Live On Tape: KCFD Water Rescue

Kansas City Early Morning Newsie Excitement . . .

EXCLUSIVE: Driver rescued on LIVE TV!

Look at mainstream TV news getting some of TKC exclamation point goodness . . . As everything in postmodern U.S. culture becomes a copy of a copy . . .


  1. MAST would have done it better.

  2. Don't know which is dumber, a driver going into 2 foot of water or the news crew trying to sensationalize a rescue when all that was needed was for the driver to wade out of the water.

  3. ..or Hipster's f---ing up Postmodernism?

  4. Thank God the firemen were there in time to rescue the driver. I understand they got there in record time.......Price Chopper is just back up the road a ways.

  5. The water is barely up to their knees. Not quite a "rescue" just an escort.

  6. You have got to be fucking kidding me. Why didn't the dumbass driver just get out and walk ? Rescue my ass.

  7. @2:19 Why didn't he get out and walk? Well, maybe it's because the driver understands what happens when streets flood. Manhole covers lift and leave hidden water filled holes which have killed people and rescue personal over the years. That's why the knowledgable rescue personal are walking inline with a pole infront of them. The only dumbass here is you, and the rest of the ignorant fucks that have zero understanding of the hazards of flooded streets posting above.


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