Kansas City unites in hope that a teen hurt in a recent, deadly mass shooting will pull through . . .
Hundreds gathered Friday at 20th Street and Prospect Avenue to remember those shot at a motorcycle club Sunday night.
At vigil for teen shot in melee, crowd gathers to denounce violence
Nearly 200 people gathered at a vigil held Friday night to pray for the recovery of an injured teen.
Again, vigils are nice and help with the healing process but let's wait, see and hope for improvement on local streets after this somewhat hopeful public display.
These vigils are the stirrings of a ground swell that may effect changes. They are not meaningless or pointless, especially when the numbers continue to increase. Also, the focus is not just on the one victim, but all of the victims. Governments have been overthrown by protests that started as a vigil for a victim of violence.
ReplyDeleteHas anyone seen my pet troll? Here boy! Here boy! Heel!
ReplyDeleteVigil my ass. This was nothing more than another street party, just without gunfire....so far.
ReplyDeleteHere's an idea for a new business in the 3rd District- open a candle shop.
ReplyDeleteByron- Call me cynical, but I've seen these before, and all they ever amount to is more money being shoveled to insiders who staff their anti-violence "projects" with their no good, do nothing friends and relatives who milk the system until their in effectiveness is embarrassingly plain to the founders, who then move on to fund the next grifters. If you need an example or two for reference, look up AIM4PEACE, Ad Hoc Group Agaiinst Crime, POSSE.
ReplyDeleteBy the way, why in the fuck didn't this joint get shut down BEFORE the shooting? I can't imagine cops on patrol in the area wouldn't have noticed several hundred people in the street partying before the shooting took place. Maybe Earnest Evans an shed some light.
"Founders" should be "funders".
ReplyDeleteAnon 7:11
ReplyDeleteI agree that the groups you mentioned are worse than useless. I'm referring to real grassroots vigils whose well spring is the grieving family & the real community. As you say, not the grafters & hangers-on.
The person who did the shooting was probably the person who died the next night. That's why there's no snitching. They don't want these people arrested, they want them killed. Remember, there were witnesses & they all saw who the shooter was. This was probably a gang battle. But then, don't cry for the innocents, if you won't stamp out the gangs.
hugs and prayer circles will cure the pain of the inner cities... (sniffle)
ReplyDeleteByron thinks an African American "Spring" is on the way.
ReplyDeleteWhat he really ought to be concerned about, is the African American SUMMER, when all hell breaks loose in every urban area in America. Murder, shootings, rape, violence and the usual summer fun for everyone.
The BRUTHAHOOD in the hood.
Byron, maybe some vigils do some good but I can guarantee you this one won't do a damn thing to change the black community. The victim is a perfect example of part of the problem. Now I'm not saying she deserved to die but what in the hell is a 17 year old doing at a party anywhere, let alone 19th & Prospect at 3:00 A.M.? That is a parenting problem which a HUGE problem in the black community. I can assure you my daughters won't be anywhere but home in bed at 3 A.M. when they are 17. Look at the party itself. Another perfect example of the black way of life. It is almost guaranteed where there is a gathering of black people there will be violence. It literally happens all the time. Even Chris Rock acknowledges it. Vigils won't do shit. Byron, since you don't see the news here I'm assuming you don't see who attends these vigils. Oddly enough, when they are showing a crime scene on TV it is exactly the same thing. They can vigil all they want but until they start to value education, having kids that both parents are involved in day-to-day raising of that child, and getting a real job, the race to the bottom will continue for the blace community.
ReplyDeleteOk, THIS is funny as hell--
Celebrity chef Paula Deen, embroiled in controversy this week over allegations of racism, added two cups of gasoline to the fire this morning when she blamed her troubles on Jewish people.
Deen, 66, was a guest of morning host Dave Garver on Atlanta radio station WTMI when she claimed “Jew executives” deliberately abandoned her in the wake of the controversy, which stemmed from a discrimination lawsuit filed by a former employee against her company.
The Georgia-born Southern-cooking maven is doing damage control in the media after admitting that she had used racial epithets in the past and had once planned a slavery-themed wedding. The ensuing backlash has led to Food Network dropping her show and several sponsors cutting ties.
When Garver asked Deen if she expected to return to the Food Network or to another network once the controversy died down, Deen said, “I don’t know, Dave. The whole situation is very stressful and very upsetting to me.
“I hosted one of the Food Network’s most popular shows. We had great ratings, great cookbooks, the fans loved me. But as soon as this N-word thing came up, the greedy Jew executives at the Food Network dropped me faster than a baked potato on a summer day.
A shocked Garver responded: “I’m sorry, but did you say greedy Jew executives?”
“Yes I did, Dave,” Deen responded. “I made those Jews all this money and they still stabbed me in the back. As soon as it looked like their profits would be affected, they told me I was no longer needed. That’s Jew loyalty for ya'll.”
Deen also had harsh words for the companies that have ended their relationships with her.
“It is heartbreaking but not surprising to see these sponsors leave me,” she said. “Target, Walmart, (diabetes drug maker) Novo Nordisk, Caesars Entertainment, Smithfield Foods. What do all these companies have in common? They’re owned and run by Jews.”
Garver attempted to change course by bringing up Deen’s recent appearance on NBC’s Today show, where she said she never intended to hurt anyone.
“I thought you were being very sincere when you went on the Today show and apologized,” Garver said. “You cried and seemed remorseful. You even asked anyone without sin to cast the first stone at you.”
“I was genuine when I said I was sorry,” Deen said. “It’s funny that this whole problem comes from the N-word because I honestly have no problem with black people. I have black employees. I have a black friend. I will even use the same bathroom as a black person.
“It’s the Jews I can't stand. Not even my accountant is a Jew. I don’t think Seinfeld is funny. I'd even prefer an Oriental over a Jew any day.”
When Garver asked Deen if her comments about Jews would further harm her public image, Deen sounded dismissive.
“It doesn't matter because Jews have it in for Southern Christian white people like me,” she added. “I suppose if I was an Oriental transgender lesbian prostitute with seven half-breed kids from Mexico, they’d forgive me.”
ReplyDeleteGimme a fuckin break Paula, I just copied and pasted that shit from an article on the Drudge Report.
ReplyDeleteYou said that shit outloud.
You BITCH!!! We will never let yo in to another Hollywood Movie again!!
ReplyDeleteYou have no prayer of ever seeing WWZ, the Will Smith Movie, or ANYTHING by Tom Cruise!!
A sentence or two disappeared from my comments above. Byron since you don't live here you don't see the news and who attends these vigils. It is 95% women. The young black demographic that is so violent is hardly ever there. They don't want to hear the message. They are out doing some more gang-banging during the vigil. Probably robbing the homes of the people they know are at the vigil. When they show a crime scene on TV it is the exact same way. All women, no men in the picture.
ReplyDeleteThose fuckin movies are terrible.
ReplyDeleteThe only thing those dipshit actors are good for is going to Africa and depopulaing the landside with unneccessary adoptions.
Jesus Christ, have any of those fuckers ever been to Detroit?
Then again, the idea of white folks going over to Africa and buying black folks kinda makes me wanna fry up some chicken.
I am not saying that isn't very funny, but...
ReplyDelete"“It doesn't matter because Jews have it in for Southern Christian white people like me,” she added. “I suppose if I was an Oriental transgender lesbian prostitute with seven half-breed kids from Mexico, they’d forgive me.”
That is the truth.
They are going up against the no snitching hip hop gangster culture good luck with them.
ReplyDeleteGet Paula Deen on the phone!
ReplyDeleteThe vigils are worthless, always have been. They've been happening for years and all they do is feed Ad Hoc. The murder numbers continue to climb. Save the candles.
ReplyDeleteI gto a hundred bucks, says no one gets shot at that event if Paula Deen was there cooking up vats of fried chicken.
ReplyDeleteThat fuckin chicken is awesome and there is NO WAY anyone is gonna stop chowing down long enough to open fire. Not to mention, if you hands are all greasy from all the chicken, your traditional miserable African American aim
(There were 250 to 300 people, 50 to 70 rounds expended, only 9 people got shot. If these folks were defending the Alamo, the siege would have lasted 15 minutes tops.)
is off even further.
What we really need is to come together. Paule Deen fried chicken served at these "events" (Considering the ENORMOUS cost of murder investigations, funerals, cops et al, her chicken CAN'T be that expensive.) to keep the violence in check.
A confluence of Paula's blatant racism and the insane African American penchent for violence, brought together. Paula can atone for her PC sins, the murder rate is mitigated and more free shit is handed to folks in the inner city.
That idea will work at least as well as the Hot Spot program
ReplyDeleteMaybe Glazer can talk to the Jews for Paula Deen. He's supposedly connected to the Eisner's. They are some mighty powerful Hollywood Jews that ought to be able to set things straight.
ReplyDeletefuckin rerun on "Ancient Aliens" last night... talkin bout those idiot VIKINGS 'n how they may've been ENDOWED with intelligence by ALIENS... then why dint those bulbous headed slanty eyed bastards teach 'm how to SHAVE 'n BATHE first?
ReplyDeleteKumbaya my Lord, kumbaya Kumbaya my Lord, Kumbaya
ReplyDeleteSo if the cops pull over a couple suspicious looking bangers in a boom mobile on the way to spray bullets at anything they get the whim to shoot up and find weapons what would happen people would scream RACISM?
I have a theory that blasting Hip-Hop at full blast has some sort of Ludovico Technique effect to it.
ReplyDeleteIn a Clockwork Orange, the Ludovico Technique forces a thug who thinks about violence, rape and murder to be good by making him feel a death like sickness.
I think Hip-Hop has the opposite effect. Blasting that shit at full blast for years forces a good, mild mannered black kid into a crook, brute and thug.
And my guess is that when someone, "Talks Shit." or "Disses" a black man, said black man feels sick if he thinks about letting it go and be the bigger man.
So he's forced to pull out his gun and shoot everything in site having a "Nigga Moment."
how come the last vigil didn't stop this shooting the other night. Pray harder you stupid niggers. Never mind you want to keep the count going, I'm sure there is a lot of active bets out there. Where are those racist niggers JJ and Al dumb-ass Sharpton.
ReplyDeletePrayer vigils solve nothing. How many witnesses came forward to provide assistance in resolving the murder that occurred at this site? I'll wait...
ReplyDeleteHey T ask your buddy Glazer what the over under line is in Vegas on homicides in KC and if we can tease it.
ReplyDeleteHow could Paula say that awful thing about those nice people what killed our Lord.
ReplyDelete7:56 Good point. The African-American summer will get off to a big start if George Zimmerman is acquited.
ReplyDeleteZimmerman is screwed. If the trial of George Zimmerman was any more of a kangaroo court, Paul Hogan (Crocodile Dundee) would be the judge. It is apparent that the prosecution start witness Precious (Rachel Jeantel) lied her fat ass off. At that point the judge should have declared the whole thing a mistrial. This thing is fixed. I would bet the jury is too intimidated to acquit Zimmerman. When this local court is done with Zimmerman, Eric Holder is going to drag him into federal court.
ReplyDeleteI think Zimmerman's going to get off. Reasonable doubt. I think Zimmerman was going to teach a black kid a lesson, and the kid started to whip his ass for it... and then Zimmerman killed him before he got beaten senseless.
ReplyDeleteIT was probably self defense as it turned out. But Zimmerman should pay for trying to jack with this kid.
I much prefer to be a "creepy assed cracker" as a "creepy assed nigger". And oh yeah, Trayvon the jig, called MR. Zimmerman, a nigger, right before he jumped him....Smart move there Trayvon. You're still dead too!
ReplyDeleteOk, sure.
Zimmerman is fucked. I bet Holder goes after him on federal charges for violating Trayvon's civil rights. Hi, I'm George Zimmerman and you are going to like the way you look in an orange jumpsuit. Zimmerman is just another victim of political correctness. If the Feds and the media want to fuck you, you are fucked! Just ask Paula y'all.
ReplyDeleteZimmie is a stalker.
ReplyDeleteAim4Peace was probably at the party. Nothing is going to change until thugs and conmen aren't what passes for mentors to young people. The same ole are doing the same ole to get a check and there is zero accountability.