If you don't know about One Direction then there are probably more than a few Kansas City tweens who will suggest you walk into traffic while wearing a blindfold.
One Direction is the biggest thing since the last boy band that was bigger than the Beatles.
In fact, the boy band won a public vote beating groups including Coldplay, The Rolling Stones and Bruce Springsteen.
They're soon to visit Kansas City and obviously the Phelps Klan wants to steal a bit of their international spotlight.
The Westboro Baptist Church Plans To Protest Outside One Direction’s Kansas City Concert
The statement from these Kansas creeps:
“WBC will picket this perverted pop boy band from the UK who claim to be the world’s #1 band. Indeed, they are a perfect representation of this filthy world and the sin-chasing, fag-enabling, God-hating, Christ-rejecting UK who has banned WBC from preaching within her borders. These freaks and their fans think it’s funny for these five perverts to grab each other’s asses on stage. They glamorize sin and make a mock of God’s standards. Their one purpose is to encourage the youth of this generation to pursue every lust their evil hearts can imagine.”
Related . . . They also plan to protest Taylor Swift in KCMO on August 3 and they even called her a "poster child for young whores" but there has been worse criticism of her music from hipsters.
always remember, democrat Fred Phelps is a democrat trial lawyer, who ran for office in KS several times in democrat primaries.
ReplyDeleteDid I mention this d-bag is a democrat?
Thanks Poindexter...
ReplyDeleteWe already know the Democrats are as bad as Republicrats.
ReplyDeleteThe Aristocrats is a funny joke though!
ReplyDeleteIf you want to talk to a Phelps family scum bag please call 816-842-3600 and ask for Brent Roper.
ReplyDeleteSure sounds like a divinely inspired Christian act to me. Why aren't these people in Senegal?
ReplyDeleteWhite mans burden
ReplyDeleteWith all the killing a shit going on in KC, are there any of you thugs not booked for a drive buy that night?
ReplyDeleteHey Tkc,do we have a boycott against these clowns? If not,Get on that immediately
ReplyDeleteI'm not booked for a drive by tonight. Where about Platt County do you live?
ReplyDeleteFuck phelps. IHOP brought us back to cowtown status. You can be anti gay or anti phelps but you cant be both.
ReplyDeleteThose kids do seem like total fags though.
ReplyDeleteAnd Taylor swift is fucking awful.
Maybe they are just protesting bad, bad, bad music.
There seems to be a lot of gay-dar north of the river.
ReplyDeleteWhats up with that
Gotta say I agree with them about Taylor Swift.
ReplyDeleteThe only thing worse than the Phelps clan is niggers.
ReplyDeleteYou feed us bolonga and we asked for braunschweiger!
ReplyDeleteStupid media won't quit giving these fucks attention.
ReplyDeleteUmm yeah they "protest" outside the Sprint Center several times a year dipshits.
ReplyDeleteHow come they won't protest at Stanfords.
ReplyDeleteByron likes WBO and what they stand for as much as he does his government handouts
Stupid troll. I'm an atheist.
ReplyDelete'Churches' like theirs are bringing the end to Christian Hegemony. In our next lives, you can be the one who's legally blind & I'll be the one who's able to work. Watch out for Karma, bitch.
But until then, I'm loving the government teat!
ReplyDeleteDoes it seem to you, that I am in fact the one stalking you .... Just asking? So you're a Rethuglican? What a surprise. You guys hate everyone, but you're so stupid, you can't think of anything to say. Oh, yes, & very brave.
ReplyDeleteCan you believe it? An entire musical band and not one nigger in it!!! Finally!
ReplyDelete12:12. Doesn't matter if he is a democrat. The democrats will still blame Bush.