Like it or not, part-time work is the future of American labor.
So, on this Labor Day in Kansas City let's fact check rhetoric regarding Union influence with a bit of cruel reality.
Sadly, the outlook for Kansas City collective bargaining isn't as sweet as Gabrielle Union and her leggy hotness.

Now here are a few FUN FACTS that other Kansas City media outlets won't dare to publish:
- In Kansas City Public Schools most of the so-called "progress" involves busting the Teacher's Union who have made a tragic stand against technology in the face of their diminishing influence.
- Part-Time work is the standard in Kansas City and everywhere else amid the new Prez Obama economy . . . Part-Time Work Made Up More Than 65 Percent Of New Jobs Created In July
And worst of all . . .

Now, a few d-bags will argue that that the Local 42 Fire Union still holds undue influence @ City Hall.
However . . . A recent, EXCLUSIVE INTERVIEW with new Local 42 PAC leadership reveals the group isn't chest thumbing about their power any longer and instead looks to a future that simply attempts to hold the line against increased local government austerity.
And think about this . . .
Rex Sinquefield and his checkbook hold more influence in Kansas City than Mr. Peanut and his sometimes union friendly bankroll.
For all intents and purposes, the part-time economy of Prez Obama has killed collective bargaining in Kansas City and throughout the nation.
What's worse is that the largely misinformed Conservative middle-class believes that union decline benefits their precarious paycheck to paycheck struggle. In fact, Labor Day is really part of the last remnants of the old republic that have been swept away and union rhetoric seems to be nothing more than a sad devotion to an ancient religion that hasn't conjured up a living wage for most American workers or given American industry the clairvoyance enough to find a sustainable business model amid a global economy that's increasingly powered by child/slave labor employed by the Chinese and other emerging nations.
Developing . . .
A few good points but a bit depressive.
ReplyDeleteNothing happening. KC feels like a morgue this morning.
ReplyDeleteIt is even worse than you think. Folks working for minimum wage as a watress or as a waiter encounter this all the time. It makes the situation a million times worse and it would be so easy to fix.
That black lady gets it right!!!
Horrible news weekend. Even boogers, I mean bloggers are looking bad.
ReplyDeleteYou've been here all weekend fart smeller. I mean smart fella!
ReplyDeleteIf bloggers don't have a steady supply of fresh stories produced by others they have to post whatever leftovers and garbage is left 7:35.
ReplyDeleteHelling and Hendricks seem to have more in common as of late. I hope they have a nice BBQ day in their big, spacious, Johnson County homes.
ReplyDeleteLocal bloggers, uh they are the worst! An accident
ReplyDeleteThe wildman is feeling good today because he doesn't have to work, just like every other day. Going to get some gourmet grub today. Life is good.
ReplyDeletewaiting to happen. Already happened.
ReplyDeleteUnions don't have "influence" they have POWER. that is something that you don't understand TKC.
ReplyDeleteLabor was the first price, the original purchase-money that was paid for all things. It was not by gold or by silver, but by labor, that all wealth of the world was originally purchased.
ReplyDeleteNo society can surely be flourishing and happy, of which the greater part of the members are poor and miserable. It is but equity, besides, that they who feed, cloath and lodge the whole body of the people, should have such a share of the produce of their own labour as to be themselves tolerably well fed, clothed, and lodged.
And I'm sure Rush and Beck and the rest of the grifters are appalled, or perhaps they just skip the Preamble to the Constitution.
We, the people of the United States, in order to form a more perfect Union...
For every Union worker there is 10,000 losers and scabs willing to work cheap.
ReplyDeleteHow that W Bush 'I want to put food on your family' thing work out for everyone anyway?
Birth Control, population control is the most pressing issues facing mankind right now. Don't ya think?
ReplyDeleteThe 7:47 video is hilarious.
ReplyDeleteFuture water wars are coming. Despite the fact the planet is two thirds water.
ReplyDeleteMy wife is a server, she says the vifdeo is true
ReplyDeleteI got mine. Good luck getting yours.
ReplyDeleteRelax. Obama and the Feds can just keep printing as much money as needed to keep the U.S. eCONomy propped up. Everyone will get a snap card if needed. Deficits don't matter anyway.
ReplyDeleteLook at the bright side at least Government and Corporations are not making promises they can't or don't intend to keep these days. Like they did in the 'old days'.
ReplyDeleteThat's right plus all us CEOs deserve our wealth and fortune for providing little people with a 'paycheck'.
ReplyDeleteThey should be grateful.
I need 50 people for the price of ten. Why should I hire some snooty picky American when I can get ten willing to work for what he or she demands. Get real!!
ReplyDeleteI blame Bush for Obamacare.
ReplyDeleteGet on the WELFARE WAGON.
Are these folks employable???
It's FREE! Swipe your EBT!!
Doom and Gloom even penetrates and eventually destroys the minds of positive thinkers! What does Kansas City, Missouri want? Can we work toward whatever it is that we want? Can each of us lay blame, not on others, but ourselves? What has each of us done lately for the betterment of any issue, other than TALK?
ReplyDeleteWhy don't these fast food fonies get a second job or just suck it up
ReplyDeleteThe Jar Head Mayor Sly Sez
ReplyDeleteSUCK IT UP!
Corporate America can suck my dick
Good Night Boom Town America
ReplyDeleteWelcome to Albania!
TKC: I find your lack of intellect disturbing . . .
ReplyDeleteGet them liveable wages to support their families. Don't necessary know if formal unions are always the best answer as sometimes greed shows up there too.
ReplyDeleteI'm only posting a comment so my stalker will have something to do later. As always, he'll wait until everyone else has moved along.
ReplyDeleteOh, BTW, Labor Day was borrowed from Canada. America doesn't celebrate labor. We celebrate singers, actors & athletes.
The wage-slaves are all working today.
to stay home and bolt bumpers on ford, gm and c cars, with "Critical Worker" deferments - so Americans could still buy POS Corvairs.
Union dirtbags made a deal with King of Sleaze LBJ - they supported his worthless
war, as long as THEY didn't have to go fight it.
Duh'mericans don't stand for much anymore except their fantasy football teams.
ReplyDeleteFakey Byron, there are many of us who know you are not who you say you are. We're long-time TKC regulars, too. So don't worry, if someone misses one of your pathetic posts, someone else will see it.
ReplyDeleteAs for the US borrowing Labor Day from Canada: since labor leader Pete McGuire from the US was asked to speak at Canada's first event on July 22, 1882, then McGuire returned to the US and organized our first Labor event on September 5th of the same year, it's more a case of the celebrations being created together.
Just a few facts to pulverize your half-truths, sort of like the ones you tell about your relationship to The Funk.
I'm playing with my poop today.
ReplyDelete7:47 video is funny.
ReplyDeleteThree things have killedf unions in this country:
ReplyDelete1) Unions failure to stop and corporations rapidly exporting jobs overseas.
2) The American worker's stupidity in believing that once the rich union laborers were defeated by companies their jobs, pensions, profit sharing, insurance, pay and retirement would not come under attack.
3) The attitudes and ethics of union workers themselves. Just look at the last hold outs being the government bureaucrats. If you were the boss would you not fire that lazy, snotty bitch down at the post office, department of revenue or the court house? I don't know what those guys at Hostess were smoking, but their greed made it perfectly possible for them to loose thier jobs while Hostess, bought out, is right back in KC making pastries for 40 percent less.
Now here you have Obama preaching and telling all these kids how he is going to pave the way for them to ramp up their ability to increase college loan debt and he can't find a real job for most of them.
Bend over America the tough times are just begging - not almost over.
Choose your parents wisely, if that failed find some money to marry into.
ReplyDeleteHow they going to pay a monthly mortgage sized Obamacare product minimum wages?
ReplyDeleteI blame Bush for everything even before he was president.
ReplyDeleteActually even before he was born.
Unions have become corporations. They just fleece their members rather than customers
ReplyDeleteExactly. It's no longer really about protecting the worker it's about a check for the union bosses and a cause for liberal organizers who don't /can't hold a real job.
Delete@10:39 AM should get a gold star for getting the joke!
ReplyDeleteThe unions are dying because of greed and corruption. The idea of unions is great and what most liberals are holding onto. The fact of unions is that the same greedy people who head or what to head corporations end up leading the unions. The union leaders also haven't negotiated smart. They have negotiated entitlement instead of honest wage and safety. Now people are tired of their scam too. The organizers are just people who follow ideology and are basically not employable themselves.
ReplyDeleteUnion corruption occurs rarely, more rarely than in almost any other comparably sized type of organization. Labor officers are all bonded by insurance companies and have a better bond rating than even clergy.
ReplyDeleteUnion greed is a fraction of corporate greed, more in line with normal personal greed. It is largely checked by having the most democratic principals in existence in the U.S.
Unions are the most heavily regulated and scrutinized private organizations in the country.
Unionized American workers are as or more productive than any other workforce on earth.
Union "greed, laziness, and corruption" are boogeymen the corporate masters use to scare working people from organizing and demanding their share of the immense wealth of we produce.
But don't let the facts stop you from regurgitating your masters' lies, you pitiful, ignorant, traitorous shills.
Yeah keep drinking that koolaid.
DeleteMost liberal union organizers have never held a union job or any real job foe that matter. They have been fed a bunch of bs by college professors who have never done anything but spew theory and their version of history. Even many former union members are giving up on what it could be because of the union bosses and power that be = politicians.
ReplyDeletefake strike from the Democrats
ReplyDeleteLongshoreman broke from the AFL CIA
take that in the fucking balls