Obligatory Coverage Of KCK Candidates

Newspaper and the poor excuse for political coverage in WyCo: UG vacancy candidates narrowed to two


  1. Holland and Budd need each other to pull off another big KCK scam. They can't wait to get their share of the Indian Springs development money.

  2. State law dogs called in to investigate. 9 votes counted until they came out the right way. KCK crooks need to send a big thank you for the Home Rule granted by bigger crooks in Topeka.

  3. Looks like Murguia won this. An endorser and a big supporter...

    Holland's done. Lame duck.

  4. Mr. Barns how does it feel to be on the wrong end of the circle jerk? Now you'll have to get a real job. Selling votes is nothing new in KCK. Budd is a proven KCK whore too. Annie's gang did a great job giving him your job.


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