Trish Stratus and her yoga posing starts this look at Kansas City's strongest this week . . .


MO State Sen. Jolie Justus - Our future 4th District Council Lady seems confident of her accomplishments (???) for all of the vacation pix she's been posting on social media.

Gov. Jay Nixon - More than a few compromises led him to survive the GOP NO-VETO Session relatively unscathed.

City Councilman Jermain Reed - The first City Hall politico to start actively campaigning for reelection.

Jackson County Executive Mike Sanders - Masterfully has avoided blame in the property tax hot mess.

Missouri Secretary Of State Jason Kander - Kansas City native still stumping across The Show-Me State.


John Landsberg - Exited the blogosphere with a great deal of class in much the same way he conducted himself during his social media adventures.

Syed Shabbir ‏- Offered some of the most captivating stories this week.

Dana & Parks - Hot talk as the Summer heats up.

Northeast News - Probably the best community newspaper in Kansas City.

Bryan Busby - The busiest weather newsie in Kansas City.;


Controversy Over Kansas City Youth Violence Uptick - This town lives in fear of Summer violence.

Downtown Toy Train Fighting - The lawsuit and more opposition continue to organize.

Kansas City New Airport Arguing - A petition drive gains steam and opponents are getting louder.

Campaign Fundraising Season Early Start - Coalitions for cash continue to congregate.

More Jackson County Property Tax Problems - Expect more fallout as the Legislature underestimates voter rage.

As always, this list has been compiled according to scientific TKC polling and market research data and it's a weekly comprehensive guide to local powerful people.


  1. Amy over Trisha stratus any day.

  2. What about unsolicited bulk email?

  3. Busby is busy because only weather man who has a clue what he is doing in this town.

  4. "Masterfully avoids blame?" Are you fucking high, Tony? When we all have to shell out hundreds and thousands more in overvalued properties while the uber rich pay so little for undervalued properties worth sometimes MILLIONS more than what the county assesses them as, AND when the owners of these properties are Sanders' biggest political contributors? - that is Mike Sanders' undoing. Sanders has been EXPOSED FOR THE CHEATING POLITICO THAT HE IS.

  5. Sanders was a majore political backer for John Rizzo. Sanders is under investigation for his "contribution" to the Rizzo fraud. I doubt Skippy will achieve any statewide aspirations.

  6. Again you snub Chief Alber!

  7. KCMO government is so jacked up on so many levels. I will never live and be taxed there.

  8. No nevah!

    Hardly evah!!!!!

  9. Landsberg is TKC's NĂºmero Uno awesome tipster. Guess Glazer and Harley will have to pick up the slack. For someone supposedly as "religious" as Landsberg he sure likes to "cast the first stone".

  10. Uh, Tony? The veto session isn't until September. So I don't know how you can say Jay Nixon "survived" the "No Veto" session.

  11. We heard from the Bulk Mail Guy and the Rizzo Guy. Are the N Word Guy and the Cum All Over Her Guy on vacation?

  12. Jolie has no accomplishments. Neither does her mentor, Jan. getting elected solely because you're a woman is no better than NOT being elected because you're a woman. Given the choice between Jolie with zero accomplishments or a man with a resume, I'll take the man.


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