We've heard a lot about the turnround of the KCPS . . . However . . .
Check it:
Testimony From A KCPS Teacher
As a previous teacher of the district, I was told by my administrator to dumb down my curriculum. I did not understand this since I had taught the same students at another school in the district and the students were more than capable of doing the work.
Students were often treated poorly and verbally abused by teachers and administrators. I was given a set of students that were supposed to be out of control( dancing on tables, yelling at teachers, fighting in the classroom), needless to say I did not see any of that behavior in my students.
In fact I was asked why I was the only teacher who would listen to their concerns and address them.
My students enjoyed learning but so many of them did not understand why not a single faculty member would listen to them.
If students are bored, they will not retain the information you give them. You have to make the information valuable to each student not just one.
Differentiated instruction was often laughed at by administrators who were old school and they did not believe in it.
Teachers would not stop fights or even try to stop them verbally. Out of approximately 35 teachers only 4 or 5 would try to stop them. Often these fights were involving children less than 14 years old. I am sorry but there are not that many children that will push through a teacher to fight another child so why not protect our children? My heart is saddened and I will never teach in that district again. I currently work with abused and neglected children and the abuse is still occurring. I pray the state gets the opportunity to take it over.
Map scores were rigged.
ReplyDeleteTKC - The district is closer to gaining accrediation NOW than at any time in the past 20 years. If u cannot see that then u are unwilling to judge by the facts.
ReplyDeleteSo....this teacher left and then the District improved?
ReplyDeleteWhat is it this imbecile thinks the state has to offer that will actually address the things he/she is complaining about??? This is faulty log and it is good he/she is no longer around the students.
ReplyDeleteQuit on the kids, then slink off to Tony and complain anonymously. Way to take a stand!
ReplyDeletethe teacher is a commie that doesn't love america
ReplyDeleteHere is my opinion, based on my experience teaching in the KC School District 30 years ago (Secondary and elementary.)
ReplyDeleteThe solution has far less to do with money, than it does with teacher excellence and commitment based on what every single one of us feels when we go to work.
Computers, I Pads, digtal this, digital that in no way, can ever replace the interaction between a student and a teacher who is properly compensated and is motivated by the same catalysts that we all operate under. Fear of failure, loss of income, opprobrium and loss of face, constant reviews with respect to reasonable expected success, incentive based on that same success and kudos for same.
The Teacher's Union, like the Baseball Union, has destroyed the product. Kids and parents suffer under the crucible of a prioritization enforced by that same union that marks eruditon far down the list in importance.
This, in conjuction with students raised by thugs with entitlment expectations coupled with an extreme lack of nuance leads to an out of control environment where only the threat of violence will bring the herd into compliance.
Sorry, it is what it is.
Below, I will post a letter from a teacher, who does a pretty good job of summing up the utilitarian effects of these facts for those teahcers in the trenches.
Here is that letter.
The district can no longer be fixed. It's time to redraw the lines and start over.
ReplyDeleteLets review, the African American culture of destruction and death, that terrifies and intimidates the Main Stream Media, destroys the African Amnericans that populate that same culture.
ReplyDeleteThe white boys at CNN, ABC, CNN, NBC, The New York Times, The LA Times, The Chicago Trib etc, etc forever are killing, while they laugh up their sleeves, the inner city populations all over America.
They do this by feeding African Americans more and more drugs.
NOT coke, NOT heroin, NOT meth, but the liberal low expectations of the smarmy, elitist, condescending, head nodding pukes who do not now, have never and will never actuall live with inner city folks, but make bank on the dead in the streets every day to further their short term gains by wya of reelection, union, acadame, political sinecure and the joy of clinking cocktail glasses together in praise of a lost cause, so bereft of decency and logic, that it pales in the inferno.
Nothing is for free in the end.
Pull your own fuckin weight and quit whining about Emmit fuckin Till.
If African Americans try, they can actually see the enemy, it is African Americans.
Chuck, I agree with a lot of what you have to say but It's way too negative. what you fail to understand is that most black people are taking the very responsibility you preach. Your obessed with the bad examples and overlook all of the good that is coming from the community.
ReplyDeleteHoly crap I'm scared - I'm agreeing with Chuck.
ReplyDeleteChuck is right even when he uses those great big words like "opprobrium".
ReplyDeleteI have known many teachers, including my own wife who used to be one. I will grant you I don't know any teachers who taught in the inner city. They are all rural or suburbs. They are all in the teachers union but not one of them act like the teachers in the cities are described. By that I mean crappy teachers who are only in a union to be protected and have a guaranteed job with no fear of being held to any kind of standard. They all love kids, love to teach and genuinely are concerned about their students. I find it hard to believe teachers unions have destroyed inner-city schools. It's not like they are completely insulated and getting rich while doing nothing like they are the president of the Boilermakers. They aren't getting rich at all. The problem at all inner-city schools starts at home with the drop-out parents who don't give a shit who produce worthless offspring who also don't give a shit. It's the parents and kids fault, pure and simple. Teachers aren't miracle workers. You can't force education on people who don't value education. The black community refuses to embrace the things the rest of the world has figured out to make their lives better.
ReplyDeleteI hope you are right and I am wrong.
niggers are stupid. they must like being that way. they don't do anything to change that situation.
ReplyDeleteshhhh 11:32 - Grown ups are trying to discuss important topics.
ReplyDeleteStandards have become so relaxed that it has basically stripped away at integrity that was left. The school board is a total and complete joke. There hasn't been integrity in the school district for generations; at least the 1980's. Dr. Green has a huge challenge because he is mostly influenced by the same peddlers who caused the districts demise.
ReplyDelete10:43 has it right. It is the unions that have killed the district.
ReplyDeleteThis was so poorly written it had to be written by a teacher.
ReplyDelete1139, Standards actually increased under the new msip system or whatever, and it looks like the district did well. You are one of those who had a contract canelled and that's why you think the board is a joke - because they cut off your income. You're a leech.
ReplyDelete7:04 - administrator or apologist.
ReplyDeleteGet this straight, KC Schools will lose if we declare war on teachers.
Union contract is up this year. If you want a sense for how the district values it's teachers, watch the negotiations. If you want a sense for how teachers value their kids, watch the negotiations.
ReplyDeleteI don't give a fuck about race despite the fourth estate continually perpetuating the divide. But what I do care, and feel is the answer to this never ending problem, is about ACCOUNTABILITY. Show some goddamn manners and have some class. You don't need to be rich to exhibit it, all of us are pretty much broke. The economy has leveled the playing field. We're all slaves. Tell me when you saw an Asian or Mexican bitch about their workload. Stop acting like you have it the worst, urban blacks. I didn't impose slavery or Jim Crow on you guys. Hell, I was born when the Cosby Show just started!