Kansas City Gas Price Gouging Done For Now

The Kansas City Gas spike has been exceptionally interesting and should offer a teaching moment that capitalism is mostly just a myth given the corporate oligarchy that dominates most of the world.

Anyhoo . . .

Here's a fun tidbit with website data on local gas prices:

LIST: 5 facts about Kansas City gas prices in May that will rock your world

Money quote:

"Gas prices went down almost two cents in Kansas City, Mo., Friday, a 12th consecutive drop, but still marked the end to a wild month of painful trips to the pump for millions of drivers here and across the country."

Teaching moment . . . Market makers have destroyed the concept of supply and demand so just tell students that a career making investment bankers happy is probably the safest bet. And maybe preparing for Peak Oil could be a good pastime as well.


  1. i am going to wax nostalgic...remember when people blamed Bush for the prices increases at the pump? How come nobody is blaming Bama?

    1. Well now, that would be racist ??????? WTF ????????

  2. It's probably because Obama doesn't own a company with the King of Saudi Arabia like the Bush family does (Carlyle Group). It's probably because Obamas family isn't employed in the energy sector. It's probably because Bush flew Bin Laden's family out of the country immediately following 9/11, making it the only plane flying in the U.S. at the time. Even GW Bush couldn't get a flight and was stranded. That said, it's neither president. Wall Street, politicians, and the oil industry are fucking us to death.


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