Kansas City Sinkhole Eats Ambulance

Here's a reminder that Kansas City's problems are starting to double up . . .

Ambulance stuck in sinkhole at 11th, Walnut

Despite a great deal of tax increase hype about "reform & repair" from the Mayor's office . . . Old and busted streets along with worsening response times mark the Summer so far.


  1. This picture embodies all the biggest failures and screw ups in the city. EMS and infrastructure.

  2. Stink hole is more like it.

  3. I love having sex with stink holes.

  4. Sorry I voted for Sly7/6/13, 11:15 PM

    We all need to make some sacrifices if we're going to make the Toy Train, Billion $$+ KCI Terminal, and Downtown Hotel a reality. If it means losing a few city vehicles (and maybe some employees, too) into city street sinkholes, well, that's the price of progress. Right Sly?


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