Last night Kansas City's young, professional, trendy, creative class dominated the political scene with a new design and philosophy for local government.
Even better . . .
We started out with the lady responsible for the logo . . . Emily Elmore, creative director and managing partner at Kansas City-based Single Wing Creative, she was also nice enough to endure more than a few TKC attempts at photography and dumb questions . . .
It's the first new look for KCMO in more than 20 years - The design was clearly influenced by old school Negro Leagues uniforms but Ms. Elmore had an even greater mission than mere mimicry with her work: "It's about looking toward the future and being strengthened by the past. What makes Kansas City such a unique place is our rich cultural heritage that influences the course of our future. I hope I paid respect to that in my work . . ."
The unveiling of the design was also combined with an announcement that the City and the Mayor's office would be moving to a Wordpress open source site at the beginning of next year. Couple this announcement with the fact that the logo is "open source" and can be used by the public for any purpose . . . And a theme of "transparency" starts to emerge. At least in theory.
More deets on the logo and website news . . .
KCUR: New KC Brand: 'A Recognizable Mark'
KCTV5: KCMO changing its entire image branding
KC Biz Journal: Kansas City launches new brand, logo
The TKC Take on the evening . . .
The Bauer is nothing less than Kansas City's new epicenter of biz, culture, art and politics at the Crossroads of Kansas City . . . It's so classy, there was some HAWT Asian broad who had to pretend to be nice to me when I walked into the place . . . Really swanky but accessible and polite . . . Kinda like Kansas City teleported the part of Manhattan where they shot season 1-4 of Sex In The City before Sarah Jessica Parker ruined the show with a plot other than aging bimbos recounting booty stories.
But I digress . . .
Again, for better or worse, Kansas City's youth/creative movement owned the night and Mayor Sly wanted to play up this fact as much as possible . . . Let's take a look:

Mayor Sly sang the praises of Ms. Elmore and the crowd of young Kansas City creatives while venerating the new design . . .

They gave out posters incorporating the logo. Also, none of you bastards had the courtesy to tell me that it was an open-bar . . . Probably for the best or I'd still be there . . .

The Kansas City logo night was topped off by a cake incorporating the symbol . . . One of many future applications for the design . . .
Tony's favorite photo of the night . . .

This sexy redhead has haunted my dreams with her blue velvet dress that showed off nearly all of her impressive curves . . . Double bonus, she was a good sport while getting Mayor Sly's autograph . . .
You read that right . . .
A rather brilliant Kansas City Insider noted as much . . .
"Think about this, in what other city are young, creative and professional people so excited about the city's future that they're seeking out the Mayor's autograph like he's a rock star?"
Another quick look into the crowd . . .

One of our favorite denizens of the Kansas City Internets . . . T-Rave is a rather accomplished member of the cowtown creative class and his tech winning has taken him to a coveted job with the Chiefs.
2nd favorite photo of the night . . .

See, I really wasn't kidding about the excitement in the room.

These Kansas City biz hotties were posting for somebody else but the shot was too good to pass up . . .

TKC Fashion Note . . . Turntables make any style look cool.

One last look at the new design for the city . . . Last night, for the most part, you d-bags didn't like the logo that much.
Still . . .
The "future as a return to the past" has not only inspired great works of art but also Nazism . . . So I'm not really sure how this marketing campaign is going to work out . . . Nevertheless, there is no denying that the Kansas City young, professional creative class has boundless energy and love for Mayor Sly's leadership which would be more encouraging if any of them ever bothered to vote.
Fancy Schmancy. I can only wonder how much this costs KCMO.
ReplyDeleteAnd the water still tastes like lead.
Sly James: Mayor of hipster city.
ReplyDeleteshitty.....but that's what passes for "creative" in this shithole cowtown.
ReplyDeleteI'd eat my sperm out of Emily's ass!!!! She's a cutie!
ReplyDeletelol, It was the party that no one knew about to premiere something for the city
ReplyDeleteI'm happy that KC is a place that inspires the "creative class" but I question their vision for what makes Kansas City great.
ReplyDeleteFountains are a thing of the past, it seems, and public education/public safety come in second place to looking cool drinking coffee while you walk to work.
Emily looks like a major bitch, and fuck hipsters. When will the trend end?
ReplyDeleteIf this is Sly's voting block, then he better start looking for a new job.
ReplyDeleteLeave Emily alone!!! She has a nice ass and I'll bet gives good ass sex!
ReplyDeleteAll of Sly's ribbon-cutting, cake slicing, balloon launching, and cheerleading are like someone bragging about the expensive new paint and wallpaper they're buying for their house while the foundation and basement are neglected and falling down.
ReplyDeleteAny chance he could try to actually be a MAYOR during his second term?
I think Kansas City should have taken a nod from Sporting KC's rebranding.
ReplyDeleteSomething like "$pending KC" and in red (for the negative balance sheet).
What a bad joke. I'm sure the creative hipsters are proud to be some of Sly's MAROOONS!
ReplyDelete10:46 ...that wasn't your sperm.
ReplyDelete....oh yeah! thanks!
Every failing organization resorts to this type of thing. The worse the sports team the more uniform changes.
ReplyDeleteDid you disclose to Elmore taut by allowing you to take her picture, that she would be targeted by the internet trolls that represent your readership?
ReplyDeleteI'm thinking, no.
Because pandering to your base is more satisfying that doing the right thing.
Shit, you remind me of Congress.
I'd fuck those cunts in their asses. Then cum all over their face and tits.
ReplyDeletecreative class is code for "weed smokers"
ReplyDeleteDJ Thundercutz!!!!!
ReplyDeleteI've seen the future, baby
ReplyDeleteit is murder
Things are going to slide ...
The 5% city of orange spray tans.
ReplyDeleteThat DJ Charlie Manson Jr?
ReplyDeleteSo TKC shows up and took a few pics of geeks and fatties so he could stuff his face with freebies. No surprise here.
ReplyDeleteMy goodness has the hipster infestation really gotten that bad? People wanting the mayors autograph? What city am I living in anymore?
ReplyDeleteLet do this for! go kc! go chiefs!
ReplyDeleteNew logo should cement KCMO as the laughing stock of the country at best.
ReplyDeleteThis is a joke right? Someone put this together for the Onion please say it's so.
ReplyDeleteMark of The Beast
ReplyDeleteSo this going to be the official forehead tattoo? Or "brand".
ReplyDeleteYes, the Official Stamp of Mediocrity that is correct.
ReplyDeleteEverything should be alright now!
ReplyDeleteGet out of KCMO while you can writings on the wall!
ReplyDeleteSo this is the extent of City Halls "artistic vision"? Phew boy how much lower can we go?
ReplyDeleteBased on the pics and the story, the logo for the party should have been "LL" for Lotsa Losers.
ReplyDeleteIt's the booze and beer soaked vision and art of champions. Which is enough to paralyze any sober individuals.
ReplyDeletehipster bitches that shop @ lenox
ReplyDeleteLooks like fun but I'd like to see the mayor visit more places than downtown KC. That would be nice.
ReplyDeleteJesus Christ, you people are bitter. It's a decent logo and it looks like it was a nice party. Lighten the fuck up.
ReplyDeleteI wonder how much it is going to cost us to replace all the KCMO stationary, letterheads, business cards, and stuff?
ReplyDeleteThey really don't care about the tax payers do they?
This is stupid. Do conventions choose KC because we have a arty logo?
tkc is an embarrassment to the internet. And that takes some doing.
ReplyDeleteLogo reminds me of the saying, why go first rate when 26th rate is possible?
ReplyDeleteSuitable symbol for a city choking to death on it's own hubris.
ReplyDeleteWho's this dork T-Rave?
ReplyDeleteJust one of your typical dufusses.
ReplyDeleteDork or dufus is to high a compliment for the guy.
ReplyDeleteElmore looks pretty good for 40.
ReplyDeleteSo this is best KU can churn out of their so called Art Degree Programs?
ReplyDeleteHave you design experts forgotten how awful city logos have been in the past? This a huge improvement. Will it solve all the city's problems? No. Did it solve one? Yes.
ReplyDeletewat do CK logo mean?????
ReplyDeleteIt means welcome to the city of dorks and morons.
ReplyDeleteIsn't it wonderful to be in the presence of the Great Ape?? You know, Mayor Silverback and his minions. (Wouldn't you hate to be known as a "minion"??)
ReplyDeleteCK - City of Knuckleheads
ReplyDeleteStands for Check Kiting
ReplyDeleteBetter than being known as an ignorant racist idiot, 4:28.
ReplyDeleteIf this same logo was designed by a fat chick do you really think it would have been accepted? Because the artist is relatively attractive and looks good in a skirt it's being celebrated. Which is really to say, the logo completely sucks.
ReplyDeleteThis is why I respect Frida so much...she had a freaking mustache so you know she wasn't celebrated for bullshit reasons.
Who died and made these morons king?
ReplyDeleteLove it!: 635
ReplyDeleteHate it!: 1022
Trash it and start over with someone who knows what they are doing.
4:23 Wow we just solved the most insignificant and borderline non-existent problem in the city! Let's throw a fucking parade! We'll have Sly James and Rusty Johnson drive the short line rail road 2 miles down the street and Troy Schulte and Sherri McIntyre can toss rose petals before Tony Gonzalez and Andy Reid and all the hipsters can show up and take a picture on their phone then immediatley lose interest in Kansas City and move to New York or Chicago or Los Angeles
ReplyDeleteTake a pill, dude. It's a logo.
DeleteEmily Elmore of Single Wing Creative, a Kansas City startup, had done some work for Kansas City’s economic development initiatives and volunteered to do the new brand for the city, for free.
ReplyDeleteAh that's explains it.
So they stole the idea right off the door knobs of city hall? There is real artistic talent. City Hall Door Knob
ReplyDeleteAbout as imaginative and inspiring as the train wreck, I mean toy train.
ReplyDeleteGlad they opened up the competition to one person.
ReplyDeleteDoes look like a cattle brand. And were the cattle apparently.
ReplyDelete"Being open-sourced is symbolic that we're trying to transform city government into being much more transparent and accessible to all," city spokesman Chris Hernandez said. "It's a gift to the community."
ReplyDeleteWhat a fat crock of shit.
Should be on a rainbow cow
ReplyDeleteLeave it to tony to only take photos of the fat chicks at a hipster party. How about a pic of one of the hotties who might have seen a gym once?
ReplyDeleteOMG were like Portland Now!!!!
ReplyDeleteIf the city had done a formal selection process and paid for a whole new marketing campaign, Rotert said it could have cost hundreds of thousands of dollars.
ReplyDeleteRight and the artist would have gotten $2 grand after the politicians skimmed the rest off the top for their own bank accounts.
Gimme a CK beer! Burp
ReplyDeleteIncredibly complex work. No doubt every city in the country will be jealous of our artistic prowess.
ReplyDeleteDoesn't it make you feel all warm and fuzzy?
ReplyDeleteNaturally, Mayor Sly James and city officials at a launch party Thursday night were pretty pumped about the new marketing logo. That’s understandable. What are they going to say? “We just approved something that we don’t like”?
ReplyDeleteCity released a video explaining this monstrosity.
Comments are disabled for this video.
ReplyDeleteCK - Crooks and Killas
ReplyDeleteTkc covered in pics what no PR firm could cover with bullshit
ReplyDeleteOr CK - Crime and Killings
ReplyDeleteSo these are our "beautiful people" or not so beautiful people?
ReplyDeleteThere is no logical explanation. Maybe that metallic taste in the water supply has something to do with the general apathy in KCMO.
ReplyDeleteWe got to get out of this place
ReplyDeleteIf it's the last FUCKING thing we ever do
So like, this is our new identity or something?
ReplyDelete"This is an entire package that is a new look for the city so you are going to see, yes, new fonts, new colors and you're going to have this energy when you see it" .. Hernandez
ReplyDeleteOkay so why do I want to go into a coma, or at minimum a Rip Van Winkle sleep when I look at it?
Dude, drink some red bull, then think toy train toy train toy train then you'll feel the vibrancy!
ReplyDeleteHouse for Sale
ReplyDeleteCash Only - Moving
Open Source Logo
AS they say "Rome is burning" but instead of Nero we have a group of baboons licking and sucking each other..... and none of them with a clue as to put out the fire. ( even if they have noticed it)
ReplyDeleteGo ahead sheep just say that it's great because everyone else in your peer groups is saying the same thing.
ReplyDeleteWhatever my Facebook friends are saying that's what I say!
ReplyDeleteDreary, uninspiring, hard on the eyes and stomach.
ReplyDeleteI miss anything?
Poor decisions, inept planning, ludicrous, ill-conceived concepts, total absence of creativity and imagination, over inflated salaries, . . . . .etc, etc
ReplyDeleteNew Logo does a good job symbolizing all the above.
ReplyDeleteLike It! We need to know that your respectable, presentable, a vegetable
ReplyDeleteCrime, Corruption, Cronyism, I can see why the C is strangling the K and why City Hall likes it.
ReplyDeleteWaste of money and nobody cares! Period.
ReplyDeleteHow much it cost us Taxpayers to send Sly to all these photo ops or to blow smoke at all the others?
ReplyDeleteMore then you care to know.
ReplyDeleteLooks like a nice location to get shot or mugged if your there at the wrong time.
ReplyDeleteIt's free? I guess that's good with this city having so many underfunded liabilities.
ReplyDeleteI'm sure businesses will be flocking to KCMO in a stampede to take advantage of this new "brand" we are no doubt.
ReplyDeleteDid anyone catch CBS news last night as they were featuring a story on KC's new logo? Fuck no ya didn't. Nuff Said!
ReplyDeleteWe read with much interest your latest submission, "I Talk Tough on My Blog about the Mayor and his Cronies, but when I have the Opportunity for a Face to Face with him to Call Him to Task, I Become a Giggling Schoolgirl and No Better than the Other Self Congratulatory Leeches and Syncophants Sucking on the Tit of the Taxpayers", but, lamentably, is does not meet our needs at this time as we prefer to publish Bloggers with more integrity and principles.
ReplyDeleteWe wish you luck in your future endeavors of Keyboard Courage Journalism.
-The Editors at Spineless Blogger Monthly
Best one yet!!!!
ReplyDeleteLove it! Really.
spot on-LOL!!
The toy train is gonna fix everything too! Along with the new brand!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
ReplyDeleteTkc is no derron black
ReplyDeleteIt's gonna go on everything too! Just wait and see haters!!! The toy train is the future!
ReplyDeleteRight just like Detroit
ReplyDeleteNice of local leadership to announce in advance that the city was going to re-branded. This must be the "transparency" the ass wipes running this town are always talking about.
ReplyDeleteI'd buy that for a DOLLAR!
ReplyDeleteAll this fuss over a silly logo!
ReplyDeleteIf it's true that Ms. Elmore offered her services for free, then I see nothing wrong with it.
Pic #1 & 2: Emily Elmore, left wrist, is that a bracelet or a tatoo? She's an attractive one!
Pic #4: Ms. yellow blouse = hottie!
Pic #5: Ms. blue dress = you devil you!
Pic #8: Ms. black & white stripe; I'm thinking let's get relaxed, laid-back, maybe horizontal?
Kansas City is now for sale to the lowest bidder and the lowest common denominator. As a resident of KCMO, I do not want these people representing me. I was not asked if I wanted this symbol and I believe the people should get a vote.
ReplyDeleteIts more than a logo ..its some heavy Orwellian shit comin' down the pike
ReplyDeleteWe're comin for you Sly. The VA will have to ship you out to Topeka before this election's over
ReplyDeletePlease, all of you who have your panties in a bundle over this: move. No one will miss you.
ReplyDeleteWhiny pussies.
KC = Portland? Lol!
ReplyDeleteFunny how there seems to be a lot of KU in this... red and blue dress on the stupid bitch? Yet, council wants everything to be "local". They never follow their own rules about anything. And a party???? For a stupid logo?? When the city is on a hiring freeze? I'm sure the next thing will be layoffs. But, all is well in the world... we have a NEW LOGO!!!
ReplyDeleteI feel better about our city already ..great job gang!!
ReplyDeleteLeft Kansas City two years ago and even considered trying to move back. Nope, you niggers can have it...
ReplyDeleteas we transition across the State line in both directions I have to say that if sly's ... (funny name for a mayor by the way, shows an enormous amount of maturity) only hope for the city is this white bred yuppie crew then he is as delusional as his city council and I say good luck to that whole train wreck
ReplyDeleteFucking hipsters