TKC NOTE: This 4th of July week Kansas City media was dominated by local entertainment industry power player, raconteur and our pal Craig Glazer. So, right now it seems appropriate to give him the last word on his recent media blitz.

Final Word on The Word: The Pitch

I really need to thank David Hudnall for his hard work on the cover story this week about me; ‘The Kid Stays in the Picture’. In getting to know this Pitch Editor over the last couple of months, I’d have to say that he’s a pretty decent guy. I really think David wanted to do a balanced and fair story, remember, he had to be under a little bit of editorial pressure to ‘soil the bed’ so to speak. Some commenters and readers probably read the piece and felt Hudnall was more negative than positive. I don’t really think so. It’s my belief he was just attempting to write an entertaining story over some convoluted and complicated subject matter. With rare exception, I have befriended many of the journalists I’ve worked with over the last three decades or so. One of my closest friends is Sal Manna from the LA Media, who covered my trials in court and all my Hollywood antics in everything from LA Magazine, the LA Times, the LA Reader and the LA Weekly, just to name a few. Later Sal, of course, co-wrote the King of Sting. Kansas City reporters like Hearne Christopher, Jeff Flanagan, and Paul Wenske all became good buddies. Wenske even flew to LA to do his story. Even though Star publisher Art Brisbane initially took a dim view of my life as a sting artist, we later met for drinks and became pretty chummy. Brisbane would write two more columns which were more on the positive side about my past. I couldn’t list all the reporters, even in just Kansas City alone, who have interviewed me over the years. Most were very nice and fair people like Brian McTavish, Joyce Smith and heck I even had front page coverage from my buddies over at ‘The Jewish Chronicle’. His name is Rick Hellman.

The bottom line is this: with rare exception, everyone who is under the spotlight in the media is going to get their nuts crushed more often than they like. Kansas City is a very conservative town. Yes, we all know we’re a city that watches it’s porn on Saturday and goes to church on Sunday. It’s basically a nine to five town with some huge success stories. I know many of my peers, like David Bloch, Dan Lowe, Johnny Dare and even Hearne Christopher could buy and sell me. I wish I had their money. So it’s really not about financial success, our city just doesn’t really have a long term controversial media figure who lands in so many different arenas like I do. Hey everybody wants their Charlie Sheen, Robert Downey Jr, Paris Hilton or Kim Kardashian to throw stones at and boy, do they. Hell, now they’re even ragging on Johnny Depp, calling him a ‘blind, geriatric, past-his-prime superstar’. Funny, just 90 days ago he was the coolest, neatest greatest guy in the world. Hey, don’t start hammering me for comparing myself with this group. I’m not. These guys are international stars, I’m just a working man with a comedy club who has had a controversial background and who is trying to keep my hand in the entertainment game. In the end, more of a historical footnote than an entertainment footnote.

Our two most celebrated area heroes over the last two decades would have to be George Brett and Len Dawson. I know and like both of these gentlemen. George even mentioned Stanfords in Sport’s Illustrated several years ago as one of his three favorite hangouts. Even these two great sports icons have had more than their fair share of media attacks. Rumors got so vicious on Brett that he had to have Jeff Flanagan write a front page story saying he wasn’t gay. Len Dawson had to go through Super Bowl IV under the glare of a Federal investigation trying to tie him to gambling.

So you see, if you choose to be in the public eye at a high level, it’s only a matter of time before you get hammered. Kansas City has never had a media personality like myself, someone who will bare their soul on everything from dating, business, legal entanglements and on and on ad infinitum. It’s never been done here. I’ve now been doing it for several decades, so of course there is going to be backlash, no matter what I do. One commenter made a good point, maybe my biggest accomplishment has been delivering great comedians to Kansas City for over thirty years and entertaining over half a million Kansas Citians at all of our clubs. My brother and I were trying to remember the long list of current and future stars that we have brought to this town for their first ever introduction to the KC community. Robin Williams, Sinbad, Sam Kinison, Bill Hicks, David Naster, Jimmy Walker, Damon Wayans, Kevin Hart, Katt Williams, Dennis Miller, Ellen DeGeneres, Lisa Lampenelli, Carlos Mencia, Daniel Tosh, TJ Miller, Frank Caliendo, Darrell Hammond, Kevin Pollack, Kevin Nealon, Larry The Cable Guy, Jeff Foxworthy, Carrot Top, Lewis Black, Doug Stanhope, Bryan Callen, Jim Florentine, Ralphie May, Dave Atell, John Reep, Lavell Crawford, Earthquake, Sommore, Ricky Smiley, D. L. Hughley, Bobby Slayton, Pauly Shore, Robert Schimmel, Rob Riggle, Jim Jeffries, Michael Winslow, Bobcat Goldthwait and Tommy Chong, just to name a couple dozen. This is a who’s who of celebrity comedy of the last three decades or so. That, my friends, is a stellar feather in our caps. Don’t get me started on all the charitable organizations I’ve been a part of or chaired.

My last official sting was in 1983 when I did a clever con game against the Federal Task Force posing as the Colombian Cartel in a fake money-laundering sting. The highly publicized 2001 indictment was all a bunch of malarkey as we later found out. I did nothing more than party with a few friends.

I made a lot of mistakes, but so have we all. Come on now, you have to admit, it’s been a lot more fun having me around than it would have been otherwise. Hey I’m getting older, who is going to replace me and Johnny Dare? Let me leave you with this, my favorite Hollywood witticism, Who’s this Burt Reynolds guy? Let’s get this Burt Reynold’s guy in for a look –see. Hey, he’s not bad, let’s use Burt Reynolds. For the love of god, we must have Burt Reynolds in this picture! I’m getting kind of sick of Burt Reynolds. Do we have to use Burt Reynolds? Who the fuck is Burt Reynolds! What goes up must come down.

It’s been my pleasure to entertain the city I have always loved and was born and raised in and even while I lived in LA I considered myself a Kansas Citian. I hope over the next few years I, in some small way, can bring an ‘Oh Wow!’ or an ‘I can’t believe he did that!’ or even just a smile to your face.


  1. And here come the haters who have never earned a mention by any news outlet, ever . . .

  2. Glazer = Rectal Polyp

  3. Fuck off Glazer

  4. No 4:54 they probably have not since they are law abiding citizens and never been to prison or arrested.

  5. What a waste of air and water.

  6. More of this jerk?

    WTF Tony?

  7. No Thank You7/5/13, 5:01 PM

    Glazer is like a breath of sewer gas.

  8. Another Midtown Mom7/5/13, 5:02 PM

    Craig, I just started reading you this year and I think you're absolutely one of best new writers I've discovered locally. Don't let the trolls in the comments get you down. You obviously have something more to say than they do. Lol!

  9. How many times can I say, ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ..................?

  10. Mr. Z is a TKC fan7/5/13, 5:05 PM

    Must not be that bad snoozy since you've been reading for more than a year. You're kind of just admitting that you're Craig's bitch.

  11. Glazer just shut up you got your ass handed to you so deal with it. The more you whine about it the more it is fact that you are mad the story didn't put you up on a pedestal as the best person ever from KC.

    Your attempts at damage control are not helping your case at all. In fact making you really look like a loser who feels they have to win all the time.

    We all know this isn't the last word on it. You are going to cry and whine for years about this.

  12. You lost me. How does getting a cover story the profiles a 40 year career = getting "your ass handed to you"?

    Some of these commenters are twisted.

  13. Many disagree with you CRZ as I have seen it other places

  14. Certifiable

  15. What a fuck nut. If his dad and brother gave a shit they'd do an intervention. This guy is coo-coo for cocoa puffs bat shit crazy. He lives in a make believe world where people just let him believe that he's some sort of big deal, cause if you argue or disagree with him you're a hater, loser and he'll kick your ass.

    Putrid to look at with his fake hair and wrinkled face add in the STD's, mysogynistic behavior and some wicked self love and it's easy to understand why so many people "hate" him. Call it behavioral crowd sourcing.

  16. Agree with the ZZZZZZ guy on this one. Craig's 15 minutes were up a long time ago.

  17. craig will dominate while you hate.

  18. Hey Craig....where were you at Woodside yesterday? Wanted to get your impression of the overflow crowd.

  19. CRZ -- If Hudnall hadn't exposed Glazer for what he is (a convict, a former cokehead, an insecure has-been, etc.), there wouldn't be this "final word" BS.

    As for Sal Manna, I think Don Woodbeck was slated to be the original co-author. Then Glaze let him get turned into Swiss cheese during a drug buy gone wrong, and he had to find someone to organize his incoherent mumblings.

  20. comix reader7/5/13, 7:15 PM

    forgot to get the paper this morning, and they was SOLD OUT at the QT... now I gotta go ONLINE to catch up with mah boy Pancho in "Pooch Cafe"... it just aint the SAME...

  21. The king never ceases

    ......GLAZEAMAZING ......

  22. Saw your pictures on Pitch. Damn all my girlfriends talked bout it on facebook. You are one sexy handsome boy. I heard this stuff bout your hair, no way. I am 28 I will come to your club to meet you Craig. Impressive. All these other men are jealous. You are a handsome ass bitch with a body. Please. Lets hook up. Really.

    1. KC HOTTie alias Glazed over.

  23. 60 year old bitch kid stays in the picture ? To bad you can't blow yourself, if you could you'd be to busy to blog, & we wouldn't hear your BULLSHIT !

  24. Craig's haters are seething at this one. I can feel how much it burns them that he gets some attention. As for the article, I think it was pretty good but there's probably a lot they just didn't have time to cover. That's why I hope Craig does get his movie produced one of these days.

    1. Seriously? Just quit. You sound like a moron.

  25. Am neutral concerning CG, but dude we get the point.

  26. I wonder whether it is just narcicissm and a desire for media coverage for his club, or straight up delusional thinking.

    If you notice he takes little aspects of movies popular during the time period and turns them into his life story (Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid, The Sting).

    A ton of cocaine for 40 years will do that to you.

    I can't imagine why anybody would make a movie about someone who robs drug dealers. There just isn't anything there. And it is clear that he was only a 'narc' and given a badge because he was an informer on his drug dealer rivals.

  27. Glaze,baby..we love ya bud but you gotts to know..we do get the point!

  28. 7:37 in short he snitched

  29. KC HOTTie soon to be Valtrex customer.

  30. I'm not a Glazer Hater and I actually have had mentions in various news outlets, so there is no jealousy here. I'm just bored by the whole Glazer thing. It's the same story over and over again. It's boring.
    As for his referencing George Brett as a gentleman, that's just proof he doesn't know Brett very well at all.

  31. Good point. Brett is the biggest asshole in kc.

  32. I think im beginning to see where you are going with these rantings. kc has no social memory ...what your talking about is a social labotomy is occurring when all we collectily shout about greed, corruption, payoffs, ripoffs, who got away, whose dead or in jail.

  33. Jesus, could there be a more fitting example of name dropping than this swill? I didn't see any audiences with the Pope, Hugo Chavez, Margart Thatcher or Paula Dean mentioned. Did he run out of room to include them?

  34. that clinches it. Glazer is right you people are just plain losers and jealous creeps. your comments are worthless. now you say George Brett is a loser and a big ass hole. this is why your comments mean nothing. glazer is right, you'd hate your mothers if they got attention. all of you f off and die. now Brett is a nothing. you are all worthless nothings. the man is in the hall of fame and is our cities most glorifed star. you jerks.

  35. Steve Kramer7/5/13, 9:32 PM

    I am a working comic and a loyal Royals and Chiefs fan. I agree with the last person. Now you say Brett is a no good ass hole, biggest in KC. Go fuck yourself. Craig Glazer is a wonderful, kind, person next to all of you monkeys. The Brett comment proved that, you have no credits and no real names. Go off and die.

  36. Craig Glazer is your cities one and only legit celebrity that matters. The one and only. Live with that people.

  37. Some really messed up people in this town who for what ever reason swallow the Glazer goo and say it's good. Scary to think one of you people might live in my neighborhood.

  38. Great fake posts Glazer but still not changing a thing.

  39. In italian we call guys like CG a stronzo.

    Tall tales of days past

  40. Glazer is a "legit celebrity"? I bet if you rounded up 100 people at random in KC, 99 if not all 100 wouldn't have even heard of Glazer.

    I don't know what the Pitch was thinking. They took a guy nobody knows and gave us no reason to care.

    In short, a story about a nobody asshole who can only talk about one thing -- his own self-delusional greatness.

  41. Hey Glazer. Be sure to send copies of that story to all those Hollywood bigwigs you are in deep negotiations with.

    I'm sure they'll be impressed.

  42. This is about the legacy..monkeys

  43. ......GLAZEAMAZING ......

  44. Hate if you must, but no one can take the Glazer comedy legacy from KC.

  45. "legacy" is a funeral home chain.

  46. If a trash hauling was his business he might not have a legacy.

  47. I thought Glazer was already bronzed and standing over at the nationals with a martini out front.

  48. George Brett as many people isn't what the press always makes them to be. I myself have been on the receiving end of some of Georges wrath back when he was a Royals player. I or those there during these temper tantrums was never at fault. George would be having a bad day as he had a lot and would take it out on those around him. Lots of other people do that as well but still doesn't make it right. So yes George could really be a mean hateful person when he wanted to be and as a result of those actions I myself don't find him to be this so called great person either. But he has a lot of company as being what he was and so goes life. Will admit he was a good ball player when he was having a good day.

  49. Most people can be mean and hateful when they want to be. By the way, I don't hate Glazer, but he's way past his sell-by date.

  50. New to Kansas City7/6/13, 8:39 AM

    Having just located to this area a few months ago I have prior to reading this blog no clue who Craig Glazer was never heard of him. By the way I came from the Dallas area. A co-worker told about this site and I find some of the comments very funny to read and do enjoy that.

    I am aware that there are two comedy type show houses in Kansas City along with many other things I have not gone to yet. But going to Stanford's Comedy Club is one place I will never ever go too for sure. If this man called Glazer and from what I have seen here in TKC is the real owner of said place I would not be inclined at all too give him any of my hard earned cash. I wouldn't from what I've seen even care to read this so called book he is claiming to have written. So if this makes me a hater Mr. Glazer, well then guess in your eyes I am a hater. But just beware it was you and only you who made me this way.

  51. Steve Kramer7/6/13, 8:56 AM

    I find it so interesting to see a group of people who dislike someone they don't know and can't live up too for no real reason. It reminds me of old movies where the 'stupid' farts in the town want to lynch the guy the law arrested who turns out didn't do it. They don't care they just hate. Burn the witch. They don't even really know why. I've known the man almost 20 years, great person, funny, damn smart and his past life is the stuff of books and films. One has happened the other likely will also. I know more bout it than you do. If Craig had his own radio show he'd be our Howard Stern. Now you are all hating on George Brett. I am a Brett fan, met him through Craig at a private party. Guy was very nice. I'm sure he gets mad, has done some things we all wouldn't like, has an ego, sure. Like you have never done anything much we'd all dislike. Grow up.

  52. Steve Kramer7/6/13, 8:58 AM

    Guy from Dallas, are all the people from your city as dumb as you, sounds like you are a hick. Welcome to the big city.

  53. Anderson Cooper7/6/13, 9:14 AM

    Kramer if your such good butt buds with Glazer then have him and johnny dare come out of that queen closet. The whole world awaits.

  54. kramer couldnt be any lamer7/6/13, 9:16 AM

    do you ever get tired of slobbering on glazers ball sack? or is that part of your payment for allowing some hack wanna be comedian to play some 3rd rate strip mall comedy club? Its a high cost. Makes you sound like an infatuated school girl.

  55. Steve Kramer7/6/13, 10:48 AM

    3rd rate club? I travel the nation work with Pablo, was in Montreal Canada with our winning short on Stanford and Sons the animated version, top five in the world. 3rd rate? Stanfords is one of the best known and most respected comedy venues of our time. I have NEVER met one comic who hadn't heard of it, wanted to work there or already had worked there. They all have a Craig Glazer story, usually very funny. He is a 'lock' name in our industry. I know you are all too old to listen to pod casts, Craig is regularly spoken of by Joe Rogan, Jim Jefferies, Eddie Ifft, Dave Attel, all the big ones.

    You try and put him down and minimize the man, I just don't see why. He is what he is. Craig never brags around me, we work on projects and shows. He becomes a character on radio or when we shoot him on tape or he does voice overs. Craig plays the part. In real life he's a regular guy, that's all. He's had an incredible life. Again Grow Up.

    I don't need Craig to work, I work with Pablo nearly every week all over America. I also do his animated projects. Craig and Jeff gave me my start, as they have for hundreds of working comics. 3rd rate. Stanford and Sons is 1st rate, always was. Its one of the best known names of anything our city has to offer outside of this town. It is, hate to inform you, but you know all this you just like to be hateful.

  56. +1000. Kramer is right on the nail.

  57. Steve Kramer, are you really telling us we don't "know" the real Craig Glazer? After the copious stuff he's written on this blog, and on Hearne Christopher's blog before he got kicked off for alleged incoherence? Right after he bragged online about showing up for a fistfight that he picked against a stranger online? A 60-year-old man?

    You know what you are really telling us? That the man has no integrity. He's one thing on very public blogs -- under his own name -- and someone quite different in real life.

    FYI, can't speak for anyone else, but I react on this blog to what I read on this blog.

    And what I read from Glazer is an over-privileged braggart, born on third base and thought he hit a triple, whose dad once had a great idea that is long past its day.

  58. Steve Kramer7/6/13, 12:04 PM

    First off, it was CRAIG who started comedy not Stan, Craig, Jeff and David Naster started the upstairs room back in 80 or so. Stan was against it. Craig had all the comedy connections, not Stan, Craig was in LA not Stan, shortly after. So you don't know anything of what you are talking about.

    Look I can't waste my time answering the same hate mail that has little bases in truth. Craig and Jeff were not born with a silver spoon their dad gave them dick. Nothing. They, the two brothers bought the club and restaruant out of bankruptcy from Shawnee State Bank in 1990. Their Grandpa, Bennie pitched in as did their mom and Craig had money. Bennie explained it all to me one million times, he hated Stan. Funny back then Stan was the playboy loudmouth now he's cool and Craig is an ass hole. Funny.

    I can't do this all day. You all think its fun to hate on a guy who never stops working hard to be on top. I had haters when I had my TV series for no reason. Just jealous of me, I didn't know any of them. This happens to all people who get a ton of attention. It just does.

  59. Well put Steve. I saw your show two weeks ago. Couldn't stop laughing. Always enjoy you on our show. I too know Craig fairly well. He's funny, upbeat and a damn nice guy. He will do anything for his friends. He has done me several favors and even when I didn't have a show a few years ago he was kind to me.

    Craig does play a role on radio as the intentional dark character with women all over the place, very funny. He knows what he is doing. That's why we all want him on our shows, granted we enjoy the comics, but Craig is every bit as funny and everyone listening knows he's gonna say some crazy things. People even call and ask if he's going to be on with us Fridays. They love to hear his schtick.

    Steve, you are right he never brags about much of anything. I never knew he had a Lotus til I saw it in the lot in Westport. I see all these vicious comments on Craig. It's so unfair, but Craig knows it comes with the territory. Good guy. Look forward to seeing you on our show soon Steve.

    1. Glazer alias DARREN GO FUCK YOURSELF.

  60. To the new resident from Dallas...Welcome, to KCMO and to TKC! and congrats for jumping into the comment world of this blog, which can be a bit hairy.

    Try not to take anything directed your way too personally; most of us here enjoy TKC's posts, collection of news links and background info. Some come for the photos. I don't think anyone comes for Glazer, except Glazer and his multiple posting personalities.

    As for Steve Kramer and his insults...forget about Kramer. Everyone else has.

  61. Craig Glazer made Tony's blog go from 2nd to first place adding thousands of readers. Dumb butt. What part of most interesting person in the media did you miss.

  62. 1:55, in which competition did TKC move from 2nd to 1st place? The Kiss Glazer's Ass Competition? Because letting Glazer post here only benefits Glazer, not TKC and definitely not TKC readers.

  63. Steve Kramer: I'm reading the Pitch article at this moment. I quote:

    "A few years later, Stanford's Comedy Club — which Stan had opened at a different Westport address and still owned — closed, and Glazer moved it back above the original Stanford and Sons."

    You say that Craig started the comedy club, and that Stan was against the idea. The article says that Stan OPENED the club, but that Craig moved it. So either Hudnall's lying -- or you are.

  64. So I noticed "Steve Kramer" starts off telling everyone to go die, then relates the events to a western "go lynch the guy the law arrested". This has a certain ring in writing style....hmmmmm....Craig? (Buch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid). At least change your writing tone with your fake comments; oh, and you should probably not use your talent's name when writing, turns out they do not like that. Kinda like the anonymous comments you left insulting dare (even the idiots saw that one) then have to come back and redeem yourself here. Obviously this sad depiction of Craig is true or he would not have written two responses in less than a week. Tony puts him on here, not because he is in love with him, but because us laughing at him bring the page hits. That's why Dare makes fun of him on radio, why bloggers allow him to make a fool of himself, and journalist write such honorable articles showing his true self. Everyone is laughing at him. He considers this a show of friendship because when you are a rich kid handed life on a platter, only to ruin it all and run great things into the ground, you have to live in a fantasy world. The worst thing that can happen to people like this is the revealing of the truth, thus the two responses in a week.

  65. I find it odd that all the creeps are real, but anyone who supports Craig is either a liar or Craig. Kinda hard to believe that isn't it.

  66. David Naster7/6/13, 5:13 PM

    Craig great job with the Pitch. Cove story, you love that. I brought Craig the idea of doing comedy in their upstairs bar back in 1980. Me and his general manager Ron Madd. Craig loved the concept. I was there when he pitched it to Stan. Stan hated it. They argued. Craig and Jeff did it anyways on Sundays so Stan wouldn't know about it.

    If this writer missed that he is wrong. I have given this interview before. Nothing new. Craig started comedy not Stan. Hey is this the same jerk that said Glazer was not an agent but a snitch. That news was front page, Craig was an undercover cop for Miller. Kinda hard to miss that one.

    I've worked at Stanfords off and on for years. Enjoy the Glazers. Funny guys. Mostly good guys. Who are all you anonymous people. Use your names, have you no balls at all. Glazer does.

  67. How stupid. The magazine writes an
    article. The haters go right to
    hearnes column and to tonys site
    to harass the guy.
    Truth is there was nothing new
    in that story that anyone of the
    haters didn't know before.
    They follow glaze around like a
    puppy dog...having nothing better
    to do than launch vile bombs
    at the guy that are disgusting/
    rude/vile/and meant to do nothing
    but destroy a guy who's admitted
    at least 1000 times he's made
    mistakes and regrets them.
    Well haters...ya better stop...
    right more...seen and
    heard enough. It's going to end
    very soon....LAWYER UP!!!!
    IN TOWN...
    LOOK LIKE SNOW WHITE!!!!!!!!!!!!
    tony...stop this crap now!!!!!!
    You've attempted to ruin JD one of
    the top radio personalities inthis
    town...and you better believe that
    with the money his owners have
    invested in his branding that they
    are not going totake this thestatutes and
    the laws about this type of
    harassment and language...and
    be very aware that nothings
    secret anymore....
    you're in big big trouble now!!!!!!

    1. Fuck you Harley, ya pussy. You're an idiot.

  68. That Naster post is fake.

  69. New to Kansas City7/6/13, 8:32 PM

    Mr Steve Kramer, I want to thank you personally for making sure I never think about changing my mind about Stanford's Comedy Club. I am starting to see without a doubt the type of people who appear to be a part of putting on the shows out there. Instead of trying to maybe change my mind and a personal invite to come to the club you just as Craig does people, you attacked and started calling me names. Real class act, you failed not only in promoting the club you failed as an member of your entertainment group.

  70. Who cares, your loss. Go back to Texas with the other hicks.

  71. David Naster7/6/13, 8:49 PM

    Just proved my point. "You Just Got To Laugh" try using your real name I did. I'm done here. From now on I'll just read the comments not make one.

  72. Sure Naster, what ever, just go away, your input not needed, you just make yourself look as stupid as Glazer. Plus you wouldn't know me if I told you my name nor I doubt anyone else here so what does it really matter in the end. Just you Glazer acting as Naster is the one always bitching about people not using their names. Make your buddy harley tell all who he is.

  73. Uh 5:17, hate to break this to you but TKC readers were here long before Glazer showed up to the party. We hardly "follow" him anywhere. Glazer inserts himself anywhere he thinks he'll get an audience. Either Tony is hosting the biggest pity party or he's laughing his ass off at how pathetic Glazer is.

    Who the hell is David Naster and why should anyone care?

  74. Harley stop with your legal threats. They are old, pointless and not even a punking, as you've claimed the other 47 times. You need a new act. And by that I mean a whole new act. You are like Craig, every comment same as your previous comment. Nothing new, no value added. You're not the new sherif in town any more, you're nothing but last weeks fish wrap. Take the Don Harmon Memorial exit ramp. Please.

  75. You should feel really good with those last words. And no,im not any of the above. If that even matter's.

  76. Please everyone, read Harlinators 5:17 post, he's suing everyone again!!!! I'm skeeered!!! I'm never posting anything anywhere else ever again. The new sherif has spoken. Please Harley, don't sue us again, the last fedurul suit nearly killed us all. Please stop now, I'm having anxiety attacks because of how skeeered I is of ewe.
    Ewe is such a stoopid idiut please jus go away. Your a bigger lire than glazer....we no who ewe r and its not what ewe say. Ewes the won who needs to bea wurried.
    I agree with urlier poster, set yur GPS for the Harmon exit ramp. You'd bea happier n so wood wea

  77. Hey 5:13 Naster, Glazer better spit those balls out....they're not his.

  78. If you have to explain to someone you're famous, then you're technically not that famous.

  79. Tech Nine is the third largest selling rapper under fiftycent and m&m. Thomas Frank who wrote wrecking ball & what the fuck is da matter with johnson county. Dont forget Pat Metheny

  80. Pat Metheny has more talent and credentials in his left pinky than Glazer could ever hope to have. Better looking, too.

  81. I beg to differ. Craig Glazer is famous, to a huge extent in this town and has some national attention. I'm also a comic, Caliendo does his voice on radio and in some of his shows. As example.

    What proves his fame mostly is the group of fans he has on here waiting for his every next move to jump on him. Fellas you are his biggest groupies. Hello.

  82. Now that make sense. Odd, but true. Hey the man gets more attention on both sites TKC and KCC than everyone else put together, so yeah, he a playa.

  83. Getting attention on TKC and KCC hardly makes you a playa or e en a player. Glazer is a legend in his own mind, the proverbial turd in a punch bowl.

  84. Glazer has made the longest introduction

  85. Damn i am so depressed. i have never had a real girlfriend. real girls dont like me because i have no dick. the hookers i run with dont care because i give them lots of blow and cash. i kinda dont think this fame is working out for me. i might just blow my brains out. Damn.


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