Kansas City School Daze

So much for Missouri helping to help Kansas City's frustration with public schools . . .

Missouri House rejects educator evaluations for second time

KCPS Takeover Talk Was Put Down Again This Week

Behind the scenes . . . KCPS conflict continues . . .

So, is there hope for change?

The message seems to be that politicos aren't going mess with schools for fear of creating even more problems and legal bills. So, the real lesson to parents is: You're on your own.



  1. Well the picture certainly doesn't help inspire confidence that the educational system has been doing it's job either.

  2. "The district went on a binge, building 15 new schools, shrinking class sizes, raising teacher salaries — even adding an Olympic-size swimming pool, a robotics lab and a 25-acre wildlife sanctuary — to try to bring middle-class families back."

    Remember how well that worked?

  3. Yeah about the same way the Toy Train and all this other we need gold plated attractions nonsense will work.

  4. Sly traveled to Washington, D.C. to meet with Education Secretary Arne Duncan. Duncan was formerly the head of Chicago Public Schools, a mayor-controlled school system.

    “He said we need to push mayoral control,” James said. “That’s the only system that’s going to work and gain control of this system. His words, not mine.”

    ROFLMAO whoooo boy.

  5. Whats he going to do order plastic traffic cones be placed over all the leaks in the school system and declare a successful "top kill"?

  6. Always the same thing at the start of every school year. More promises but no results.

  7. Every district has a state approved evaluation system in place. Evaluations systems are only as good as the people doing the evaluations. Until people are able to connect those two dots, you will not get much change.

    Currently the K-8 students are only tested in math and communication arts every year. How can you make a teachers evaluation be based upon test scores in subjects they are not teaching? Why would you mandate such an absurd thing for every district in the entire state? KCPS is the district that is failing, not the whole state.

    Moreover, the scores for the MAP test don't come out until August when the next year is starting. What kind of sense does it make to have the test scores of one year count on you evaluation the following year?

    The bill is stupid. That is why it is not going to pass.


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