TKC Note: Our Pal Craig Glazer offers background and a peek at his weekend plans. Check it:

Chris Kattan at Stanfords

Every year we try and find an extremely high profile celebrity that does stand up but has never been to a stage in Kansas City before. As we enter decade number four of comedy, that has become a tall order. A few of those first time to KC ever guys were Damon Wayans in the late nineties, Kevin Nealon in ’95, Ellen DeGeneres in the mid-eighties, and more recently Rob Schneider in 2010 at the Legends just to name a few. This year we were fortunate enough to land yet another high profile celebrity from television and film, Chris Kattan. Kattan did a decade on Saturday Night Live but he still may be best known for his hilarious role next to Will Ferrell in the cult classic ‘Night at the Roxbury’. Chris did many other projects including co-starring in ‘Undercover Brother’ and ‘The Middle’, you’ve seen him recently in TV shows like ‘How I Met Your Mother’. Maybe the most interesting thing Chris does today is his full week runs on ‘The Jimmy Fallon Show’. Kattan and Fallon were best buddies on SNL and continue to be close to this day. In fact, Kattan will be one of the early guests on ‘The Tonight Show’ after Fallon takes over here in a few weeks.

Kattan has always been known for his quirky characters and flippant mannerisms. His characters are always out on the edge, self-confident with seemingly nothing to back it up. Example, his character Mango. Kattan started his career doing improve with ‘The Groundlings’ in LA, he was introduced to the Groundlings by his father who recently passed away who was also a stand up comic and entertainer. Though Kattan lived in New York for ten years running around with Darrell Hammond, Will Ferrell and Jimmy Fallon, he was born in LA where he continues to live to this day. Chris is working on a new television series pilot for NBC and in the meantime is doing stand-up at select clubs and theaters across the country. Kattan once had a girlfriend from Hutchinson Kansas, but this is his first appearance on stage in Kansas City.

I’m just getting to know Chris Kattan. So far he seems like a good guy focused on doing new projects and staying in the game. It’s a great name to end the summer on. Stanfords will have a super-star month in September with Jim Florentine and Don Jamieson (the stars of Crank Yankers, comedy specials of ‘Inside the NFL’ on HBO and their 9th season of ‘That Metal Show’ on VH1), the following week will feature the star of ‘Mind of Mencia’, Carlos Mencia and the month will end with America’s newest comedy film star, TJ Miller, who is currently shooting Transformers 4 with Mark Wahlberg. Miller also has three TV series which include ‘Mash Up’ on Comedy Central and a new series this fall on HBO.

We are excited about this great line-up, hope you guys come out and see one of your favorites. Kattan performs tonight thru Saturday. For tickets or more information call us at (913)400-7500 or visit . Follow me @KCKingofSting.


  1. And here comes the Wildman seething with his bit of jealousy and weird obsession.

  2. I thought the TKC blog was not monetized? So much for not accepting advertisement revenue.

    Not that I hate you...A man has to eat.

  3. Yawn... Glazer you suck.

  4. Hopefully he gets $$ from all the other non-story attention addicts he gives publicity to. Chastain, Tracy Word, and the Sugar Creek tire chick should expect invoices.

  5. Somebody's paying TKC?



  6. C'mon, @8:10... dont break Tonys RICE BOWL!

  7. Judging by the way he acted on fox4 this morning ..he's a real swell guy.

  8. "Interesting, can you PROVE that or are you just talking out of your ass like everybody else on the Internet?"

    The thing speaks for itself. It is a clear advertisement for a business. The blog is a local news and huge boob repository. This post is a clear deviation of the typical content. Is it because the blogger is really interested in Glazer's take on Chris Kattan? Of course not.

    Do I have TKC's bank records showing a funds transfer? Of course not. But I'm not an idiot either, so please dispense with schoolyard "prove it" defense. Like I said, the thing speaks for itself.

  9. 4:19 - So you don't have any proof AND you're analyzing the content of this blog.

    I think you're an idiot after all.

    And a jealous one at that.

    Tony has explained time and time again that he like Craig and he posts his stuff because he thinks he's an interesting guy.

    You don't have any proof of your accusations, you're just pushing bullshit. Why don't you go start your own blog and see if anybody cares. Until then, you're just a troll.

  10. Who really gives a fuck?

  11. Kattan is actually pretty funny.

    Tony is not.

  12. Calm down, Fact Checka. I'm not trolling, I'm just stating the rather obvious. Trust me, I'm not jealous. If I was jealous, I would indeed start my own blog.

    I think it is pretty clear that jumping to defenses in such an extreme way like resorting to name calling (troll, idiot) and other ad hominem attacks (saying I'm jealous) makes it pretty clear that I'm probably right.

    Like I said, I have no hate, but it is obvious that this is an advertisement meant to appear like a post.

  13. 4:33 - Not xalti.

    4:31 - Again, you might not have any hate but you don't have any proof. Have you ever asked Tony or Craig if money is exchanged?

    Sponsored content deals are common on the Internet. Everybody does it and Google even has rules that govern the use of sponsored posts. The Internet has changed and you seem to be suggesting a conspiracy.

    So, you're making a big claim. Now where's the proof to back it up?

    That's rule #1 for any journalist, philosopher or decent person.

    Show your proof. Until then you're just complaining because you don't like the content. If so, don't read. Problem solved.

  14. The above comment was erroneously attributed to anonymous. It should have read THE EXALTED XALTI,, CREATOR OF THE COMMENTS PAGE AND DEFENDER OF HIS PROPHET, ANTHONY!!!!

  15. Anonymous callz I seez em8/22/13, 4:39 PM

    Uncommon Courage is also an ADVERTISMENT for that AMBOOLANTZ CHASER lawyer.

  16. So, nobody is going to Kattan?

  17. I'm pretty sure that the more you dirt bags sit around here and argue, the more Craig laughs at you.

  18. Sucks cock with Bullet -Force!!

  19. Like I said, I don't have proof. But, there is glaring evidence in the form of this rather obvious advert disguised as a post.

    TKC may very well find Glazer interesting and enjoy his essays on the myriad of topics he contributes to the blog. But this post is a clear advertisement. It strains credulity to believe that Glazer's take on Kattan, who happens be performing at Glazer's club, fits with the blogs normal content.

    It can be denied, but it won't be believed...not by me at least.

  20. "Like I said, I don't have proof."

    I think that sums up your argument.

  21. play by play8/22/13, 5:00 PM

    It's the BATTLE OF THE TITANS as THE RACE TO 100 plus comments continues!!!!

  22. REALITY CHECK8/22/13, 5:02 PM

    I think we can all agree that nobody cares about Mango.

    Even though that monkey boy sketch he did used to be funny. Will Craig be feeding him apples?

  23. Here it is more accurately.

    Hypothesis: This post is an advertisement.

    Evidence: This blog's content is geared toward local news items and big boobs. TKC posts content by Glazer on topics that vary in nature. This is not one such post. TKC does not publish anyone else's opinion on any other comedian performing at any other club.

    Fact: Advertisement placement is a result of an exchange of money.

    Result: This is a paid advertisement.

    But, like I said, there is no conspiracy. People have a right to sell advertising. I don't care. I just thought it wasn't monetized.

  24. comix reader8/22/13, 5:13 PM

    Oh, jeez... We all know Tonys a MEDIA WHORE, @5:09... Lets get back to the FUNNY, RANCID SHIT!

    And back to "Zits"... I just KNOW somethings goin on between Jeremy and Pierce...

  25. Who's Glazers ghost writer?

  26. 5:09, I think you are giving Tony way too much credit for smarts.

    Yes, this is a blatant ad. Yes, Tony should be paid for it.

    But I'm guessing Tony's "pay" is two free passes (Glazer throws those around like lollipops on Halloween), and one free watered-down drink.

  27. a good Trivial Pursuit question -

    "name who played that other guy with Will Ferrel in the SNL Roxbury sketch?"

  28. "But I'm guessing Tony's "pay" is two free passes (Glazer throws those around like lollipops on Halloween), and one free watered-down drink."

    that sounds more likely. the other theory gives too much credit to tkc. an favor is not an ad.

  29. More likely, glazer probably hooks tony up with with some party girls.

  30. So, here is what happened: I suggested the rather obvious, that there is an exchange of consideration for advertising. This brought on the venom of "Fact Checka" whether I believe is either Tony or Glazer, leaning toward Glazer.

    The irony is that "Fact Checka" screams about accusations of conspiracy and that decent people don't make accusations without proof, which is no different than what this very blog does on a daily basis.

    The blog's standard for publication is non-verified tips. These are often right, but sometimes wrong (see polar bear imminent death last month among others). So why am I held to a much higher standard of proof than the very tips the TKC blog relies on?

    I think my evidence and logic is just as solid as the very information this blog relies on for its very existence. **Drops the mic**

    Disclaimer: Again, I could give two shits about whether Glazer pays TKC in tickets, drinks, cash, or hookers. A guy has to eat.

  31. You spent all afternoon on Tony's site. Time for you to go eat dinner.

    And your conspiracy theory was fun entertainment for everybody too. Congratulate yourself to contributing to Tony's forum.

    You're also in a tizzy about Craig and a months old post about a polar bear. You've got this blog and Craig Glazer on the brain. Maybe TKC should charge you a membership fee? That would be a much more solid for of revenue.

    And still you go on and on but don't provide any proof. At the end of your rant you say that you're doing the same thing as this blog. So where's your moral high ground? You sound like a typical liberal whiner who complains about the government but then can't get off welfare. Maybe you have more in common with a lot of people in KC than you realize.

  32. captn obvious8/22/13, 7:02 PM

    Leeeettt iiiiiitt goooOOOO!!! We ALL know its an AD, @ 6:41... All you need for PROOF is the PHONE NUMBER to the RATHOLE.for ticket info at the end of that GHOST WRITTEN.POST.

  33. I cant wait to see anthony jeselnik at the midland.

  34. Wildman, we knew it was you all along!

  35. I didn't know Kattan's career was on the skids. It must be if he is playing that comedy dive.

  36. Yeah, I must really have a fish hooked for the amount of outrage from Fact Checka. Ok, I was going to leave it at just making your ridiculous argument look silly, but if you want to continue to get owned, I can oblige.

    First, not in a tizzy about Craig Glazer. Don't even know the guy. Same for Tony Botello.

    Second, I hadn't read TKC in a while, so I did not know he was posting ads, so I asked if the policy had changed.

    Third, I never claimed a moral high ground. As many of my posts state, I could care less if someone sells advertising on their blog. Good for them. People have to eat. I just didn't know Tony was doing it.

    Fourth, I just brought up the fact that TKC has been wrong based on his unverified tips. The most recent I saw while catching up on the blog was on the story he blasted regarding the imminent death of a polar bear. He's entitled to be wrong and if Glazer isn't paying TKC, I'm entitled to be wrong just the same. But I'm not.


  37. First off Tony doens't pay me for these articles on comedy and I don't pay him. They are there as a 'whats up at Stanfords' this week, since I write here and run the comedy club. That's all. Simple as that. I had ad's run on KCC when I wrote there. I don't think its that big of a deal. Boy some people will search to find something to bitch about. Huh? It's just an update and fun information on the comedian, pretty simple. Kattan is of course a big name and that makes him that much more fun to write about.

    We all know the nature of comments. Some people really have an opinion, most want to get anger off their chest on issues unrelated but you in this case, ME, becomes the target of their discontent. No kidding. Way it is.

    All Kattan's shows will be sold out or damn close to it. He has had a bigtime career and seems a decent person. I have never seen his standup before. He is better known as a comedic actor than a standup. Should be fun.

  38. Glazer got a prolapsed rectum in prison8/22/13, 8:15 PM

    Kattan is about as funny as Venereal Warts on a 12 year old, or as I like to call it, Glazers date.

  39. I may stand corrected, but with my experience in making money in the blog world. TKC makes money every time someone "HITS" A topic on the blog site.
    Thus meaning that all of his profits are driven from, i don't know if or how Tony and Glazer have a contractual agreement of sorts. I would think that they have a agreement of earnings of some magnitude.
    Hope this provides a better explanation for the curious above.

  40. Yeah, my comments really had little to nothing to do with Craig Glazer the man or Tony Botello the man. I know each equally well, which is to say not at all. I just posed the question about a post nobody is denying is an advertisement. And I wouldn't care if it was.

    If a restaurant slipped Glazer some cash to mention a deal in the intro to the night's comics, nobody would care. Same here. Nobody cares, but advertising generally only gets placed one way. So how can people get so outraged when those with even a modicum of intelligence assumes cash has been exchanged? Which again, doesn't matter.

    Social media has changed the nature of advertising to where "updates" (read: ads) are made to look like friends posts in Facebook. So why would anyone think that this post is anything but a paid advertisement? You aren't paying Tony? Fine. Say it until you are blue in the face with as many profanities and name calling as you want.

    But with the way corps are marketing us into insanity, you have to understand most of us will never believe $$ isn't changing hands here.

  41. When are you going to do the world a favor and off yourself, you cokehead ass?

  42. Amen, 8:43.

    On the plus side, haven't seen Byron the Fake Funkhouser around for a while.

  43. Anonymous Andy8/22/13, 9:15 PM

    The Comedy Store is a real comedy club that features real comedians.

    The Glazer Hole is well just a hole.

  44. I like Kattan and the cut of his jib. Funny guy and a nice guy too.

  45. Bout time for the Pitch to do another story making an ass of Glazer

  46. dont forget mango and gay hitler

  47. If Kattan is doing standup at "select clubs", what is he doing coming to yours??

  48. I feel a lot of tension in this room tonight. Uptight people are bringing each other down. But u won't take the wind oiut of my sails. Such is mango.

  49. Saw this guy open for Screech at Lame-o-palooza '93

  50. Glaze you need to put me on the payroll. You got with my 6 wins tops for the Chefs and now you are putting up your promo on Thursday as I suggested. At least you take good advice. We may be able to make a real man out of you yet.

  51. 10:51 here again. You should have embedded a few Youtube clips of your act, told you that last week. Baby steps. May be Tony can explain what that means and help you out with it.

  52. The King of Snitching needs to come clean.

  53. Went to show tonight. Wall to wall. Had fun. If that club is a hole, nicest hole outside of Playmate of the Years.

  54. Love reading this one hater's 'kill yourself' 'snitch' comments over and over. Wish that guy would move on, but no such luck. Maybe he will soon join that Smartman.

  55. 249 is glazer who couldnt sleep. coke will do that.

  56. Saw Mencia at the Midland about 5 years ago. Man that guy puts on a show and a long one. I'll be checking out is show at your club.

  57. Nice seeing you at the club Craig. It was a great show!

  58. Anonymous Andy8/23/13, 10:59 AM

    Stanford's is the place you go when everything else happening in Kansas City that night sucks worse. Lots of fine entertainment happens in this area every weekend as a rule and the has been clowns Glazer gets never makes the top ten on the list of things happening in Kansas City. I mean yes they have a few loyal fans just as Missy B's does, but that alone doesn't make them the hottest spot in KC or the nation for that matter. Least Missy B's gets a 4.5 stars out of 5 compared to Stanford's 2 even the Improv gets 3 stars over the Glazer hole.

  59. Heard Kattan with Steve on public radio, fantastic interview. Stanfords has been one of this cities top five places to go for entertainment since I was a twenty year old in the 80's. Keep up the great work Glazers. Thank you for brining such wonderful entertainment to our city.

  60. Craig, continue to be a true Kansas city treasure.thank you again for the good times.

    Stewart, Merriam ks

  61. Craig, Sir Douche, your club, which I've been to, is a hovel with lousy acoustics and crappy drinks served by malcontent servers. Your bookings are, for the most part, washed-up has beens or never weres. Since your life has been one epic failure after another, I suppose this is fitting and really no surprise.

    8:43 on 8/22 is my hero.

  62. Guy above for the love of God find someone else to 'love' other than Glazer. You are pathetic. Really.

  63. Robert Cray is a damn good reason to not go to the Glazer Hole.

    The Glazer Hole damn that has a nice ring to it, I really like that.

  64. Kattan weekend and your club is still in the red. Behind in your lease and moving to a smaller room.

    There is still time to take the express train to don harmon town.

    All your friends know it is a matter of time, you being a lonely addict and all.


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