Jackson County Property Tax Hot Mess Top 5

Recently, The Jackson County Advocate has a somewhat informative round-up of the recent property assessment hot mess.

However . . .


This should help "frame" this issue that threatens to further erode confidence in County Government . . . Yes, that's still possible . . .

1. Jackson County Legislator Crystal Williams has done NOTHING but send out form data and smile for the cameras - Seriously, her district has been hardest hit and all she's doing is e-mailing links like a blogger. I thought we expected "reform" from this politico???

2. Opportunity Knocks For Jackson County Candidates In The Legislature - Yes, we know there is a great deal of shuffling and this property tax mess just might have consequences at the ballot box or at least among hopeful contenders making life harder for these politicos.

3. Property Tax Opponents Earn Talking Points - Among Conservatives - This Democratic Party District Ruckus is a PRIME example of local FAIL and maybe a need for a massive overhaul of the system.

4. Software FAIL - Somebody other than TKC should write more thoughtfully on the software that has failed Jackson County and how the "Certificate Of Value" variable has been exploited by politicos and seriously compromised all of their data.

5. This Property Tax mess is political and not economic - More than anything Jackson County finances have been exposed as inherently political and having very little foundation in the real world or even the real estate world.

We hope this presents the issue properly as we credit KICK-ASS TKC TIPSTERS for breaking this story earlier in the month.


  1. Crystal destroyed her credibility when she associated herself as Theresa Garza Ruiz's pet monkey.

  2. The Test of Leadership5/31/13, 6:34 AM

    How does Crystal feel about the Klan rally at Missouri Town, scheduled for September 14?


    1. The Test of Leadership?
      What an inappropriate use of a perfectly good racial slur by an ignorant Klansman.
      Shouldn't the last word of your inane comment read, ( Moon Crickets) ?

  3. 6:34

    How does she feel about the thousands of Black on White hate crimes every year that Eric Holder will not prosecute?

    You dumb fuck. Canned beer and 60 white boys bar b queing and you go straight to the fucking well.

    How does she feel about Harry Stone and the thousands of rapes by blacks on whites that the MSM will not cover?

    How does she feel about dumbfucks like you who have sold America's future down the toilet so you can sing Kimbaya with criminals and enablers?

  4. Is the Jackson County picnic promoter trying to push a story by being ironic.

    It's not working.

  5. Ralph Monaco has been punked by some White Supremacist groups to front a rally "remembering" that nasty Union government being mean to Confederate sympathizers who were terrorizing the population of the Free State. Maybe he was not punked. Maybe his a racist with a hood and sheet-wear in his closet. Would not be surprised. The man is dumb as a bag of rocks and provides proof by flapping his jaws.

  6. Mickey has trouble

  7. Sanders rubber stamp Legislature cannot get him out of this one.

  8. Spyke must be a fucking Nigger, which means he will never be worth a bag of shit until he is under the ownership and ocntrol of a White man again. Or you are a nigger-loving liberal who is ashamed of your own life. FUCK YOU!

    The rally scheduled for September 14 at Missouri Town will enlighten young people of the hate and filthy nigger-loving shit that ruined this country in the mid-19th century. We will not go away. We will not be quiet. We will rule again and this Confederation of God Fearing States will once againg be a shining city on the hill.

    It all starts on September 14 at Missouri Town with a proud Rebel Yell!

  9. 5/31/13, 7:16 AM

    You Goddamn pansey! Ralph is just fine. He knows where society's bread is buttered and that does not come from some nappy headed race that smells funny in the rain. Ralph Monaco is a great American who understands that theis is a White country basking under God.

  10. Does anyone know what the rules are about being armed in Jaxco Parks? It seems to me that if there is an Anti-Second Amendment Rule we should take the opportunity to protest that too in September.

  11. Those kkk post won't help Sanders people are watching

  12. Watch out Jackson County I think you got caught.

  13. I could see Sanders in a robe and pointy hat as long as he thought it could all stay secret.

  14. Enforcement of Order #11 the first step to a Kenyan "president".5/31/13, 9:30 AM

    To those who do not yet have the information on the celebration of the Confederacy and a lament for the Niggeredization of America by hosting a memorialization to spit on the memory of Order Number 11 and its horrid attack on White culture, property and pride. Those who treasure the memory of Traditional America and want to see it restored, please come and rally at:

    Saturday, September 14, 2013
    Missouri Town 1855 (near Lake Jacomo)Enforcement of Order #11. This will be an all-day event at Missouri Town 1855 (9:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.) and it will be followed by a candlelight tour during the evening scheduled from 6:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m.

  15. When we control the history we control the truth! I am glad this is being done.

  16. Mike should clean up his house before the Feds do.

  17. Jackson County for years has been corrupt in their tax dept it how the Executive raises money by helping those who are rich and need it the least.

  18. 5/31/13, 9:50 AM

    That would mean firing "Cal" Williford, or turning him over to the FBI.

  19. Wait until they look at Eastern Jackson County.

  20. Emperor of Blue Springs5/31/13, 11:10 AM

    I am looking forward to this rally at MO Town

  21. I'm looking forward to it too, but the fuck-heads in Jesse Jackson County will probably fuck it up. They do everything else!


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