TKC NOTE: Here's a thoughtful note from Kansas City Media impresario and TKC contributor Craig Glazer regarding the cruel reality of Internets comments. Check it:

The Comment Section: 
Better Have Thick Skin

Understand this: the comments section for most websites, blogs, articles on-line, etc. tend to lean towards the vicious side. This is especially true when the writer or the subject of the piece has any local or national notoriety. Example: Tiger Woods; ninety-nine percent or more of those who read stories about this man don’t comment. Tiger Woods single-handedly has made modern day golf more popular than it’s ever been before especially on television. You might say Woods is the Muhammed Ali of golf. We all know about the incidents with his former wife and the various women he had his way with, however, he committed no crime and did nothing really unusual considering his financial and celebrity status. What major male young star hasn’t cheated on his wife, it would be harder to find one that didn’t than those that did. The comments sections on Woods were full of the ‘n-word’, he was constantly called things like ‘douche’ and ‘loser’ and there were few positive or supportive comments. This is the norm when it comes to people who comment on these sorts of stories.

Something many of you maybe didn’t know is how well read Tony’s Kansas City has become. TKC is in the top six or seven area news blogs. In first place is the Kansas City Star, then comes the four TV channels, Pitch Weekly, KMBZ Radio, followed by TKC, KCC and possibly 98.9 The Rock. Like all other top tens, these move around a bit each month. Given the fact TKC has over 200,000 independent reader/visitors per month, so you can see how few of them actually comment. (Figuring it out mathematically, it is a number massively lower than 1%.) Of those who do comment, many make comments several times on the same story. As mentioned above, the majority of comments tend to be negative.

I noticed a story about Kelly Jones (former KCTV 5 hostess) having a going away bash. TKC mentioned it in a positive way and included a nice photo. The ‘n-word’ was used by commenters and a couple of shots were thrown at Yours Truly in the process. I did write about Kelly on another web-site and everything I said about her was positive and complementary. I even went out of my way to make sure the story said that while we went out a couple of times, it was all friendly and in fun. KCTV5 approved of her doing the interview and was aware there could be some pretty salty comments, that’s normal. Personally, I like Kelly, she treated our comics and staff with great respect. She is a very confident and competent woman and obviously very attractive. These things, in and of themselves, will create enemies. She will do just fine, trust me.

We have a few local websites that are also popular that contain far less negative comments to the writer such as Greg Hall who does sports. I know Greg, we have a good relationship and I believe he’s a pretty darn good guy. While what Greg writes can be quite controversial, Greg himself is not. Greg is the example of what Kansas City perceives to be the ‘good’ person, a family man who enjoys our local college and pro teams whose opinion is valued. Greg Hall does not put his personal life out there very often and therefor is rarely criticized. In many ways, Greg Hall is the ‘Henry Fonda’ of writers, almost a Good Samaritan. You could say the same for many other Kansas City bloggers. Paul Wilson, who writes for another website, is new to the game, is a quality writer with solid subjects, but once again, it’s not about him, it’s about the story.

The best example of someone who used themselves as the story and became a huge success is radio super-personality, Howard Stern. Stern was the king of the shock jocks. If you remember early on, his entire program was almost entirely devoted to his daily life and how he felt about his experiences. ‘Ooh, I’d sure like to rip her panties off and do bad things to her. Wish I had a bigger dick,’ he said referencing a porn-starlet. Stern constantly talked about strip clubs and parties he attended where every chick in the room was throwing themselves at him and wanting to bang him, even though he was married. Stern was aware his wife was listening and his harsh comments helped lead to their divorce. If you saw the movie or read the book ‘Private Parts’, you know that people listen to Howard because they hate him and they don’t know what he will say next, or they listen to Howard because they love him and they don’t know what he is going to say next. Stern was the perfect example of Peck’s Bad Boy, and boy, did it work.

While many commenters have an opinion about the story that’s written which may or may not be negative, and that’s fine, far more use the comments section as a way to voice their anger at people they feel they have an easier, better or more glorious life than they, themselves, do. It’s especially a red light if readers feel the author is somehow snubbing their nose or looking down at them, in their minds the writer is saying, ‘I’m better than you’. A good example of this in the media is Rush Limbaugh. Many people love him.

In the metro, we really don’t have a strong ‘bad boy’. Oh wait a minute, I forgot about Your Humble Scribe. The only person close to me would be my sometimes radio cohort, Johnny Dare. The big difference here is that Johnny has the number one radio show in Kansas City and has for many years. He has people on his show who come across as outrageous but Dare himself, really does not. In a sense he comes off as a common man. Dare doesn’t brag about his looks or his victories with hot chicks, nor does he talk about his financial success. He puts out that he is just another ‘lowbrow scumbag’ like many of the people who listen to his show. The truth is, Dare is handsome, financially well off and leads a pretty fun life. He’s worked hard for it. Me, I’m the villain of the piece.

I’m not trying to say all commenters are frustrated, angry, unworldly, and simply jealous. But too many of them are exactly all of those things. Douchebag, pussy, you got your ass kicked here buddy, these are just some of the catch phrases you will see wherever you see an on-line story you can comment on.

Unfortunately, too many websites gauge the power and popularity of a writer by how many comments he or she gets and what sort of comments are made. I am well aware that I generally get the most comments on these top-ranked sites. Sure would be a pleasure to have commenters focus on the article and not their disdain of the author. It’s a new medium and I guess that’s the way it goes.


  1. Agree with you Craig, Internets comments can be nasty and you are often the subject of wild speculation by what TKC calls "the haters" but it's always good to draw people out in the open and see what trash they are spreading rather than let them work clandestinely. That's one of the reason I've sent TKC some info, it's a good way to see what people are saying and thinking.

  2. I cannot help but wonder about the less talked about truth of "comment sections." Nice article, Craig, but maybe you should talk about the many "comment bots". The internet is a global economy in itself, and commercialized commenting has a strong niche. Ask how many of TKC's commenters are real people, and how many are plants by TKC himself. If TKC is not using planted commenters then he is EXTREMELY lucky, that in his market he drew a group of named and anonymous readers that from day one of his blog have helped to incite passions. Passionate people have more connection with the blog, a great many studies have been done on this in the past 5 years. I'm not saying TKC is or is not using fake comments, and I am not saying whether doing so is even good or bad. Just would be an interesting investigation for someone with time and a little internet know how, they could very easily find out.

  3. While much of what Craig says may be true, whining about comments is lame. Grow a pair!

  4. Just turn off the fucking comments already. Tony will end up a Hobo panhandling on the Plaza and Glaze can then fulfill his secret desire to get rid of Tony and turn this joint into Glazers Kansas City.

  5. Can't stop yawning.

    Heres a beter topic. What does everyone think of channel 41 new weather girl Kalee Dionne? She's fuckable, but I don't know if I would hit it more then once. She recently got a new hair do which is making her look more fuckable. But I have to admitt she's better looking then channel 5 new weather girl.

  6. Glazer if you wrote your own shit you'd get less negative comments

  7. Whats the matter dude you afraid of free speech?

  8. So the King of Stink gets his ass handed to him for being a liar then gets all hateful and wants to beat people up then writes a pussy story like this?

    Here go check this site out Craig more people who probably don't come to TKC that are not wild about you either.

  9. 5:27 Glazer is the fake comment king.

    Glazer don't need Tony's help in fact Glazer got busted big time over on KCC I think for fake posts once or The Pitch I forget.

  10. This is good Glazer, even the 'haters' are thinking more about what to write on this to hate you with.

  11. KCC was where he got busted doing it.

  12. Don't know about those chicks 5:40 I'm to busy thinking of macradee aigererer

  13. How do impress a date or client if I have to ask if they want a Basket of Cheese Fries or a Jumbo Pretzel?

    Quit worrying about your freaking ego for a change and raise the bar at the club!

  14. k.c.couch potato7/31/13, 5:59 PM

    CHARLY ARNOLT on Fox 4 is the HOTTEST female reporter EVER!!!


  15. Hard to argue that one
    C-tater.she is smokin!

  16. 5:46 PM +10!

  17. Glaze just wants to be loved is that so wrong?

  18. What in the world was the purpose of this "column"? And what horrible writing.

  19. Craig,you really need to tell that Dean boese character to shut it!
    Now,he really comes off as a d-bag-deluxe.

  20. Charles Larson7/31/13, 6:25 PM

    Gee Glazer talk about just proving what a condescending asshole you are.

    You are bitching about commenters who only do the same as you have done more times than most people can count. Hardly a week goes by you not going to kick someone's ass, calling them names, calling their family members names, or insulting what they do for a living as well as calling all of them losers.

  21. One flew over the cuckoos nest.

  22. But who is the real cuckoo?

  23. Shame Tony had to sell out to this guy since it's ruining the blog but you gotta eat the ol saying goes.

  24. Just turn off comments on Glazers stuff if he's that insecure.

  25. Hearne recently confirmed that most of the positive comments on his site about Glazier were from Glazier himself.

  26. I think Tiller's assassin is the local bad boy celebrity. That's a tough one to beat. Then the guy who diluted the cancer medication for a tough second. We don't know at this time if the late Youth Minister Chad Rogers even on the list. I guess you could through in Rev. Fred Phelps in the mix. Either way hate is good for Missouri tourism

  27. Tkc should banish ALL hearne-faggs from comments.

  28. Fuck you 6:52

  29. Oh good lord, here we go again. Glazer trying to use TKC for free therapy to convince himself that everybody loves him despite the overwhelming proof of the opposite. We get it Craig, you have been out with all the women.....yet nothing went beyond that. You mean that women allow you to spend your money but have zero desire or consideration to go further; wow, that's unheard of. What amazing game you have. You know why Stern makes fun of his dick size instead of bragging about the thousands of women he has been with? Why Johnny Dare doesn't feel the constant need to tell everyone he's a success? Because they are. When you are something, you don't need to try to constantly convince everyone, yourself included, that you are, they already know. If your life was half as good as you'd have us believe, you would be like them, enjoying your success instead of constantly losing your temper every time somebody points out that you aren't more than common trash handed life on a platter and still failing. Would Tom Cruise try to fight an internet blogger because they made a negative comment? Nope, he wouldn't care because that comment doesn't change the fact he's rich and famous. Would Craig? Yes, because people's perception is all he has in this world and reality angers him. Nice reviews on yelp.

  30. When your performing on stage and then getting pelted with rotten tomatoes five minutes into your act maybe it's time to find another career.

  31. Being an active cocaine addict with a personality disorder makes for a hard life.

  32. Kelly "That'll Be $50, Please" Jones7/31/13, 7:17 PM

    If Tony disabled comments, the traffic on this site would shrivel up to the size of Craig's dick. That's small. Very small. Trust me -- I know.

  33. "Once inside the theater we watched a highlight reel of people falling off of treadmills until the owner came out to give his unscripted introduction, sell you on future shows, reminisce about the past performances, give away about 50 tickets to next week's show, and mock everything KC. He kind of reminded me of a (high) Billy Mays/Howard Stern mix sporting workout pants. Which all the more helped me understand the general blight and mismanagement of the venue."


  34. OKay I CAVE.. GD!!!
    Glazer you are all knowing
    You are all seeing
    You are the end all be all of civilization and every planetary being and extra-planetary being in the galaxy is aspiring to be you. To live your life, talk your talk, walk in your shoes. We live on the planet to aspire to such greatness as the all knowing Glaz. Hale to the Glaz Hale to the Glaz. Now get over yourself!!

  35. I just want to be loved is that so wrong?

  36. Alright I don't want to look at this load of shit for the rest of the night wake me when it's scrolled off the page.

  37. Craig these comments prove your story to be correct.

  38. The Haters love you baby

  39. Ok so it looks like maybe another 100 plus article from the Glazer. Is that a KC record? Look you gained a ton of fans from that puff piece the Pitch did on you. American Flag. Touched up potos, if that was even you! Thats why we want you to fall.

  40. Nice to see you say something nice about Wilson, been a personal friend for 25 years, a finer more giving, big hearted person you would never meet. First class dude. I read what he wrote about you a week or so ago, thought he was clearly standing up for you. Think you'd be surprised if you sat down and had a drink with him.


  42. It seems, in fact, as though the second half of a man's life is made up of nothing, but the habits he has accumulated during the first half.

  43. Problem is, Craig doesn't have thick skin. If he did, it wouldn't matter what I say here, or what Smartman said at KCC, or what Super Dave, et al. say on both sites.

    Let me ask this: Does Tom Cruise respond to personal comments made about him on a C-list "news" blog? Does Derek Jeter? Does Eddie Vedder? No. Do you know why? Because those people are secure in who they are. No yahoo is going to come out of the woodwork and post something that will make those people think differently, or act differently, or threaten someone with violence.

    Craig, on the other hand, isn't secure about himself. That's why he's got the hair dye, the workout routine, the fancy car -- it's all about appearances and what things look like on the surface rather than accepting your flaws and learning to be comfortable in your own skin. If you haven't figured it out by 60, you're not going to.

    Craig also wants to be remembered, even if it's in a negative light. That's why he's so desperate to have the movie made. He realizes that once he passes away, no one will say his name anymore -- except maybe as the punchline of a joke. The movie would give him a modicum of credibility, and it would have some degree of permanence. Granted, it'll probably be on KSMO at 3:00 in the morning, but to Craig, any publicity is better than no publicity. Which is also why he pays Tony to post here.

    Finally, Craig knows he's going to die alone. No children to hold his hand in the hospital bed, no wife to give him a final kiss goodbye and say "I love you" one last time. Jack's already gone. Would Jeff show up at his deathbed? Meh. Johnny Dare would, but only if Craig passed away during his show. Dean Boese, too -- probably to collect one last paycheck before the club shuts down.

    Old. Insecure. Alone. Desperate. And too narcissistic to ignore the comments of others, whether they're anonymous or not. THAT, my friends, is Craig Glazer.

    Ah ... let me add one more word to describe Craig. Pathetic.

  44. If you have to explain to someone you're famous, then you're technically not that famous."

  45. Super Dork, I don't think Glazer tried to explain anything. I know one thing Glazers life and what he's done will outlive all of you haters. Me, I think he's a riot. Go brother, go.

  46. Only Glazers "hair" dresser know for sure.

  47. Fortunately for Glazer, when things get really tough and the commenters are being really mean, he can just go home and have a nice, quiet dinner with his wife.

    Oh. Wait.

  48. Okay on to more important business.

    Reporters tweet from MLS All-Star Game.

    Water main break forces Troost near Brush Creek to temporarily close.

    Your choice.

  49. Come on Tony this "Glazer In Your Face" waiting game is getting old.

    Get some freaking content rolling!

  50. .....GLAZEAMAZING ......

  51. The glazer dorks money is more important than us regulars dude.

  52. ANY publicity and ANY comment on this blog is a plus.

    The first amendment practiced here on the epoonymous TKC is what makes it popular and in turn creates validity for you Glaze.

    As an incessant topic of conversation, you are, by way of being that incessant topic, of value. Until your not.

    When folks quit caring enough to insult you, your public life, such as it is, will be over.

    That might not be a bad thing. The pressure you feel for the continuation of your legend, might be self inficted and pernicious.

    In the comment section we are all anonymous cowboys, ready to ride into town and put them bad guys in their place.

    Saddle up folks, there are windmills to tilt at!!

    Sancho Panza will bring your Lotus around now.


  53. Tony napping again? Or has Craig locked him in a closet till the morning.

  54. How to deal with haters in the comments is a riddle I've not solved. I think they have to be ignored as 7:54 has said. Some comments are about the post & some are about the other commentors. That's just the way it is. I'm interested in the post & the comments that actually address the post. The rest is just white noise or spam.

    Who Glazer 'is', or has done, is irrelevant to me (meaning no offence.) 'What has he written?' is why I am here, & what are people saying about what was written.

    1. Once again Byron proves to be a DIPSHIT !!!

  55. While we are waiting for Tony to snap out of his coma check these out! Woot!

  56. How much Glazer paying for a four hour sticky post? Or is Tony paying him? LOL

  57. 8:07 Super Dave is very right and you show how shallow most of you so called supporters are.

    You would be surprised how many people have no real fucking clue who Glazer even is. He is a a common business owner and that's that. And even chuck is right real quick it could all be over.

  58. Yep haters on Yelp as well. I once wrote a few nice comments on a restaruant on Yelp, didn't get published. Go figure. They seem to enjoy hate words too.

  59. Glazer is a classic socio-pathologic personality. His narcissism, transferal of responsibility to others, and rationalizations for the havoc his actions wreaked on others is straight out of the textbook. End Story.

  60. The man Chuck is on it my brothers. Glazer matters cause we care about who and what he is. So enjoy our words master, its not forever.

  61. 8:07 has to be Byron he is always saying stupid shit like that.

  62. Alright Tony promised a new run of content at 9:00 PM. Then we can rid ourselves of Glazer for a day.

  63. Can we get rid of him forever? ROFLMAO!

  64. Glazer is hardly the resident bad boy. He's a nobody. He draws comments because he's on TKC and TKC has readers. Glazer writes obnoxious, self-promoting pieces that practically beg people to bag on him. Readers bag on Glazer, TKC gets hits and Glazer feels relevant, even though he's a nobody.

  65. Alright I got 20 other tabs open where there is more happening than here and this one is becoming a memory hog and has to go! CIAO

  66. So,GO!....pretty sure this toilet will keep working without you

    An elderly driver who crashed into a daycare was racing away from a rolling gun battle, a witness told KCTV5 on Wednesday.

    Ah there's a developing......! story.

  68. Craig, clean up your club a bit. It is embarrassing to take out of town guests to such a dirty, cheesy looking establishment. Not trying to be mean, but, that place could be so much more with some better attention to detail, improvement in esthetics/ ammendities and customer service.

  69. Glazers great for us Professional Commentator's who like to keep our chops sharp and try new things and methods out.

    Kind of like sparing with a dummy. Almost to easy.

  70. Maybe drop your ego Craig and strive toward creating a first class establishment like your Dad ran instead of a third rate run of the mill dive. Anythings possible right?

  71. Okay Tony what you getting for this. A jumbo bucket of KFC, twelve pack, and tickets? Or an IOU? Or "were partners now the money will come later". LOL

  72. I love this site, haters spend hours thinking of new insults. Now they compare Stan's 200 thousand dollar joints of the 80's to the 3 or 4 million joint the sons have today. I just love it. What will they think of next.

  73. My pal at KCTV says you banged Kelly Jones. Please tell us you did. She is so full of herself. More than you even. Who has the bigger ego? My vote. Jones.

  74. Tony's sold out and he's getting lazy now. Could be age setting in, even burnout. Rather then hustling and churning out content like in his recent youth he's probably on the couch belching and watching TV. Happens to the best of them.

  75. Good one Craig, F the haters. You are WINNING.

  76. Stan's 200 thousand dollar joints of the 80's to the 3 or 4 million joint the sons have today.

    That 3 or 4 million is worth about 125,000 in today's Bernanke dollar. LOL take some economics courses!

  77. He's winning? Winning what? The race to the bottom? ROAR!!!

  78. Alright Craig. Next article write something about, how to be a sensitive, loving, and kind person even though your a fabulous legend in your own mind story. A heart string tugger.

  79. How I became a better person by forgiving Smartman by Craig Glazer.

  80. We are all winning the race to the bottom

  81. How to get a thick head of hair on one easy lesson. LOL

  82. It's really hard to make in this world. Can we all agree on that?

  83. Hard to make it. Sorry bout the typo

  84. Less than one percent commenting means there's a lot of hater's out there not commenting

  85. Is Tony still breathing? Or did he choke on two day old leftover Glazers Chicken Tenders in his basement? Usually has something new up by now.

  86. Maybe they are all drunk and passed out now 10:09

  87. Or when no one is saying anything anymore it means they've given up on you, that's also a possibility.

  88. Don't look now our pal Glazer has yet another 100 comment story. Hey he's like the Royals on a winning streak. They never last.

  89. oh, Craig's not so bad you guys7/31/13, 10:25 PM

    We love ya Craig! Keep on keepin' on, good sir :)

  90. Is that true guys, 100 comments on three straight stories around here is a biggie? Just wondering.

  91. I put in at least 75 comments. Of course I'm a pro.

  92. I'll bite: Who is Kelly Jones?

  93. On a great day I do hundreds. Nothing to it.

  94. Mr. McGoogle sez there is about 176,000 Kelly Jones in the immediate area. She's one of them.

  95. Kelly Jones is a Welsh singer-songwriter and guitarist and the lead singer of the band Stereophonics.

  96. And the winner of the 100th comment of the day is . . (drum roll please)

  97. And trumpets!

  98. Envelope please

  99. And the WINNER is . . . . .

  100. Mr . . . .

  101. Spam o Matic from the 1810 Fruit Gum Comment Company!

  102. Thankyou thankyou first of all I'd like to thank God, for giving me the strength and inspiration, then I'd like to thank my manager, and my label, and my

  103. And of course Mr. Glazer for the content, which without this award wouldn't be possible, and of course my mom and dad for putting up with me all these years, oh my attorney, the lovely Beth Rambunctious, and of course my publicist, Mack I love you man! and ...

  104. of course the fans! Man you are the greatest fans in the world, and don't you forget it! Peace!

  105. This concludes tonight's broadcast of Tony's Kansas City. Please tune in tomorrow when our broadcast resumes with our regularly scheduled programming.

  106. Would somebody else turn out the lights I am fucking tired of doing it all the time.

  107. eat shit craig

  108. Really at a loss for words Tkc ..this comment thread dident do you or glazer any favors

    Goddamn retarded.

  109. He is our white whale. It is only a matter of time before he kills himself and hopefully we can contribute to that.

  110. Just a thought after reading the reviews from yelp. Nearly all of them griped about the long wait in the cramped lobby for the doors to open.

    How dumb is it for a comedy club to force people to wait for upwards of an hour before opening the doors and letting them take their seats?

    If you wanted to piss off people who came for a good time and drove some distance to get it, I can't think of a more sure-fire way.

    How long have you been in this business Glazer? Seems to me you might have learned by now that the easier you make it for your customers to spend their money, the more money they will spend.

  111. There's no business like show business!

  112. I saw Jim Jefferies at Stanfords about two years ago. It was sold out. We got there half hour early and yes the bar was jammed. They do have an outdoor patio that holds better than 100 though, it was full too. There is a bar at both so you can drink, hard to eat in the crowded bar though inside. Have to say its a well done place. The inside where you watch the show was extremely well done and unique. Bit stage, good seating. They have some movie theater seats and tables in some areas. Overall quite nice, but on a sold out show the outside bar is tight. Jefferies was fantastic

  113. When everything you write (have someone else write), is nothing more than self congratulatory drivel, you are going to get what you get. At the end of the day in GlazerLand, any attention is better than none. so quit your bitchin, and get a better ghost writer.

  114. Wonder what the comment record is? Seems I've seen over 150 here, maybe it was Glazer. Just think Glazer without all the hate mail you'd be another Honey Boo Boo writer on a blog. We own you.

  115. To be fair you had one guy just slam about ten comments to get it up to 100. Still lots of comments.

  116. 7:21, have you been back within the last two years? Either not, or two years ago was the last good experience you had there.

    And no, if you are cramming people so close that they can't buy food and eat, even in the outdoor area (which I am sure the winter patrons appreciate), then making them wait for a hour before you open the doors, no, it is not a "well done place."

    In fact, it is quite amateurish.

  117. I see Harley the pussy makes a fist full of threats then disappears again. Typical, pussy. You're just like Craig. No need to brag about who you are non stop if you were who you are. The proof has been shared with a select few, you know it, and you continue to tell the same lies anyway. That's not a lie any more, it's a sickness, pussy.

  118. I've already mentioned that I just finished reading "The King of Sting" and thought it a fun read and a pretty fair look at Craig's life thus far. On top of that, it wasn't poorly written at all and I hope there are sequels in the works. As far as his writing on TKC, it's great but maybe just a tad lengthy. In any case, keep it up Craig and ignore these silly fuckers that snipe at you all the time. There are much more worthy targets than yourself.

  119. Yes 7:48 we can get after you for being such an idiot as you try to not act like the Glazer we know you are.

  120. Glazer and Harley Kansas City's top two pussies no doubt. And for those of you who don't think they are not in all this crap shit slinging together are dumber yet than those two are. Hard rain is a coming for you both very hard rain indeed. Looking forward to the street corner art sale to raise funds for the no wait was $19.95 street art to begin with so only be worth .95 now. Not going to be much for buying a tent to use in a homeless camp. The fancy car a lease so no cash to be had there. Could hock the hair piece sure some dog somewhere is bald.

  121. Wow this Glazer dude is popular!

  122. Was wondering if anyone reads these comments this far down? Who is the 8:02 looney? If Glazer leased a car, he still has to pay for it one way or the other. Who cares? Harley, who is this fake name person? I mean who is Harley? The only real people on here are those who use their own names. So its like ten.

  123. STFU already! The Ariel Castro sentencing hearing is on!!!

  124. Kelly Jones is white. there is no contesting that.

    But starting out with Howard Stern and Gregory Peck and tying a story together makes it hard to get through a each suffering minute.

  125. Didn't see Peck's name in the story, I don't think. Kelly Jones is at least half black, I've seen her.

  126. Tony having Craig Glazer on this site has a brilliant move. I'm sure it added and adds readers. How could it not. The comments alone are fun to read. His stories are often unique and off the wall at times. Doesn't matter if people like him or don't. Enjoy it.

  127. How bout those Royals/

  128. Is that fucking bear dead yet?

  129. Glazer is a boring, egotistical ass whose movie will never get made. Glazer also is a lousy writer. However, these comments are a scream, so let the idiot Glazer keep embarrassing himself, and TKC readers get fun comments.

  130. That lousy writer has a hard cover book and soft cover with a major publisher out of New York, THE KING OF STING, after several bids to buy it according to KC Star, Eisners bought it and teamed with Eastwoods company. I'm sure Glazer got a nice payday for that as well. P.S. hasn't he produced several other films?

  131. Hey folks thank you for all your great comments. Even the bad ones. I know readers enjoy all this gunfire, I even sometimes get a kick out of how bad I am. This was the second biggest comment response since I have been on this site so cool. Look forward to a fun fall. I will put up my picks this season on Fridays for football, last year we had a great season, picks to win money and we did...lets do it soon. Have a nice weekend, yes even the haters led by Super Dave.

  132. Fuck you Glazer man what a loser to stupid to even see when he was getting his ass handed to him.

  133. free JONNY DARE

  134. If super dave had any balls whatsoever, he wouldn't threaten people with weapons..
    But he dosent. He's a big wet pussy. Super-coward fits better.

  135. WHAT a read. One of your better stories. Ride on man.

  136. Ain't you got jobs? Up all hours of the night reading and writing on this site. Damn.

  137. The Truth, The Whole Truth, And Nothing But The Truth8/2/13, 8:34 AM

    Some of you pukes on here are as bad as Glazer if not worse. You have proven you can lie like he does no doubt. Never seen a commenter one ever threaten Glazer with anything it's always Glazer who threatens to run around beating people up. Just like the smartman thing Glazer set that up to make himself look like he was the bigger man. Yes that's right Craig you can't ever keep your mouth shut can you?

  138. Glazer wins.

  139. This just in; Harley the Pussy still in hiding. He made more threats and found his lies surrounded his his intellectually superior target.
    You're a marked man Harley. You get caught no matter where, Federal Court, OP PD, we know everyone, you can't win!


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