Right now . . . A throng of politicos and dittoheads are celebrating Kansas City toy train streetcar expansion.

Mayor Sly started the festivities with a few words and noted:

"It's no secret that I was very happy about yesterday's decision . . . We're now on the path do to moving transit forward."

I think he looked sideways @ TKC when he said: "We will move beyond the nattering nabobs of negativism."

He continued his remarks. . .

"The establishment of the first route puts us at the starting line and not the finish line in our race to make Kansas City best."

We'll have more pix and comments in a bit . . .

Council dude Russ Johnson was on stage but he only said: "Thank you" when asked for his remarks.

Councilman Jim Glover spoke at length . . . The basics of remarks: "We have to look at the streetcar as not only a mode of transit but also an engine for economic development that will revitalize our urban core."

Councilman Jermaine Reed also shared his his hope for the streetcar as part of an economic development strategy, "We need to be leaders and not laggards. That's why I realized the potential for this streetcar and we're glad to see it heading East of Troost."

Just a few pix for tonight . . . More for the morning update hopefully . . .

Mayor Sly looks at the model train set with one of his constituents.

A big crowd for a weekday night . . . Even one of our pals from The Centurions was impressed with resident interest.

That's President & CEO – George Guastello looking over the project . . .

Another shot of the enthusiastic Kansas City toy train gathering.

And one last up close look at the Kansas City's model train project. And yes . . .I did go crazy with the filters from a new bit of freeware I downloaded.

More toy train news along with other insights coming up for the morning update . . . STAY TUNED!!!


  1. I bet T's positioned near the buffet table...

  2. Robbery. Plain and simple.

  3. Is Russ Johnson there? Or did Sly make him stay home. Wish Sly would make that moron, David Johnson, stay home permanently.

  4. How to fight loneliness... build a monorail!!8/8/13, 7:52 PM

    Just look at all the local swells in their polo shirts.
    Portland of the Plains, here we come!!

  5. The Black Male Monster...

  6. Waste of money. How many people will be shot on the east side tonight?

  7. Very nice to invite just the chosen few. Sly has forgotten his roots.

  8. Did anyone there ask the question who the hell will pay for this?

  9. Edward Snowman8/8/13, 8:51 PM

    Taxpayers will pay for it. With Interest

  10. Pretty soon KCMO will want JOCO to help pay for it once they get underwater real bad. They will say, hey, pay us and you can connect your line to yours, how great would that be?


  11. People will be shot on the East Side regardless.

  12. Jermaine Reed is a laggard. What the hell is he talking about.

  13. Seriously?

    The man quoted Spiro fuckin Agnew?

    If he did, he was "Milking" it for all it was worth.

  14. Waste of money and poorly conceived plan. What do you bet the St businesses they plan to tax just bolt and leave the city deserted again.

  15. Wow, those photos are SHITTILY edited.

    step it up, t dogg

  16. There should be a metro-wide transit system and a metro-wide tax to support it.

  17. I was going to make a Herman Goering reference to the city mock up but he quoted Spiro T Agnew

  18. And free candy and lollipops for everyone

  19. Fortune favors the brave and at least our Mayor is taking a risk to help our city. What have you done.

  20. The more I hear about it the more I like it. Sorry morons.

  21. Right Brad, it takes a lot of bravery to use other peoples money for something the majority of citizens do not want.

  22. Sly's a total lunatic. That's finally been affirmed once and for all.

  23. Miss Reed is on board? How unoriginal of her.

  24. Haven't even started and they are talking about expansion already?

    Ruh Roh

  25. Oh, yeah, the money.

    No problem, the streetcar’s proponents and city officials say. We’ll get the federal government (taxpayers) and the state government (taxpayers) to pay for it. After all, look at what the city of Fort Lauderdale is doing. It’s building a $125 million streetcar system with $83 million from federal and state taxpayers and the remainder from local taxpayers. Wow what a deal!

  26. Councilman Jim Glover "We have to look at the streetcar as not only a mode of transit but also an engine for economic development that will revitalize our urban core."


  27. What the hell are these fucking lemmings on?

  28. "If you can't love this city today, then you never will." Mayor Sly James at Phase 2 ‪#‎KCstreetcar‬ kick-off.

    Who the fuck does this guy think he is? Maybe he should saying that to his ghetto classes over in East KC.

  29. Ah a little dissent in the supporter ranks already. LOL

    "I'm all for Kansas City having a great public transit system but it needs to be done correctly. Going not the the airport and east into the urban core are both recipes for disaster."

  30. Shut up white boy! I'm Sly Fucking James and I do what I want!

  31. Guess we should name that East Line The Ghetto Express. Bring in the sagging pants crews to sweep floors at minimum wage at all these "secret business" Jan is talking with.

  32. Welfare Express. Free ride downtown to pickup welfare checks and food stamp cards.

  33. All from a crew that can't get a freaking assessment done right. Or even fill a pothole correctly.

    Phew boy

  34. Gee, Sly seemed so interested in my concerns when he was running for office. And now, just because I questioned how this was going to affect the already-inadequate bus service north of the river, I'm a "nattering nabob of negativity." I am a retiree and no longer have a car. The bus runs once an hour on most northland routes and very few stops have a bench to sit on. That's a lot of discomfort for an old person. I bet every single person at that special-invitation event has a car. So what if the fancy train to the city's east side/inner city means the rest of the bus service will get worse, right?

  35. The Truth, The Whole Truth, And Nothing But The Truth8/9/13, 12:23 AM

    11:33 you who voted King James into office now no longer matter. I think time and time again he has made that very clear to the people of Kansas city.

    Those who was at this event tonight are all in awe over this only because it is new and they think it is cool. They and I mean not a one of them cares the least little bit about how it will be paid for. Five years from now when it is a huge failure not a one of these people will stand up and talk about how they supported this toy train folly. Instead they will try and blame the people the tax payers for not supporting it. To bad they didn't listen to the people who said in the beginning they didn't want it. This whole train disaster very clearly shows how a city can use the legal system to screw the very same people who work hard every day to pay the taxes that affords these politicians the luxury of having the job they was voted into. Just to bad as soon as they take an oath of office we the voters no longer matter in any way what so ever.

  36. "Nattering nabobs of negativism". Really, Mr. Mayor???

    Planning to end your public service in the same way as the first person who uttered that phrase, the Vice President who resigned in disgrace for criminal activity, Mr. Spiro Agnew?

  37. Looks like the taxpayers will be losing more city services for the neighborhoods. Looks like the only way the neighborhood can make it if they start their own CID.

  38. If only the City Council would of taken the advice for the Neighborhood Action Committee ,and put in streetcars 10 years ago. The money that was used for studies would have paid for have the cost.

  39. That's half the cost. [sorry]

  40. Ruck you cry babies8/9/13, 6:58 AM

    Let's see Downtown -- where almost no property owners pay property taxes due to TIF, is over taxed? RIGHT!

  41. Evil People

  42. Just another dumb folly of KCMO. But this one is so expensive, it may be the final nail sealing the city's future as Detoilet II.

  43. Oh, there'll be others, 9:20.

  44. When your Mayor starts quoting Spiro Agnew (nattering nabobs of negativity) , it might be time for an intervention.

  45. When your Mayor starts quoting Spiro Agnew (nattering nabobs of negativity) , it might be time for an intervention.

  46. Besides politician, promotors, & other that will get direct financial benefit, it is impossible to find anyone that thinks wasting $200M on KCMO streetcar is a good idea.

  47. I think its a good idea. I'm a citizen with no possible financial benefit.

    Just glad to see this city act like a city for once.

  48. 12:23am... I'm 11:33pm. I made it my business to meet and talk with Sly James during the campaign. I went to several events for all candidates. I actually ended up voting for someone else. But since James was elected, I expect him to represent my interests as well as the interests of all Kansas City residents. He's hardly recognizable now, if you compare him to the Sly James who ran for office.


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