Yet another lesson on why STUDENT ATHLETES NEED TO BE COMPENSATED FAIRLY for the MILLIONS in revenue they generate for universities . . .

KSHB: A KU football player was arrested on Wednesday in connection with an armed robbery that happened on May 13

KMBC: KU football transfer, 2 former players arrested in robbery


  1. Fuck ku and JOCO yuppies

  2. It wasnt JOCO yuppies that did the robbing. Did you see the names?

  3. Jayhawk Ripoff5/30/13, 12:01 AM

    JoCo yuppies need to pay up so maybe these guys wouldn't have to rob to pay their bills.

    Do you know how much Bill Self gets paid?

  4. I read the article. Doesn't change a thing about JOCO yuppies needing to piss off.

  5. It's not just Bill Self

    Look at how KU football rips off their players:

    What price for victory? For Kansas, it's $2.5M per win

    The cost of a football victory keeps climbing for Kansas.

    This season, the university paid Charlie Weis $2.5 million for one win — the highest cost per victory among schools whose teams won at least one game, according to USA TODAY Sports' annual analysis of football coaches' compensation. Kansas paid Turner Gill $1.05 million for each of two wins last season, after paying Gill $700,000 for each of three wins in 2010.

  6. I think that is Carly. Love her boobs.

  7. Finally, a consensus.

  8. we should give these kids money because they play sports well and make money for other sources like the college?? are you kidding me? if they are very good they will make more in 1 season than many will make in 1 lifetime for "playing" let me say that again, for PLAYING a game for a season! the college makes money off of people studying to be in all sorts of fields, are they obligated to pay them? of course not. I think to much emphasis is placed on playing a game. these people get pretty much a free ride in college, make a large fortune are forgiven for crimes, idolized by morons and contribute absolutely NOTHING to society, they then retire and blow everything they made. I think prison for committing a crime is exactly where they belong

  9. The player's deserve booze, boobs, grass, gas & ass!

  10. Now he can try out for the longest year. He won't be a tight end in prison but a wide receiver.


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