A quick note reminds me to offer a friendly warning as we near the end of Summer along with hotter temperatures and tempers in Kansas City.
Check it -
"TKC, don't know if you heard about this one yet but over the weekend there was a massive fight at Loose Park between black and white. It started simply enough with two black guys smoking weed and a small, skinny white man told them to stop because they were close to the playground and there were children nearby. The smell was really strong it was obvious what they were doing. He was being an A hole about it and things got worse from there.
The black guys started hollering at him and cursing. The dumb skinny guy put his fists up and from there it was a disaster. Women jumped in the fight, there were kids crying and the whole playground exploded in a brawl. Somebody called the cops and they came to break it up quickly. I didn't stay to see what happened but it looked like they took everybody who was fighting to jail. Just wanted to let you know that my visit to your city confirms a lot of the racism and fighting isn't just on your blog. It's on the streets too."
I was going to compile a TOP FIVE list for this one but there's really just one important bit of advice I can share in order to attempt to be helpful.
Check it:
We could discuss changing demographics at Loose Park, racial tension and a seemingly endless litany of cultural flashpoints to avoid. But simply avoiding any kind of confrontation with strangers is a tried and true strategy and the TKC contribution to public safety this morning.
You're welcome.
ALL black people smoke weed, I don't care if they're 80. A couple of years back I saw a black "lady" smoking weed and driving with her baby in back at 75th & Troost. I don't see how the white guy was being an asshole about it. I'm sure the black guys took anything anybody would have said to them being "disrespected." They could have smoked anywhere but no, they have to go around kids at a park. The guy is lucky they didn't shoot him. As for the two-on-one, the next time I see a black guy fight fair will be the first time.
ReplyDeleteThere has been a big problem with young people congregating in that park for quite some time. They need to start ticketing illegal parking in the side streets (and picking up outstanding warrants) to keep the crowd down.
ReplyDeleteHey, you stupid niggers, smoking grass is illegal! Yes, it's against the fucking law, animals..
ReplyDeleteThe "small, skinny white man" started it. He could have just ignored them. 'Live & let live.' As for the children, they would have been oblivious, if left to their own devices. Maybe, it just seems natural to a 'small, skinny white man' to give orders to blacks. Its illegal? Not for long. The medical community wants the medicine. The criminalization of marijuana is coming to an end.
ReplyDeleteOf course, this thread will mostly be used to make a case for neo-eugenics.
God, I hate liberals like you. Your worse than the savages you defend and enable. You're the reason why good people do nothing in the face of lawlessness.
DeleteYou're...I was in a rush.
DeleteByron hates is when white boys fight back.
ReplyDeleteBlacks are a "Protected Class", they are allowed to smoke weed in front of the kids, hold thier balls in their hands, put MUTHAFUCKA in front of every thing they say and most importantly, beat the fuck outta white people if they feel like it.
ReplyDeleteWhite people who are raped robbed and killed deserve it. Thats what they get for being white.
ReplyDeleteByron probably a doper like the rest of the niggers.
ReplyDeleteByron the law says no you can't so that is fact not your stupid law breaking supporting rants. Man no wonder Mark wants nothing to do with you.
ReplyDeleteWhite guy should have just called the cops on a cell phone. Over and done. But no he had to play cop.
ReplyDeleteYes the weed smokers were wrong but you are not naturally a cop just because they are black and you are white. No one has to listen to you. Leave it to the people with the guns and badges and the commissined authority to do something about it.
A white guy tells 2 black guys to stop doing something illegal and the white guy is racist? Only in the minds of racists who don't think blacks can/should be held to white standards because everybody knows blacks can't control themselves, right? The only thing the white guy did wrong was not have a dozen tough friends close by when it was go time - that's how blacks do it.
ReplyDeleteAnd no ALL black people don't smoke. I don't my parents didn't. My husband doesn't. His cousins quit. None of my close friends have since college, the same place msot whites smoke.
ReplyDeleteActually ALL whites I know (mostly liberal or Libertarian I will add) do however.
8:10 FTW
ReplyDeleteWhen I briefly tried Facebook, Mark sent me a friend request. I hit ignore. I did not send him a friend request. You have it backwards.
ReplyDelete"the small, skinny white man", like George Zimmerman, was not a police man. Why didn't he use his cell phone to call the police? Did he think he was Superman? Did he forget that he was a dwarf?
So if someone is breaking the law you no longer have the right to use free speech and call them on it? What situations get Byron's 'free speech approved' seal or do white people just have to shut up forever? This kind of cowardly backward thinking boggles my mind.
DeleteYour point seems to be: don't try talking to or rationalizing with black people, ever. Instead call the police and have the police send them to jail. Which is actually good advice but it's hilarious you make this kind of statement and then pat yourself on the back for being enlightened; you have very low standards for black people which betrays your racism.
DeleteThe "kids" probably wouldn't have known any difference. If they do - where did they learn what weed smells like Daddy?
ReplyDelete"It started simply enough with two black guys smoking weed and a small, skinny white man told them to stop because they were close to the playground and there were children nearby. The smell was really strong it was obvious what they were doing. He was being an A hole about it and things got worse from there."
ReplyDeleteUmmmm. HE was being an asshole? It's one thing to smoke pot in private, but in a public park (and Loose Park at that)? That's ridiculous. As for police responding to a call about people smoking pot, forget it. They have real crime to deal with. The pot smokers were in the wrong. Period. There's no way to spin this story in their favor.
And Byron, you're really reaching on this one endangering what little credibility you have left.
So the kids end up having to witness grown people having a brawl. All because some black dudes wouldn't jump and do what some white dude says. Smoke a joint and mellow out dude.
ReplyDeleteI'll suck niggers dick for nothing! Give it to me playa!
ReplyDeleteAnon 8:48 is right.
ReplyDeleteThe result would have been the same if it were white men, or the were drinking instead of smoking pot. Do you like it when strangers give you orders? This was clearly a case of little man syndrome.
When a person ASKS me to do something I don't want to do, I automatically respond with maximum violence. That's what you're trying to say?
ReplyDeleteThe white man was provoked by the black men's inappropriate behavior; provoked to confront them verbally, as civilized people do. The black men responded to his words with a physical assault.
By your logic, Byron, the white man should have skipped the VERBAL response and gone straight to PHYSICAL assault. Because that's what people SHOULD do when they're offended by someone else's behavior. Shut your mouth and beat the motherfuckers down!
He could have minded his own business.
ReplyDeleteIt's almost as though African Americans insist on ruining every part of the City they live in but yet are oblivious to it...If there is one community that should be concerned about the well being of the Plaza and Loose Park it's the African American community...I understand that is not consistent with the victim rhetoric they hear since birth but it's absolutely the truth...their welfare (pun somewhat intended) is reliant on white taxable income.
ReplyDeleteGood point 11:39. Silly darkies, Loose Park is for crackers. Stay at Swope.
ReplyDeleteIt's gonna be tough for people with common sense to see places like Loose cancered by those without any sense.
ReplyDeleteDo we have wind direction and speed at the park that day. Skinny white dude should have done a few readings.
ReplyDeleteSecond, even though weed is pungent a kid wouldn't notice it from ragweed pollen or anything else.
It's not like the kids were playing at a bus stop with diesel pumping into a room inhaling lead and mercury
We the kids walking up asking for a hit .. druggies don't share weed in case you all haven't heard
let the honky pay for it
perhaps they were not black, but native Americans celebrating an arcane religious ceremony?
ReplyDeleteLoose Park. Once an absolutely safe place to visit, even at night....now doomed.
ReplyDeleteI go to Loose park at least 2x a week and I agree with what TKC is saying about the park. It's getting very dangerous. There are more blacks at the park these days and it seems like a lot more racial confrontations these days. It's doesn't take much to get things started. All the mayham seems to start at the playground area. That's where the kids come in contact and accidently run into each other. That's when the parents get involved and the fights start. Hope this helps.
ReplyDeleteByron, you know Mark Funkhouser never sent you a friend request on Facebook because you are not his brother. Does this charade give you a sense of purpose? Does aligning yourself with one of KC's most mocked families make you feel important? You probably don't even live back east. But I'm sure you are sucking welfare off the government.
ReplyDeleteByron- Fid you consider the skinny white dude's business might have been to look out for the health and safety of kids playing nearby?
ReplyDeleteLeave it to TKC to somehow find a way to blame a white guy.
ReplyDeleteWhat does John Rizzo think?
I drove through Loose Park a couple of weeks back. I was surprised to see a few dozen people people hanging on open car doors, drinking beer out of cans and bottles, smoking whatever, and hollering back and forth (smack talk.) At the time I thought it was a lit fuse, e.g., nowhere I want to be. I wondered at the time if the police ever drove through the parking lot.
ReplyDeleteThe is an ordinance that prohibits open drinking of alcohol in a public park. Same with pot.
But is it possible to LOITER in a public park?
This remains me of Volker park back in the 70's. I was a place where mostly hippie whites would go a smoke pot and listen music. It was a very nice place to see and be seen. Everybody got along. Then blacks started showing up and thiings quickly turned sour. Fights and robberies started. Soon thereafter the place died out and nobody went there anymore.
ReplyDeleteJust saying.
ReplyDeleteTime to bust some nigger heads open! it's the only thing they know.
ReplyDeleteAbout time the wealthy lib's in the Ward Parkway corridor and Brookside get a niggeriffic taste.
ReplyDeleteWhew when does someone's actions stop being a stereotype and start being recognized as behavior? It's unbelievable seeing how this community acts around Southwest High School and Loose Park. They are not victims...they are problems.
ReplyDeleteWhere is George Zimmerman when we really need him? Zorro!!!
ReplyDeleteAnon 1:20 PM
ReplyDeleteYes, I am his brother dumb ass. You claim I'm not. Do you have any proof or are you just using your psychic powers?
The white man put up his fists. He started the fight.
One more thing 1:20. We had this debate three years ago. Do you see any one else echoing your nonsense?
ReplyDeleteStupid, fucking niggers.