a quite willing dupe for these crackpots.

  7. Yep lets run tons of tidbits about the Nazis, lets entice people to turn out to counter protest and then lets tell everyone to be safe. Typical press. Stir the shit and then lets all bury our heads when violence breaks out.

  8. We read with much interest your latest childrens book offering, "Crispin and Tony, the Hot Dog and Hamburger of the Hood", the sad misfortunes of two little boys growing up in the barrio, one of them deathly skinny with an unfortunate pussy sounding name and the other one pudgy who is mercilessly bullied for not being able to squeeze into his gym shorts.
    We appreciate the fact that hot dog goes on to be a school board member and exacts revenge on the children of the bullies who tormented his lil amigo, Hamburger, but we feel that the lil Hamburgers end, which is to become a bitter blogger in the very town he grew up in and hoped to leave one day, is much too, too, too, too, saaaaad..
    We wish you luck placing your book with another publisher and suggest, maybe, that your illustrator, El Bryan, use Prismacolor pencils instead of spray paint.

    -Red Hen Press, publishers of Latino Lesbian Literary Art

  9. Crispin does not want to protest his father's buddies.

    Sharon is just stupid.

  10. Sharon is just corrupt, and she is also afraid with all the cops around that she might run into one of them that she treated like shit when she was a state rep and used KCPD as a taxi service too and from the airport through the Police Board's lobbyist, Andy Arnold.

    Sharon you are filth.

  11. Will Nutter's Wigged-Creature, Mike Sanders, there there? No, he prefers to pander to the NAZIs and Klansman in Eastern Jack. Will not see hide nor "hair" of Mike Sanders I bet.

  12. I'm going to the counter protest, just to see if there is a skank I can take home for the night. I'm in the mood today to do some bad things today too.

  13. Generalfeldmarschall Robert Kipp head of the Leawood Luftwaffe will be speaking at the Nazi rally today.

    He is also the former City Manager and designeer of the brutally defeated Prop 1 Hospital Tax scam that they conned Nutters Wigged Creater and his Legislators for Life into making us vote on this scam.

    The Secret Civic council revere ol Bob Kipp. You can count on him at the skull and cross bones meetings.

  14. Crispin, Sharon and others should feel shame11/9/13, 8:47 AM

    Both Crispin and Saunders-Brooks are anti-intellectual morons when they express those views. Tony, your post joins with them.

    Remember the words of Pastor Martin Niemöller (1892–1984):

    "First they came for the communists,and I didn't speak out because I wasn't a communist.

    Then they came for the socialists,
    and I didn't speak out because I wasn't a socialist.

    Then they came for the trade unionists, and I didn't speak out because I wasn't a trade unionist.

    Then they came for me,and there was no one left to speak for me."

    The Wikipedia page which contains that quote carries another speech from the pastor from 1946:

    "[W]hen the concentration camp was opened we wrote the year 1933, and the people who were put in the camps then were Communists. Who cared about them? We knew it, it was printed in the newspapers.

    Who raised their voice, maybe the Confessing Church? We thought: Communists, those opponents of religion, those enemies of Christians - "should I be my brother's keeper?"

    Then they got rid of the sick, the so-called incurables. - I remember a conversation I had with a person who claimed to be a Christian. He said: Perhaps it's right, these incurably sick people just cost the state money, they are just a burden to themselves and to others. Isn't it best for all concerned if they are taken out of the middle [of society]? -- Only then did the church as such take note. Then we started talking, until our voices were again silenced in public. Can we say, we aren't guilty/responsible? The persecution of the Jews, the way we treated the occupied countries, or the things in Greece, in Poland, in Czechoslovakia or in Holland, that were written in the newspapers

    I believe, we Confessing-Church-Christians have every reason to say: mea culpa, mea culpa! We can talk ourselves out of it with the excuse that it would have cost me my head if I had spoken out."

  15. Well Nazi is not the answer....tell me what is...we must have an option to working hard, being productive societal members, saving our money and building a vibrant ecomomy only to find a bunch of socialist, ultra progressives, neo panther anti white liberals trying to steal our money to give to those who do not work, waste money, used drugs, retard our society and destroy our economy.

    Where is our avenue to change the deliberate destruction of our social fabric and once solid economy.

    I am open. Not a fan of Nazi at all but where do we turn to save our nation?????

  16. Both have good points. Get on with your lives and don't waste time on these nutcases. To protest against their little march is to give this nonsense way more attention than it deserves, which, of course, plays right into the hands of these publicity-seeking dweebs.

  17. Glazer will be there handing out free passes to Stanford's. He has no shame, he's a Jew who won't turn any money down Nazi's or not.

  18. Conservatives steal much more money to give to bankers and business people through tax exemptions, privatization and bailouts -- who trash the economy through speculation.

  19. 8:56 and 9:06 sound very much like the average German in 1933.

  20. Crispy won't be there because he's a scared little sell out.

  21. an experiment gone horribly wrong leaves Sheldon Cooper in void of the comments pages11/9/13, 9:24 AM

    Well, I just dont understaaaand what all the hubbub is, all this fuss about the Neo Nazis... Why, the jeeews are just AS, if not more SOOO, racist as these NSM people... I mean, they call themselves the Chosen People... theyre FORBIDDEN to marry outside of their FAITH. Why, in fact, the Bible is RIFE with ruuuules on how theyre not supposed to mingle with the HEATHENS!
    Now, if thats not racist I dont know what iiiis!
    And, by my calculations, after just speed reading the Old Testament again, Joshua and David alone were responsible for faaaar more murders than Hitler could have EVER imagined was possible by the Third Reich!
    And if my Spanish is correct, La Raza means "The Race". Youd have to be a complete IMBECILE with an IQ of 180 to not realize THEYRE racists.
    And dont get me started on the NAACP! Why they just DESERVE whatever they get from these skinheads. Why, they still call themselves NEEEEEGROES!!!

  22. Aw Crispy Jr.'s afraid to go down and confront the big bad bogey white men?

  23. No it interferes with watching sports and goofing off.

  24. SSB = BaBa Booey

  25. Or be photographed with anyone too progressive, might upset his white, liberal as long as they don't come into my neighborhood, Brookside supporters.

  26. He prefers watching football over actually hustling to try to fix KC's problems. One of the benefits of a steady paycheck.

  27. 856
    a lot of people would describe what you are discussing as "abolishing white supremacy", not "giving hand-outs to drug users"

    also, what are you talking about with this american dream bullshit? the financial industry has been the central driver of our economy since dickkkie nixon pushed us off the gold standard.

    americans don't make shit, and our economy aint what it was after the war.
    sorry old man, hopefully youll die before white supremacy in the united states is finally collapsed if you are so terrified of the "ultraprogressive" outcomes.

  28. Don't worry the toy train is gonna fix all this shit!

  29. 9:17 am....hey asshole...I am not an average German.

    I am an American. I have worked hard all my life, saved my money, provided for my future and tried to add to society.

    Now my government is trying to destroy my way of life and all I worked for by stealing it from me to give to those, who don't and won't work, use drugs, have several babies without fathers, eat up resources and add not one flinkin thing to the economy.

    That makes me sound like a 2013 American. GOT IT NINE 17 NITWIT!!!!

  30. All you need is computer and Internet connection. Believe me I earned $7456 dollars in just four weeks, didn't know anything about technology, I just connected to Google fiber and started making tons of money talking about my cupcake baking hobby!

  31. Kudo's to 9:33

  32. Nice job 9:33 I agree 100%

  33. Thanks for the comic relief 9:36am

  34. , 9:33 AM

    The Good German

  35. 9:33 AM

    The 2013 American Realist.

  36. What time does this event start?

  37. Here's a statistic: Three out of every four nigger babies, is born without a father present in the home. Aren't the negroes just great!? We sure need to continue to "advance" them, don't we?

  38. Don't have a clue what time it starts.

  39. Balloons and Hot Dogs for the kids?

  40. Government welfare that pays you more the more you have babies out of wedlock is creating a secret in our Country.

    Shhhhhhh.....we are in the midst of a black baby boom right now. As the years go by we will have a bulging swarm of welfare recipients preying on white people officially and criminally.

    Don't ya just love our SNAP, WIC, Section 8, SSI, TANF, SS, free cell phone, health care, Disability starting at age 18, Unenmployment and a whole host of other free hand out programs for people who wont work, do drugs, breed like cockroachs, refuse to raise their chidren and do violent crime on people that are not their color. Who the blacks also hate more than the whites hate the blacks.

    Oh yeah is time to move to China.

  41. 9:17 sounds like the average American pinhead today.

  42. Saturday at 3 p.m. Opens with singing of the German National Anthem - Das Deutschlandlied

  43. Watch the Nazi's will be poised and peaceful and their opponents will be the ones causing all the problems and mayhem.

    Welcome to the Twilight Zone

  44. Here is an idea for dealing with the Nazis; ignore them, give them zero attention and media coverage.

    Why the Nazis are even an issue in 2013? Why is anyone taking these idiots seriously? Of course their goals are the enslavement and or elimination of all non-whites. Reverse the rhetoric and how are these Nazi goals any different than different from the goals of La Raza or the Nation of Islam? How is the phony posturing and implied threats of aggression by the Nazis any different from the New Black Panthers or from even the old Black Panthers? Minorities can spout this nonsense all day long and nobody bats an eye but have a bunch of fat illiterate white guys say this nonsense (considering that no one really pays real attention to them if they left on its own) and it is a major crisis and threat to our democratic way of life. No Nazi spokesman would be given the media time, respect and gloves on treatment that Louis Farrakhan is given. La Raza is treated like the NAACP. Yes, I know I am an asshole, a racist and a reactionary for even asking these questions. Get a grip people, America of 2013 is very different from Germany of 1923.

  45. America of 2013 is very different from Germany of 1923.

    Uh your sure about that? Most people know more about Gaga and the Chiefs than the shit our government and wall street is pulling off and planning behind our backs.

  46. Everything is normal. Now go buy lots of stuff!!! Take out a car loan while interest rates are low.

  47. Go out and put the new iPhone on the credit card you've been resisting. There, now doesn't that feel good?

  48. Think I'll pack a picnic basket and go down there for entertainment.

  49. Why the choose Kansas City? Portland needs something to attract attention to itself.

  50. Poor Portland. Good place to die of boredom.

  51. But they have a toy train! How can you bored with toy trains!!

  52. Uh aren't we trying to become Portland or something? Blowing billions of taxpayer dollars down the drain trying to look cool?

  53. 11:19 Read a little history.

    People in 1923 Germany would find 2013 America a paradise.

  54. No love lost. Do what you believe but remember the inalienable rights.

  55. Today is the 75th anniversary of Kristallnacht — the night of broken glass.

    Timing isn't a coincidence obviously.

  56. Germany today is the most anti-Nazi of any European country. To get caught with a swastika is a crime, punishable by jail time. School children today are taught courses up in guilt. It is mandatory for fairly young school children to visit some Auschwitz at about 4th grade. They drive the World War II into these minds school children to smother them with guilt.

  57. There are Neo Nazis all over Europe. This is and international society bent on extermination and slave labor to indulge their own decadence.

  58. Stay home and play volley ball and watch the Tigers. It's like Orwell said, passivism is fascism

  59. Crispin. Learn their vs there. You write like a retard.

  60. Where was the protest when Black Panthers with clubs were threatening voters to vote for Obama.

    Eric Holder did not one thing about it.

    So Nazi protesters are flat footed dope smoking hippocrits.

  61. Ah, internet blog commenters...the toughest bunch out there. Hows about you sissies start associating your tough guy comments with your names? Tony you should do as the Star did and make these turds log in with their fb...then we'll see how freely the exercise their freedom of speech.

    - Shawn Patterson

  62. Once again, the NAACP is full of shit. If their focus was real discrimination and hate issues they would have intervened long before the NAZI's announced they were coming to Kansas City. Guess what? They've been in Kansas City. This isn't new and people have the right to support whatever group they want to support no matter how ignorant it is. Just look at folks like Freedom, Inc., Urban Summit, Urban League and the like. These fools sit around on a regular basis patting themselves on the back for having done nothing but create controversy. Sanders-Brooks and Rea are right. Just look the other way. Cowards never come out into daylight and if they do they are never there long.

  63. Free Speech Calling11/9/13, 1:24 PM

    Shawn Patterson you must be a lefty because the first thing you leftists do when the conversation is not going your way is to try to shut people up. I am sure Saul Alinsky would be proud of you. You don't argue with your enemy, you ridicule and demonize them. I know Barack Obama would be proud of you. You are a good street thug.

  64. there is absolutely nothing different between the NAACP and the KKK but a name and the fact that the NAACP has garnered more rights for blacks than whites and has actually gotten public support.
    I'm not a fan of the KKK but I will say this, they should no more be embarrassed to walk the streets and speak out their agenda than those fucking racists the NAACP

  65. Marvin Pontiac11/9/13, 1:53 PM

    Shawn, dipshit.
    The reason most comments are left anonymously isn't out of fear of tough guys like yourself, but that jobs and livelihoods would be lost by those who dare speak freely, casualties of those societal lemmings who are enforcers of militant political correctness.

  66. That's Glazer

    Bitching about comments again as usual.

  67. I totally agree with you shawn Patterson. You're a brave man shawn Patterson.

    Pete puffington

  68. Is that one of Glazers bartenders in that pic?

  69. The New Testament in John 8: 32 says: “And ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free”. One should remember that in reality, the truth does not set you free but will get you ostracized, busted, fired and/or killed.

    I bet one of Shawn's favorite words is motherfucker. he likes to use in senteces saying "we going to shut them motherfuckers up by kicking der motherfucking head in."

  70. School board member misspells "there." Sheesh.

  71. Oooh ok, so it is not that you are a bunch of pussies, it is that you are scared to lose your job for being a social outcast with laughable opinions, I got it. Then why don't you contact the people you talk shit on face to face? Pussies.

  72. Fuck You 3:04

  73. Go fuck your father 448.

  74. And fuck you 6:25

  75. Sharon withholds her comments because no one gives a shit about what she has to say. She doesn't want to waste gasoline to drive to the rally because she's still living on handouts.
    There is no bigger racist than Sharon Sanders-Brooks.

  76. Sanders Never Showed Up11/9/13, 9:30 PM

    What did Mike "I wear a wig" Sanders say at either gathering in opposition to the NAZIs?

    He did not attend either! He was afraid of offending Eastern Jackson County, which is the only place he can get any votes.

  77. Crispin why you calling them names? Aren't you better than that?

    Ms Brooks, naacp what's the betterment of colored people. Why can't the nsm what the betterment of white people? Why do we accept the black panther party but not the nsm party?


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