Kansas City is now coping with a heatwave that's already killed one old lady.

Accordingly, we'd like to offer just a few of our cowtown warm weather observsations:

- Kansas City ladies wearing fewer clothes is nice but it's also hard to get used to smelling people.

- Po'folks who aren't senior citizens or puppies are just out of luck when it comes to getting help beating the heat - I'm surprised how many people I know who don't A/C.

- Accordingly, this time of year offers another look at our dystopian future with the middle-class pretty much trapped in A/C offices and nicer cars while the po'folks sweat it out.

And so . . . Here are some Kansas City links regarding the heat:

- Your A/C is already begging for mercy: Keeping your cool starts with maintenance

- Funny, fan charities just don't cut it any longer: A Kansas City-area couple without air conditioning is getting help so they don't have to endure such a scorching summer.

- It was snowing a month ago and your body is confused: Heat and humidity advice

- Old School Advice: Air conditioners for KC-area senior citizens

- Local Gov. Tutorial: Greater Kansas City Hazardous Weather Outlook & Video

- Heat Wave Dog Day Advice: Pet rescue group wants answers after finding dogs extremely dehydrated, weak


  1. I don't mean to sound heartless, but every year the local news and various agencies are beating the bushes for donations of fans and window ACs. What in the world happens to the donated items from the years before?! We have AC..we also have some fans in our home. We have not replaced fans in our home for years. Guess why?, we don't throw them away or sell them at the end of the summer...

  2. You don't mean to sound heartless, but you are.


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