Kansas City Racism: Ego Maniac Runners Block Traffic AGAIN This Weekend

Kansas City traffic shuts down during most Summer weekend mornings because joggers need a captive audience . . .

Here's the latest warming . . .

Hospital Hill Run will affect weekend traffic between Crown Center and Brookside

The City of Kansas City, Mo., is notifying motorists that the Hospital Hill Run will affect traffic in the Crown Center area this weekend.

Grand Boulevard between Pershing Road and 26th Street will be closed from Friday, May 31 at 9 p.m. until Saturday, June 1 at 3 p.m. to accommodate Hospital Hill Run setup.

The Hospital Hill Run will begin Saturday, June 1 on Grand Boulevard just north of Pershing Road. Rolling road closures will take place from 6:30-11:30 a.m. on the following race route: north on Grand Boulevard; east on Truman Road; south on Oak Street, which turns into Locust Street and then into Gillham Road; west on 45th Street; south on Rockhill Road; west on Meyer Boulevard; north on Brookside Boulevard; east on 62nd Street; north on Main Street; west on 61st Street; north on Brookside Boulevard; west on Emanuel Cleaver II Boulevard; north on JC Nichols Parkway, which turns into Broadway Street; east on 31st Street; north on Wyandotte Street; east on Memorial Drive; north on Main Street; east on 27th Street; north on Grand Avenue to Crown Center.

Please observe caution and obey all posted detours and barricades.

For more information on the Hospital Hill Run, please visit www.hospitalhillrun.com.


  1. This whole street-closing business for runners is completely out of control. I can't even get to the grocery store when this is going on.

  2. Oh, goodie. Another narcissistic twit Saturday.

  3. Maybe you can compete in the fifty yard waddle to Taco Bell.

  4. Maybe you can just write a fucking check and leave people alone.

  5. 7:49 + everyone who lives in Kansas City river to 75th.

  6. Will they be shutting down the streetcar for the Hospital Hill runners in the future?

  7. Those of us in the Brookside area are completely blocked in on 4 sides by these twits. The cops won't let any cars across the race route streets if there is even 1 pokey runner. Every year I am late for a class on Saturday mornings. I am stuck at home until noon.

  8. Dont box me in.

  9. Pressure cookers, anyone?

  10. I always wondered why they don't do this shit at a high school or fitness center track. Anyone have a clue? Is it really because they "gotta be seen" ... because the traffic crap it causes really does suck. They must know this, right? I mean, fucking run, if ya gotta, but do it in an appropriate place.

  11. Forgot to add, like go join that girl running on the beach. In other words: Don't fucking do it in Kansas City, retards.

  12. 11:23, maybe because you can't fit several thousand people on a high school track. Common sense.

  13. Do it in shifts, according to age or whatever. Common sense.

  14. Miss Sweetie Pie5/30/13, 1:56 PM

    Mr. Tony,
    Several months ago the City, in it's magnificent stupidity, only increased to $200 the cost needed for a permit. Thank you Jan. A measly $200 bucks with no increase through the years to reflect raising costs. $200 to have a-holes strolling along, getting in the way in the west central city. I'd be just okay with that price if they reduced the amount for lesser traveled running, strolling, gabbing venues... The Paseo, Van Brunt, North Oak, the moon.
    Now, don't be sitting there fuming about all of the "good works" being done. These folks COULD write a check without running in front of me.

  15. Ms. Sweetie Pie has a good point. I wonder how much these marathons cost. If you take the money raised and subtract the costs of the marathons, the same results would probably be greater if the dedicates souls and narcissistic twits just wrote checks the their various causes.

  16. Read Matthew, chapter 6, verses 1thru 4 all you joggin glory whores who think youre doing something good for charity

  17. Get over it you lazy idiots. It's not that big of a deal!!!

  18. They could do it in Swope Park, Longview Lake, Jacomo Lake and disrupt less people.

  19. They're narcissistic twits. Their objective is to disrupt as many people as possible.

  20. 7:51 obviously does not live near these events and does not realize that it is possible to exercise without disrupting the lives of others.

  21. Or they could take at least some of these marathons out to the country and chart a 25-mile course from beginning to end -- like the original marathon.

    These circular routes, with the same point serving as the starting and finish lines, tie up the same portions of the city for hours, and it's getting to be on a monthly basis.


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