Kansas City's Metaphor Media Captures Activist Adam Kokesh Arrested For Smoking Weed Near The White House!!!

Metaphor Media is one of Kansas City's best purveyors on online video.

Recently, a road trip revealed a rather amazing bit of documentary footage:

Adam Kokesh arrested at the White House during the filming of Weediculous

Adam Kokesh has a great many local connections and he recently spoke at Freedom Fest for the Liberty Restoration Project last year.

Kansas City native Dustin Kaufman is also featured in the clip getting busted.

The pro-weed crusade isn't new for Mr. Kokesh . . .

Remember not so long ago he offered this insight:

Adam Kokesh Considers The Drug War While Trying To Buy Weed In Kansas City

And so, with this latest and greatest bust and upcoming documentary we see Kansas City maintaining strong alliances with activists who hope to change marijuana laws and plan to start decriminalization efforts in this town as well.

Developing . . .


  1. I see Adam has been to many of Tracy Wards bukkake parties.

  2. Oh so do we have to endure this idiot like we do Glazer on here?

  3. You don't HAVE to endure anything, feel free to leave any time.

    You'll be missed.

  4. Oh snap! Tony's getting a little touchy about the Glaze methinks.

  5. Here is how fucked up America REALLY is!

    This is an audio of an IRS agent, who speaks broken English, lecturing to a citizen with respect to 1st Amendment rights.

    It is fucking disgusting.

    This exemplifies, not only the liberal, facist mindthink of all Government agencies, but just how this nation is being governed from the ground up to the White House.


  6. But Tony if everyone leaves then what are you?

    Before you start running folks off you might really look at who you should be running off.

  7. Which is it, liberal or fascist? Ar facist, whatever that actually is? I love listening to idiot Republicans with broken English lecturing the rest of us.

  8. Hearne got smart and woke up Tony, you need to do the same.

  9. David kokesh is a paid agent provocateur of the federal government. Dont trust a word he says.

    He cancelled his armed march on dc after they got the information on the people that would actually do it.

    So if you are a crazy gun nut or crazy soft drug addict err activist watch the plainclothes.

  10. He looks like a cop. Maybe he's the modern day King of Sting! Bwahahahahahah!!!!

  11. Is her hair naturally pink?

  12. Who?

    Slow news day I guess.

  13. Moral faggots can go somewhere else6/11/13, 5:17 PM

    TKC - the last free speech zone!!!

  14. What's a 'moral faggot'? Does it have something to do with religion?


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