Despite the EPIC win streak . . . Sportsmanship Stays Losing Among Kansas City Football Fans . . .
Today's example . . .
Fox4: A Texas family in town for Sunday’s game against the Kansas City Chiefs said fans at Arrowhead were rude and unruly.
One more time for the cheap seats . . .
Given strippers and public sex in the parking lot and ear-busting noise inside Arrowhead . . . The winning is nice but the games are all grown up and no place for old ladies or children despite marketing hype.
Chief fans are drunken ass holes.
ReplyDeleteIt's sad. Most times large gatherings of people these days turn uncivilized. Most of the time I stay home because I don't want to deal with that shit.
ReplyDeleteIt's sad. Most times large gatherings of people these days turn uncivilized. Most of the time I stay home because I don't want to deal with that shit.
ReplyDeleteThis just demonstrates the "class" for which Kansas City is becoming known throughout the country. In other words, "no class", rude, ignorant assholes. Enjoy!
ReplyDeleteWe quit the Chiefs when our son was about 10 because of the behavior of the adults at the games. Now we have grandsons, and I would not even consider taking them to a game (not that they would care. They are not football fans.)
ReplyDeleteI see problems ahead for all football teams if this situation does not change. These little guys are going to be soccer and basketball fans, and football is going to go the route of golf -- not interested in it.
Class and poise is rapidly becoming a thing of the past in KCMO.
ReplyDeleteIt's basically become an insane asylum like environment. City of Lunatics
As a lifetime Kansas Citian in my mid-50s, I have attended many Chiefs games over the decades and I'm as excited and proud as everyone else of the way our team is doing this year. However, I ceased spending my money to attend Chiefs games several years ago and you couldn't pay me to go to a game these days. Why? Because the behavior of the "fans" is out of control. Their crass, drunken behavior causes embarrassment to the decent Kansas Citians.
ReplyDeleteMuch like parenting influences children's behavior, the Chiefs organization sets the tone for fan behavior. As long as the organization allows, and even encourages the drunken assholes involvement, there will be problems. If the organization put forth a concerted effort to discourage shitty behavior, they could weed out some (most?) of the shitheads.
Do that and I'll start spending my money on Chiefs games again.
No surprise to civilized people. The vast majority of Chiefs fans, especially those that go to the stadium, are real trash. Some with money, some without, but trash just the same.
ReplyDelete9:00 hit the nail on the head. I couldn't agree more.
ReplyDeleteYep, what used to be a fun, family event has degraded into a drunkfest. I pity the cops who have to deal with some of the asshole fans. Unfortunately, "good, clean fun" is a thing of the past at Arrowhead. But the all-mighty dollar has spoken. Drunk assholes are more free-wheeling with their money and MONEY is all that the NFL and Chiefs organization care about now.
ReplyDeleteI'll bet Lamar is spinning in his grave.
ReplyDeleteHe busted his ass to get the NFL and Chiefs into the big time, only to have it all turn into the money-grubbing, trash-talking, drunk-fest that it is today. So sad.
I am absolutely thrilled with the improvements Clark Hunt has made with the Chiefs organization over the past year or so. Now, he needs to address the fan base. I'm still spending my money for tickets, parking, concessions, etc., for now. But I'm really close to staying home and watching games on the tube because many of the people around me in the stadium are making it more and more difficult to enjoy the games in person.
ReplyDeleteWe were long-time season ticket holders. By long time, I mean we were there when no one came, when you could walk up same day, get a ticket, and sit pretty much anywhere you wanted. We gave our tickets up 5 years ago. Why? because of the drunken, foul-mouthed jerks coming to the games. My husband and I never considered them to be true fans, in fact, most were people who were one-timers (those who got their tickets from someone else who wasn't using them).
ReplyDeleteThe last time we went, I asked someone to please quit sloshing their beer around, and please to watch their language. I got shoved and told to mind my own f-ing business.
This isn't just a Chiefs game day issue. The language of people in public is abhorrent. I'm no prude, but no one seems to care who is around as they drop the f-bomb in public. The lack of class amongst adults in this town is amazing.
9:16 is right. Lamar has to be spinning in his grave.
Ban beer. How hard is this?
ReplyDelete10:11 ^ if you want nanny state, go live in Kansas or Utah. Ban nanny state morons.
ReplyDeleteHad a friend who went this last time and took his kids. They were completely turned off by the swearing and rude behavior.
ReplyDeleteSaw a ticket for the game that another friend had. $150.00 for a ticket in the nosebleeds plus a $27 parking fee not to mention the extensive waiting in traffic getting in and out of the stadium.
Thanks but no thanks, I have season tickets to Sporting KC and I'll spend my sports dollars there (at least as long as they're family friendly).
probably just some loser Raider fans, pretending to be Texans.
ReplyDelete10:23 you must be looking into a mirror.
ReplyDeleteY'all sound like a bunch of cockgobbling pussies!
ReplyDeleteWhen I'm out there doing the tomahawk chop in my Dwayne Bowe jersey I feel like the man I never could be down at the factory!
7 and 0 baby!!
Well, from the games I have gone to I have seen a lot, a lot of white trash. No respect for others, and especially with younger kids around. Its just how they were raised. Its what society has become.
ReplyDeleteMostly Missouri folk either coming out the woodwork, coming from Gladstone, Raytown, Independence, north KC, etc.
If you want a quiet place to cheer go to the new Kaufman center & clap with etiquette for ur favorite robust Opera Singer!...Keep ur Ass out of Arrowhead! Ur the type that will leave early when the game is tight & then cry when u hear the radio tell of the comeback! Shut up!
ReplyDeleteSounds to me like some of you pussy-moaners need to stick to the Sporting KC foot fairy scene -- the high school pep assembly atmosphere, confetti canons, organized chants and don't forget that gayboy yell leader with his dumbfuck oversized goalie gloves. Can't stand that fucker.
ReplyDelete12:53, no one is suggesting that the fans need to be quiet, but they don't have to be drunken, foul-mouthed fools in order to support the team either. After all, it's a GAME. Sadly, there are so many low-lifes with nothing in their own personal worlds to be excited about that they must live vicariously through a football team.
ReplyDeleteat least it's mostly stupid rednecks and NOT niggers!
ReplyDelete3:54 you probably have a Chiefs jersey of one of the black players! Now We all see how u really feel about them when there not scoring a touchdown or picking ur Cotton! I dare u to Call Tamba Hali that to his face u fuckin Coward!
ReplyDeleteThat's why the redneck crackers get so drunk. They are celebrating the lack of Knee Grows that attend the game.
ReplyDeleteHappens everywhere. At the old Dallas stadium I almost got into a fight with 5 guys as they surrounded me in the bathroom. I had done nothing other than wear a Chiefs shirt. It's always alcohol fueled. I also used to live in Houston. Talk about a shithole filled with assholes.
ReplyDeleteRude and unruly, ha ha that's nothing new.
ReplyDeleteLol. Don't come to KC if ya can't handle it, TEXAS!
ReplyDeleteIs was at Arrowhead this past weekend for the Denver game. While most of the Chiefs fans where nice, some where not. I FULLY expected to get an ear full for being a Denver fan. It was the comments in the food/drink line dropping the F word, telling me I'm not welcome. A few other Chiefs fans told the guy to shut up and leave me. Alone, and that I was doing nothing wrong. A guy confronted my cousin in the bathroom with the same sort of stuff. I'm sure every city has those few fans the give everybody a bad name.